Reviews for Guardians of Yokai Academy
YeagerMeister31 chapter 8 . 18h
Well, that was a nice end sux about Itachi but oh well can't wait for the sequel.
Autobot-Wolfsketch chapter 8 . 9/22
I really enjoyed this story I am very much still looking for the sequel to the story and I am curious as to what will happen and I actually like the concept of Naruto becoming the Headmaster if anything happens to Mikogam and I could not stand tsukune's cousin Kyoko at all in this. Either way again I look forward to the sequel.
ChaosGodLizea chapter 8 . 9/22
Fuck kyoko. All my homies hate kyoko.
DarkShadowRaven chapter 8 . 9/22
Hey. That was a sudden end but I liked the twist and that it's moving out of the academy since it was getting repetitive.
I am actually happy with those arguments. It really does feel like Moka and Naruto had a big hand in Tsukune's death. Both in the story and in the manga's canon.

I hope you get better. I assume you have some things to keep your occupied like a job or other hobbies like reading and writing. I hope you get better soon. Take care of yourself, don't hold all your problems in. Get well soon.
LoamyCoffee chapter 8 . 9/22
I'm sorry to her that, hope you can get better meds.
Not surprised about Kyoko's behavior, she always struck me as the type to make decisions on the barest info and be stubborn about it. I imagine she may join Fairy Tale to get vengeance on Naruto if you decided to include her in the sequel.
Excellent job on the story, and looking forward to the next one!
FenreldStormblade chapter 8 . 9/22
amazing story my friend. nice little cliffhanger to keep people interested for the sequel. I wonder if you will be adding Konan to the growing harem?
Dragoul Mayol chapter 8 . 9/22
I hope you start writing it soon, it is a good story to end just like that. I am wondering if you are going to add some NARUTO female characters to the harem? Like Fu or someone else.
Guest chapter 8 . 9/22
I can't wait to read the sequel.
waytodawn0 chapter 8 . 9/22
I hope you manage to get yourself whatever you need. Great chapter and great end to this story.
OmnipotentNinjaHein chapter 8 . 9/22
man I know how you feel but the way I got through my suicidal thoughts was by thinking of how it would effect your loved ones and reading lots of jokes trust me that's the way I got better without going to the psychiatrist (we didn't have the money) and being positive (even if it is difficult) believe me I had episodes so bad my family had to tie me to a chair and gag me(so I can't bite of my tongue) I got myself a few hobbies (ex. reading fanfiction, listen to metal and watching anti suicide videos) but I different mental illnesses than you so I can't say that it will take it away from you but from one guy to another please try this you've got nothing to lose
Elchabon chapter 8 . 9/22
A good and interesting ending, at least for this part.
Very good chapter, thanks for the update.
With so many great stories it's hard to decide which one to ask you to continue but my favorites at the moment are DxD and HOTD.
Good luck and get better. My best wishes.
Edrick Twilight Legend chapter 8 . 9/22
This was a magnificent story and one that was written so well i loved every single aspect of it and so i eagerly await the sequel but at the same time im concerned for your health and do recommend that you get some rest before you attempt to start on the sequel so that you can write it with a clearer head and better health.

Thanks and get some rest before writing the sequel to this magnificent story.
surssurs1111 chapter 8 . 9/22
kazutoxx123 chapter 8 . 9/22
You have done well writing this fanfiction.
Rebmul chapter 8 . 9/22
congrats on finishing your second story and i look forward to the sequel
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