Reviews for Ratchet: Sent to the Past
Cortana Hansen chapter 4 . 2/26/2019
Hahaha! Poor Ratchet! Yes, how did you get yourself into this mess? Lol! :) I'm kinda hoping that there will be a catfight (pun fully intended) between Vanessa and Rachel. If there is, here's to hoping that Vanessa wins!
Cortana Hansen chapter 3 . 2/26/2019
Yay, Ratchet got some action! :) Also, William, you are one crazy Lombax (in a good way)!
Cortana Hansen chapter 2 . 2/26/2019
Another good chapter. Only thing is... how did Vanessa know Ratchet was going to forget his wrench? Also, when it comes to dialogue, I suggest not saying "Ratchet said" and "Vanessa asked" all the time. Sometimes you can write dialogue starting out that way, but then... well, here's an example, because I don't really know how to explain this:

Vanessa answered, "Of course we will. You need a weapon, remember?"

"Yes, I remember," Ratchet replied.

"We need to go meet another friend. And he'll make a ship for you."

"Alright. Let's go meet him."

So by doing this, the structure of the story will feel less repetitive, and flow more easily. Believe me when I say I had the same problem when I first started out writing fanfiction. I've gotten better, but I still need a ways to go in terms of my writing.

One last thing, instead of saying "4 weeks" or "5 minutes", etc., try using the word versions of the numbers. So it would be written as "four weeks" and "five minutes."

Anyway, looking forward to the next chapter! :)
Cortana Hansen chapter 1 . 2/26/2019
Interesting premise, and aside from the fact that the dialogue seems a little... corny at times (also, Clank tends to speak more formally and doesn't really use contractions), I'd say you're off to a pretty good start. Grammatical structure is good. I'd like to point out that the one sentence should be like this: "I was on my way home," not "I was a on my way home." Other than that, I didn't spot a single spelling error.

All in all, good job! :)
Misue chapter 1 . 2/11/2019
Oooh... This is a good one and I can already see it! A ratchet fanfic where he goes back to fastoon, Sign me up! I also have a few things you could add : things like lombax culture or celebrations, I know this stuff seems small but it adds so much! I'm just waiting for you to type up chapter 3.
