Reviews for To Heal A Soul
Dark Lord Link chapter 1 . 2/16/2019
Oh where do I start?

I'm so glad I asked you to write this. The detail you put into it is just perfect (Not too much, not too little!)

As usual, the way you portray Ivy and her current circumstance is just awesome, and Link is written as well as you always write him! The bond you were able to forge with these two is difficult to pull off in just 6k words, but I believe you did well to establish their prior friendship as best as you can, without going writing a history book to do it!

I get that this idea was a difficult one for you to make happen, but I'm VERY pleased with how it turned out! Thanks for writing this, another well done piece, GrimGrave!
Maximess chapter 1 . 2/15/2019