Reviews for Reunion
annsan chapter 2 . 3/29
Now this type of return for ziva, I could both read & enjoy. Also I'd far prefer something like this than any BS Binder & company could or would dream up. Since it's obvious they were angling for some type of spy soap storyline. Very well done
Momcat chapter 2 . 4/11/2019
My, it's been a long while since we read a new fanfic from you and I'm glad that I thought of checking on your page. I loved this story where we see Tony and Ziva again. I hated the way Cote suddenly decided to leave the show at the last moment and the scenarists never made her character call the others to say goodbye, that was very disrespectful. And I hated that they created a Tiva child just to make Tiva fans happy. Tony had told the team that he didn't have sex with Ziva while they were in Israel yet a child shows that they did so he lied to his teammates. I can't blame Tony for lying to her about finding another woman. Did she think that he was going to stay a single father for the rest of his life ? It's as if she wasn't giving a damn to his and Tali's feelings. I loved Tim and Delilah talk in binary again, that was hilarious. Hope to find new stories soon. Cheers.
Gail Cregg chapter 2 . 3/21/2019
Perfect how Tony didn't allow Ziva to just waltz back in. Liked the binary between Delilah and Tim. Loved the friendship shown and Tony's reaction was very well written.
Gail Cregg chapter 1 . 3/21/2019
What a brilliant beginning. Love how you decided to write this from Tim's perspective and I think you are spot on with what his thoughts might be.
dpnsp chapter 2 . 3/5/2019
I am happy to admit I am so NOT a Ziva fan. Thanks for these chapters. I loved them. I love the friendship between Tony and Tim. I wish there was a Claudine. Tony deserves to be happy. I'm sure he would be a fantastic single dad though.
lunaz chapter 2 . 3/3/2019
I can picture this happening. Tragic but believable.
mikiss chapter 2 . 3/3/2019
Interesting take on what could happen. I really liked your friendship between Tony and Tim. I think the writers dropped the ball when they seemed to just kill that friendship on the show.
Runewulf chapter 2 . 3/2/2019
That was a good telling of possible events - we haven't seen season 15 her, let alone 16, but I can't imagine a reunion with Tony and Ziva. After so much pain, and Tali - poor little girl,
DS2010 chapter 2 . 3/2/2019
I liked how you had Tony say no to Ziva no matter how much he loves her, after all she did, I am glad he didn't just take her back.
pfyre1 chapter 2 . 3/2/2019
I can honestly say that I had considered no longer watch the mothership NCIS when Tony left. But I hung in there even when they continued with illogic and retcon of the series canon. I hardly care for the characters any more. But "She" was the final straw - all the shut they expect the audience to swallow in regards to past-Ziva was maddening and nauseating. But for the end with Ziva's note?! That was the final straw. I will NOT watch another New episode of the show. I will watch past ones in particular ones with Tony (at least not during that one season where he was the stupidest person alive) and I will watch NOLA. Mark Harmon (the original reason I watched the show) no longer interests me. Thank you for this and I say: "You go, Tony!" He and Tali deserve better than Ziva. Anybody deserve better.
smush68 chapter 2 . 3/2/2019
Thank you for a rational Tiva ending! I was never a fan of how Ziva treated Tony - I want you, I don't want you, you're a clown, my Mossad techniques are better than your ways... I'm glad Tony had some sense, at least in this story, to realize he and Tali deserved better.

Good story!
Rori Potter chapter 2 . 3/2/2019
Runewulf chapter 1 . 2/26/2019
Well, it is very tempting, after that, to want more immediately. However, I'm not Tony and Ziva want to be resurrected characters. OK, will wait for the next bit; well done on the writing but it's hard to picture Tony in a rumpled suit.
DS2010 chapter 1 . 2/24/2019
betting its our Israeli ghost.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/24/2019
I think Tony would be totally furious with Ziva I would be! I don't know if you could forgive someone for whatever their reasons and I'm a huge Tony and Ziva fan. You let your daughter think she's lost her mother
You don't tell her father she exists! The writers really have done a number
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