Reviews for The Complexities of Human Interaction
Fickle By Nature chapter 10 . 8/29/2019
I really enjoyed your use of Hikari in this story. She felt appropriately grounded in the turmoil a normal teenage girl would experience when placed out of her depth, while also observing the shifts in the public/private personas of the other Children and Misato. Great work, as usual.
Alyr Lin chapter 2 . 11/7/2016
Thanks for the chapter.
Alyr Lin chapter 1 . 11/7/2016
Retroactive thank you for the chapter!
dsty292 chapter 10 . 2/23/2013
Incredibly human, you definitely hit on the exact tones you mentioned in your notes. Also, Hikari and her "Excess Baggage" rounded out each chapter really nicely. Although I have to say my favorite parts were your little digs at Ryoma, even if it really has very little to do with Eva at all, haha.
Raven chapter 10 . 9/15/2009
Any plans to complete this story? or it is as good as death.
Tetris Ex Machina chapter 10 . 9/1/2009
Great story!
Alyr Lin chapter 6 . 11/29/2008
Even if I haven't reviewed this chapter, I would like to apologize, i'm going through all your stories and rereading them. I gotta say the "Hikari Excess Baggage" is great humor for the fact you have the evangelion cast as actual actors on a set. Its great... brings some realism to it.. sorta. Great chapter, I still find the way characterize any anime character very well and subtly well at that!
IVIaedhros chapter 10 . 6/16/2008
Hikari seems to the be great white hope of your stories...she's the normal outsider looking into the madhouse and sometimes, sometimes she steps in, sometimes she even comes close to saving someone...but in the end, she's still on the outside.
IVIaedhros chapter 2 . 6/16/2008
Glad to see this off to such a good start. Hikari deserves more attention than she gets, though she is admittedly a very minor player in the series.
NemesisZero chapter 10 . 5/23/2008
An interesting fic, and one that truly stands out from many of your others. I could have done without the outtakes (when reading several chapters in a row they really blow the mood, so I had to start skipping them) but I guess baybe you were feeling guilty about the gloomy feel of the story overall... which makes no sense, really, compared to many of your other stories. Hmm. Odd.
NemesisZero chapter 1 . 5/23/2008
Minor problem - the doors inside the apartment don't have locks. Asuka specifically complains about the lack of a lock on her room's door in episode 9 when she moves in.
RudePropeht chapter 10 . 9/2/2007
Like the ending for the anime, this was a perfect ending for this story because it stuck to its original idea to the end.
RudePropeht chapter 9 . 9/2/2007
Yes, perverts are happy.
RudePropeht chapter 8 . 9/2/2007
lol! Great "Deleted Scene" or "Excess Baggage."
RudePropeht chapter 7 . 9/2/2007
Yay for Shinji. Holding a girl's hand.
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