Reviews for RWBY: Book of Thieves
keno02013 chapter 11 . 7/17
Please update soon.
Guest chapter 11 . 7/5
When is the next chapter coming out?
Stardust Pie chapter 2 . 6/10
1. That story about Summer's death... must... avoid... sobbing...
2. Oscar!
foxchick1 chapter 11 . 5/28
I hope for more soon.
Guest chapter 11 . 4/20
This is brilliant, the way you’ve merged the two stories in a way that makes sense, not just copy pasting characters on top of others, you put the rwby characters in the roles of certain sly characters yet giving them relationships, personal stories, and personalities that make sense for the rwby characters in those roles. All while putting in your own personal flair. I love it. Everything is just brilliant. I hope you update soon.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/15
I love this, plain and simple, this is amazing.
CaptViper2100 chapter 11 . 2/25
And so begins the next chapter...great work so far mate! I love how you combine comedy, action and a plot based off the first Sky Cooper Game but still put plenty of your own stuff in and make it something entirely new! I think it’s awesome that Emerald and Mercury are only friendly rivals and not enemies to the Rose gang in this cause it adds a lot more comedic moments and more allies in taking down the Grimm! I’m assuming Cinder would probably be the last person Ruby needs to take out (it could be Salem but I have a better felling towards Cinder). Coming up with series aside, I think it’s cool that Jaune while remaining his clumsy goofy self like at the start of the original series is gonna start helping the gang! And I also like how Yang got Junior to let her have the base in his “current” bar...she’s totally gonna end up trashing the place at some point and I love it :)! Anyway sorry for the long review but I like what your doing here and I also like what you’ve done with you Akko and seven stars Harry Potter thing (and I look forward to what you have planned for that as well) so keep up the amazing work and I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 11 . 2/20
Never has a fic made made so excited or laugh like this since the mha Sam and max fic, I love it and sly cooper and your writing of this fic
gordhanx chapter 11 . 2/12
Hah. I see what you did with the title. Very cute XD . It's time to take on Tyrian, and for that we've got to head to the desert. And this time around, Jaune & Zwei are joining them. I thought we would be saving those teams ups until part 3, so it was great seeing them happening so soon. Good job on Tyrian's revised origins. There's still his serial killer roots, as recently revealed, but having him start out as a professional hunter, was a great touch. And the new setting, was a great match for him, as Tyrian wouldn't be the hiding type, and would rather stick to somewhere, he can kill without fear of getting caught. It's more crowded, lively and it has criminals at almost every corner. Perfect for him. And it makes for a more dangerous location, than Watts' old hideout. We get some more fun group dynamics, as the teams split up, for different missions. Yang & Weiss go look for a hideout, or at least Yang does while Weiss wanders in agony, eventually settling down, at a local tavern.…owned by Junior. Because who else was it going to be? I'm really looking forward, to seeing more of him here. Especially, if he's going to lend his place out, to RWBY, with them having to do some odd jobs for him. Blake & Jaune meanwhile, go to learn more about Tyrian & his new base.…with the latter being treated by a dog, in front of the actual dog. But info doesn't come cheap around these parts, so the trio must turn to a rather risky means of gaining info…gambling. And as luck would have it, Tyrian's looking for a new cook. How fortunate then, that they happen to have, a master chef on their team…and a poker master as well. Too bad, the lad couldn't keep his winnings. Lastly Ruby, is out scouting, and comes across and very interesting find. An emblem from the Branwen clan. Left by her old rival, Emerald Sustrai! Again, was not expecting to see her this early. Not that I'm complaining mind you, it's always neat to see more RWBY characters. Interesting choice, having her & Merc be old friends of theirs this time around. Anyway, looks like we've got our next three chapters, along with a few more hints, to how the story will go from here. Looking forward to it.
Matt22152 chapter 10 . 2/12
Okay, I know Chibi Tai is completely useless and disaster prone, but regular Tai can't be that bad, and just being curious did the gang get their stuff back, like their favorite foods, Blake's books, Weiss' servers, and did Yang get that radiator?. Personally I would love to tell this Tai that he is useless so he would realize his errors and just don't do anything
yevg chapter 11 . 2/10
So Jaune have the development
chacter of Murray or I'm think so.
Shadow Joestar chapter 11 . 2/10
KO awesome chapter, Ruby and the Gang have arrived to find Tyrian in the city of criminals and Blake has found intel on how to find the guy and hopefully Jamie’s cooking skills will please. And it was awesome seeing Jaune as a great gambler as Yang will lose him if they ever play cards, and cool that Emerald and Mercury are friends. I hope to see Cinder soon and Sun.
SulliMike23 chapter 11 . 2/10
I hope that friendly rivalry doesn’t turn sour.
Luckenhaft chapter 10 . 2/3
So in this universe Tai's the one with the Bad Luck Semblance.

Except his affects everyone around him instead of just him.

Why don't they just throw him at Grimm and watch the fireworks?

I a
gordhanx chapter 10 . 2/1
Well ain't this a treat. A chapter just one day before the finale. Let's dive in. Team RWBY is riding high from their victory, and decide to celebrate at their lair. Since this is going to be, the main hub world in-between missions, you did a nice job establishing it as a wholesome place, along some more of RWBY friends, that they hang out with, when everything's done. But their relaxation is brought to a halt, when they've discovered an intruder…Taiyang! Aww yeah, I'm so happy he's here. Tai's one of my favorite characters in RWBY, and it's a delight seeing his dorky ass here. But it's not just him. We've also got Jaune, with a nice introduction to how they met, and a good nod to his Joan of Arc roots, and the sweetest Corgi in the whole wide world, Zwei. Loved seeing more of their friends here. Unfortunately, this Tai's a bit more of a…screw up this time around, in desperate need of a place to stay, thus they're forced to expand their living quarters. As you can imagine, this quickly starts to wain on RWBY's nerves (especially Yang's XD ), as he soon goes full on dad, much to their horror. Healthy food, Invasion of Privacy, destruction of property and of course, the Fixer! Though, on a more interesting note, I wasn't expecting the Emerald mention. I'm sure that'll be expanded upon later, but if you're implying that she & the kids used to be friends…oh boy, is that going to make for an interesting reunion. Finally everything comes crashing down, when Tai accidentally exposes Ruby during one of her heists. Man, Tai I love you, but you're supposed to be smarter then this dang it! On a different note though, it was great seeing the Ace-Ops making cameos as members of the police. Basically everyone agrees that Tai has to go, and fortunately, they know just where to send him. Interpol! Well, when you have such a perfect opportunity, why not take advantage of it XD . This was a really fun filler chapter. Mostly comedic, but with some good character introductions and set up. Looking forward, to seeing RWBY taking on Tyrian.

Side Note: I notice that, you specifically refer Tai as being Yang dad. Not Ruby's. Makes me wonder who that is. Maybe, we'll go with the old theory, and make Qrow her are father. Would make sense, given this world's setting.
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