Reviews for Growls and Yells
Guest chapter 1 . 11/11/2019
I like your idea, here. Very cleverly done.
ch.charlie chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
RaptorStar207 chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
This is a very interesting fanfic.
grimmjow6espada chapter 1 . 6/17/2019
This story is absolutely amazing, I like the way you respected the characters' personality, especially Toothless'. Stubbornness is really something among humans and dragons. Thank you for your work, I'm glad I've read it.
CrazyGamer313 chapter 1 . 5/10/2019
so good one shot a bit confusing at some parts but that could be because im not nativley english so yeah keep up the good work cheers
L'assassin orange chapter 1 . 3/14/2019
Unique indeed. It also makes the scene of Forbidden Friendship even more heart-warming, for Toothless to actually take such a risk after all his emotional pains. Thank you for the liver-warming story!
SidheWolf5 chapter 1 . 2/12/2019
"Idiotic mammal." Oh gods! Oh no! I'm dying here! "Head feels like a Gronckle sat on it," that same voice complained. "A large, fat Gronckle who steals rocks from the other Gronckles." Bwahahahahahaha!
"I wish I could talk to and hear you," it moaned. "You deserve this gift. It is wasted on your Sire." Perfectly done! Hiccup would also appreciate it as much as Toothless would, and make the most of it to increase their already phenomenal understanding get even closer.
"...There is no way for you to get what you want here." Go Astrid! Woohoo! I love how Astrid is telling Stoick all the things he doesn't seem to get but needs to understand. She has learned well!
(If you haven't read it yet, you might enjoy "The Terrible Terror of Stoick the Vast" by Luki Dimension. The only similarity between it and your fic is Stoick talking to dragons. The way it's accomplished, however... Well, that really is another story. Yours is still very unique and wonderful! I'm only mentioning it because you mentioned that you've never seen a fic where Stoick talks with Toothless and I thought you might find it fun. It's the only one [besides yours now] that I've seen.)
Very well done! Bravo!
Smoe05 chapter 1 . 2/11/2019
Well that was unexpected and rather satisfying, Gothi has a gift indeed. I always have a sense of weariness when Toothless or other dragons are given speech as it can often deafening us to the traits that make the dragons truely remarkable, in that they have many human like qualities including depth comprehension or more they are highly intelligent but are still fire breathing reptiles and are not afraid to show it. Here it marks as the tool to build the bond between Stoick and Toothless taking into account their past reflecting on the new future of peace. A past that is by your design granted, I will discuss soon.
Toothless’ dialogue is so fulfilling, not only does it show the depth of his linguistic skills and surrounding lore but that of your own. It’s poetic, steeped in precision and still has every inch of sass oozing with the words.
Next, Stoick’s hostility here may be undue in light of the first movie’s ending but at the same time, the adjustment period and Hiccup’s time in unconsciousness can lead to the question of what happened between them during that period; that which you have explored.
Still, my main critique is Stoick and his personality, it’s the same aspect of his character that many people focus on; dominance and power. Stoick asserts his power in the film’s on manipulation on mutual interest over direct dictatorship. He doesn’t order his people for one last search before the winter, he creates an ultimatum at the expense of Hiccup’s disposition. He does order Hiccup to remain grounded and further send the riders back to Berk in the second film but on the grounds of potential war, a real threat to them all. In that regard, he choices are with the village as a whole in mind.
My next point... I’ll take this story with a grain of salt; you’re the writer, creative choices are yours and Toothless ‘back story’ was designed to outweigh and challenge Stoick, it served a distinct purpose. Nonetheless, point two is the continuity; Toothless at this point is only around 15; Valka makes note of Toothless being Hiccup’s age in the second film and then there is another point but I do not know if you have seen the Hidden World so I will exercise silence on the small detail. It is important to note however.
In the end, a well written and crafted story, awesome work. :D
Razor95 chapter 1 . 2/10/2019
Truly a magnificent story!

You are right. Let our minds go where they may for future stuff.

But this stuff was great! stoick and toothless at logger heads each with thier own ideas on hiccup and his future. Both coming from difficult places but with stoick being his usual misguided self. His fear and regret And jealousy were expertly captured. Him facing up to toothless' revelations about hiccups neglect and him having to find a new way through things.

Toothless was so cool. Fierce charming sarcastic and willing to anything it took to ensure his boys happiness and willing to compromise for the best. Loved his different shades and being able to outhink stoick more than once.

Astrid was brilliant too. Even so young she is so strong and fearless. Twas great how she anticipated the result of stoicks plotting and was ready to support hiccup no matter what. Great writing.

Wonderful character study of everyone involved told in a super engrossing way. Top notch stuff!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/8/2019
I loved it are you going to make another one ?
OnyxPhantom chapter 1 . 2/8/2019
Wow, that certainly a deep story. Far different from all of the other one's on "what happens when Hiccup was out after the red death." 10/10, excellent story.
SuperFan.Tastico chapter 1 . 2/8/2019
This is great! We as readers are always denied stories about Toothless with anyone but Hiccup- which really isn't fair. To anyone.
I loved reading it! It's so unique and well-written, and that is exactly what we all look for on this site.
Anorptron chapter 1 . 2/7/2019
This is so good! Thank you for writing!
JustANormalHTTYDFan chapter 1 . 2/7/2019
Bravo, this is unique. Of all the people to be able to talk to Toothless, Stoick was not the one I expected. And Toothless' past...unique, different.

If I had to rate this from 1 to 10, I'd say 8.3 to 8.9, its not I Hear Him Scream levels of emotion but that's because its just a one shot, so yeah, still pretty good though.

I also had an idea for a one-shot you could do, so if you want to hear the idea/suggestion then I'll tell you.
toothlessgolfer chapter 1 . 2/7/2019
This is a bit different. Well done!

Most ‘talking’ Toothless scenes are obviously H&T. Stoick is a bit different. Sure, he had his ‘Thank you for saving my son’ moment, but that does not mean that he and the Fury are best buddies just like that. Having an overprotective Fury hanging around certainly could be a bit annoying, especially if said Fury has a bit of an attitude. They have to find some way to come to a balance between them. Another well done Toothless-Stoick bonding scene (with Toothless able to write out answers) is in Athenaeum’s Broken.

Leave it to the Elder to use the ‘favor of the Gods’ to teach a lesson. Good to see that Stoick finally came around, even if he did let his temper and stubbornness almost ruin everything again. When the mute old mystical lady speaks, you know something is going to happen. Gobber acting as the translator and transport was priceless as usual.

The other key difference is that here Toothless has a very solemn backstory and an explanation for how he came to be the last of his kind. That does make Hiccup almost like a hatchling to him (per his wounded father's heart), but also an equal at the same time. An odd dynamic in ways, but they will make it work (they already did in another AU - IHTR).