Reviews for A Matter for Lawyers
Corwyn chapter 2 . 7/21
Excellent story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Biblio388 chapter 1 . 7/1
Very cool. Certainly does raise a lot of points that were hand-waived in canon, so I am enjoying the search for other such things as well.
AzureLazuli chapter 1 . 6/25
Ahhh, this story is delightful :D
SeanHicks4 chapter 2 . 6/24
Pretty interesting, might have to look into some more of your stuff because I feel like it’s way too open ended to end there...probably should check out the Ack103, or whatever screen name it is, since I don’t remember it either.
Temporal Knight chapter 2 . 6/9
Even more amusing than the first chapter if perhaps not quite as mildly serious. The Wards reactions to her were annoying, but sadly fairly canon. Taylor discovering the issues with the Youth Guard were beyond hilarious though!

Also, Fuck Tagg. Much stronger words should be used but I'll settle for the one otherwise I'd give Rocco a run for his money.
Temporal Knight chapter 1 . 6/9
This is fantastic! You have no idea how utterly amusing and awesome it was to read this and watch Tagg/Lexie get owned by *lawyers* of all people! Seriously I need more of this lol. I wish something like this had happened in canon too!

Sidenote: Do you post of SpaceBattles also or just here?
Alehhandro chapter 2 . 6/3
re-reading this once again and hinking how i liked the way you spun the whole shebang.
will there be a chance of this story ever getting a continuation?
ShadowCub chapter 2 . 6/2
Danny didn't try hard enough, I would have called the best lawyer in the country at least to try and help my kid. Yes his prices are probably outrageous but learning this would probably have had him on the first plane smoking.

This is the most satisfying Worm fic I've read in years.

Her joining the wards even tho they and the rest of the PRT/Protectorate is full of bullshit never made any sense, especially for her to essentially betray the Undersiders like Emma did to her for the shitty privilege of working for them.
ShadowCub chapter 1 . 6/2
This is awesome but Taylor's stupid hero boner needed to die.
V01dSw0rd chapter 1 . 5/21
“Where you’re willing to that that just walk out of herethe phrasing sounds weird to me...

I thought Danny signed something that prevented him from suing Winslowthough whether that was under duress or not is up for debate. They were implying charges for ‘assault’ when Taylor was retrieved from the locker, and part of the settlement was they pay the hospital bills...
MarkAntimony chapter 2 . 5/3
This fic made me laugh loud enough to disturb my housemate. Excellent work.
editing chapter 2 . 4/27
incomplete sentence, and murderee isn't a word you should be using:
does a murderer's right to privacy a murderee's right
-does a murderer's right to privacy trump a victim's right
NightWolf0013 chapter 2 . 4/1
I do like this a lot! The concept of sense winning out over brute force appeals to me a great deal, and our Justice system was always intended to protect the citizens, NOT enforce the government.

Also, I suddenly feel like it would be so much simpler to make Talyor a Brockton Bay Justice of the Peace and be done with it. The Courts would define the extent of her authority, and can give her authority to dispense summary justice in certain specific situations as well as create a form of oversight into each of her cases. Just a thought.
Hebi R chapter 2 . 3/7
I enjoyed this a lot.
Reader99 chapter 2 . 2/28
This story was a fun read. I liked it a lot!
Thank you for writing and sharing.
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