Reviews for Reincarnated As A Sith
Kulha chapter 38 . 7/21
Are you going to change people that get born due to the MC's acts or go with the easy path and have everyone that was in the original story born even though there's practically 0 chance of that happening if this really happened?
Rapidnoob chapter 38 . 7/20
Will Qui-Gon show up in some of next chapters or he'll be back at the beggining of the Phantom Menace?
javi30 chapter 38 . 7/19
very good chapter.
I have certainly enjoyed it.
keep writing.
Blessings and good health to you and your loved ones.
AO Black chapter 38 . 7/18
Great chapter, but I find the Melisandra dislike for the reason given strange. Shireen was only burned in the show, the Real Mannis won't burn his daughter. Honestly, butchering Stannis's character like that should've been warning enough of D&D's ineptitude.
Bakuto Masaki chapter 38 . 7/18
Hmm... What people be good Clone Templates for Naraiz's army other then Jango Fett... Not like he has the DNA of famous people threw out history in his ship's cargo hold.
LordMaster123 chapter 38 . 7/17
Let me start by saying that i actually like your work and respect the time and effort that you put into this story, through worldbuilding and character creation such as the OC of darth nagash and others. But with all due respect, 1 arc outside of westeros was already too much time away from the main crossover story but i am not(i repeat) not demanding you focus more on here and there, i'm just stating an opinion. This story for me is like going to a pizzeria for pizza and instead they serve me the largest bowl of the best ramen in the world, its delicious and i greatly appreciate it, but i want pizza. Anyways great chapter and i hope to read the next one soon
dragon slayer of death 98 chapter 38 . 7/17
i really want tsundere fay to join the harem, she is great
ZhaWarudo chapter 38 . 7/17
haha I'm guessing that's not canon Fae personality, I guess it's alright for now.
dan.lew.upg chapter 38 . 7/17
keep it up so excited cant wait for more
Black Magic99 chapter 38 . 7/17
will danny be his daughter?

R was definatly his own version of crazy. it takes a special kind of psycho to leave your wife and two children for a 14-15 year old, not tell anyone, start and fight a war (with ended his family dynasty), leave said girl pregnant and under guard with no medical help, all or a prophecy that has been misinterpreted numerous times and (at least in the show) wasnt even true! so yeah R is crazy

Wait since the faceless men are gone will we not get our happy murder child arya? ... or arya could become jaesa's apprentice, i think they get along once they get to that point

you have in interesting arrangement here. you have two completly different stories going on in tandem and they share a MC that cant be in both at the same time

i mean he is already an elemental, how hard would it be to create an earth clone or something? use the force to map his own brain then copy the imprint else were, one loyalty/slave spell to ensure no evil clone and you have someone who thinks like you, but is also works in your own interest
frankieu chapter 38 . 7/16
nice chapter thx for writing it
interesting little tid bit about the moss wonder what fun weapons he can build from that
S0UL SURVIVOR chapter 38 . 7/16
Where are the toasters you have promised us?
Starlord Master chapter 38 . 7/16
Too cool.
GoldenChains911 chapter 37 . 7/10
One of the best Star Wars and GoT crossovers I’ve read
Zurver chapter 30 . 7/9
LMAO Crazy Karen elder god
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