Reviews for Testing
Bongoblue chapter 58 . 4/10
beautiful story! i couldn't put it down
NoilyPrat chapter 58 . 2/6
Ahhhhhh... such a satisfying ending. I like!
So assuming this is finished? Feels that way, although top doesn't say so.
NoilyPrat chapter 45 . 2/6
Love the banter myself. Interesting on who would win - Demon Knight or Demon killing Sam
NoilyPrat chapter 7 . 2/5
No, you don't have John hate. For which I'm really grateful for. Liking the story.
Question? What's the numbers at the bottom? 57/360 ?
Black Fungus chapter 58 . 1/5
I liked the ending. I wish Cass was there but he must have had something to do. :)
Black Fungus chapter 45 . 1/5
I liked the brother banter. I liked they could talk about demon blood drinking a joke about it.
Black Fungus chapter 44 . 1/5
I would so be in Vegas! Wheres Cass? Oh, sorry Uncle Cass.
sjwmaw chapter 58 . 1/1
Domestic bliss :) Hope it lasts!
Mezita chapter 58 . 1/1
Thank for this delight of a story! See you on the other stories that you write or will write. XOXO! And yes the Winchesters need a retirement ;)
vrskaandrea chapter 58 . 1/1
Great work on this story. I am glad you chose to give the boys a close to a happily ever after as they are gonna get. The writers certainly won't do that.
I loved this story and it has been one interesting ride.
Happy New Year, and I can't wait for the new set of the 366, this year. Lol
Blondie 20000 chapter 58 . 1/1
Happy New Year. The ending is perfect. Nice to see a happy ending for a change. Lol I'm imagining Dean in a dress now.

Great story really enjoyed it.
bingos-gal chapter 58 . 12/31/2019
Chapters 57 & 58 are actually the same!
Mezita chapter 57 . 12/21/2019
Or is it?... sorry but I feel like Millie is going to take Jack's place with the season 14 finale...
Wolfgirl2013 chapter 57 . 12/21/2019
Blondie 20000 chapter 57 . 12/21/2019
Aww surrogate son. Nice to see they are gonna settle down. The banter hilarious.
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