Reviews for RWBY Movies: Watching the Multiverse
WolfMaster2020 chapter 16 . 9/8
I think a better cast for John Wick 1 would be

Qrow Branwen as John Wick
Winter Schnee as Helen Wick
Ozpin as Winston
Glynda Goodwitch as Charon
Cinder Fall as Viggo Tarasov
Mercury Black as Iosef Tarasov
Emerald Sustrai as Perkins
Leonardo Lionheart as Marcus
Sky Lark as Avi
Sun Wukong as Aurelio
Russell Thrush as Victor
Dove Bronzewing as Gregori
And Kali Belladonna as Addy

I think this is a better take on John Wick. No offense to the other person who suggested it.
4N0N1M0US 4UTH0R UNKN0WN chapter 1 . 9/1
Remember my request to make them watch John Wick Chapter 1? I really want you to do that.

and these are the characters i want they are to play.

qrow branwen as john wick
summer rose as helen wick
taiyang xiao long as marcus
jacques schnee as viggo tarasov
whitley schnee as losef tarasov
ozma/ozpin as winston
theodore as charon
cinder fall as
hei junior xiong as aurelio
james ironwood as jimmy the police officer
henry marigold as victor
cardin winchester as kiril
dove bronzewing as avi
forest as charlie the cleaner
shiro wan as harry
lil'miss as addy

while rest of cast, i think keep them as original character from movie okay!

i hope you can make this as full movie but if you only can make one or two scene it's fine.

good luck, and see you in the next chapter.
Anonymous Guest chapter 1 . 8/23
i want you do something.

make them watching john wick but with qrow branwen as the main character (i recomend you to read wattpad fic title RWBY's Universal Trailer; Chapter 9, Chapter 17, and Chapter 37)

summer's reaction is gonna be so epic if she gonna be see something like that.

Summer: Oh my OUM! qrow you are so great and so cool! i very want married with man like you

Qrow: really?!

Summer: Not you Qrow, but that Qrow branwen

Ruby: im also hope, have a great father like that Qrow Branwen too!

qrow only can just fell very hurt and sad, while other just can laugh him

4N0N1M0US 4UTH0R UNKN0WN chapter 16 . 8/24
can you make them watch john wick chapter 1.

I have suggestions on which characters the cast will replace.

john wick qrow branwen
helen wick summer rose
viggo tarasov jacques schnee
losef tarasov whitley schnee
aurelio hei 'junior' xiong
marcus mercury black (but with qrow as the mentor and mercury as the student)
emerald sustrai
winston ozpin
charon theodore (character from novel RWBY Before the Dawn)
harry shirou wan (
kiril cardin winchester
victor henry marigold
avi shay d. man
jimmy sun wukong
addy miltia malachite

if you've watched the film then you already know exactly what characters i mean.

for the rest character you can keep change with your or movie original character.

and bring more cast and character from remnants to your cinema.

especially the characters that have been mentioned to play the film.

for example :
-all the happy huntresse member
-all the team sssn member
-all the team crdl member
-all the team cfvy member
-henry marigold
-and also another team like team ndgo, abrn, fnki, brnz

and in the end, have them react to be the best reaction ever!.

one last suggestion, why not just start with the trailer for the film.

(I also hope you pair qrow and summer and make winter jealous.)

okay see you in next chapter (because i follow your story right now)
Guest chapter 6 . 8/21
This is very cringeworthy. Sorry kid.
Guest chapter 6 . 8/11
Eh, read better.
dcfer chapter 16 . 8/5
Please do a RWBY-fied version of Ninja Batman battle of the field of hell. Wanna see how they react to edo period giant robot and the lord joker megazord.
dragoon109 chapter 1 . 7/29
no silver eyes will not work.
acedragoon chapter 16 . 7/27
don't mess with the zohan just an idea that go to my head while watching it while reading your story just a suggestion
ilikefreedom chapter 1 . 7/22
Great first chapter, I like where this is going.
Theanimemaster9000 chapter 16 . 7/22
Have you ever thought about using Corpse party with Jaune as Kizami and Velvet or Ruby as Yuka's role?
Guest 679 chapter 16 . 7/20
That's a nice ending for everyone. Though I feel like making the Brother Gods enemy seems unfair and rather bias. They didn't start the war between Salem and Ozpin, were they involved, yes. But did they start it, no. Heck, if anything while they have done bad it feels like you put all the blame on them for no good reason. Pretty messed up.
Renegade Mac N' Cheese chapter 16 . 7/21
About Writer's Block, I completely understand. I'm currently under that as well. ;
zompocalyps chapter 16 . 7/20
well this chapter convinced me that this fic isn't worth following anymore so goodbye and Goodluck
Ze Boi chapter 15 . 7/20
Using a different chapter to write a second review
The chapter wasn't objectively bad, it might have been for some, but SUBJECTIVELY
The chapter is just a wee different from a normal chapter, but not in a bad way, because if it was objectively bad and shouldn't have been written... Well, then you're saying this about all fairytales in the world, because fairytales contain everything that makes the chapter "bad"
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