Reviews for Where Heroes Lie
themuse123 chapter 11 . 7/20
Ooh, this chapter was nerve-wracking as hell, but I'm glad they all found each other relatively quickly. The frozen lake and the path underneath was really cool (ha! get it?) and sorta creepy, like when Merry sees the fish and the shadows in the ice. Also, I'm really, really glad they were able to thaw Quinn out because man, that would've sucked otherwise.
"She could almost hear her old dentist saying, 'This is what happens when you don't floss.'"
"'See how he likes it when I Batista Bomb him off his own fucking tower.' (lol ah the imagery)
"If it came down to it, could she choose between her promise to protect Frodo and looking for Toven?" (something tells me a situation like this might come up in the future, and it might be more painful than this, and if so that's going to sUck...but I'm also interested to see what Quinn would choose to do. I'm guessing Toven would win out, but maybe I'm wrong...)
"I'm running out of air." (ooh fuck no)
"'How does a fish end up frozen at the top of a mountain?" "That sounds like one of the riddles Bilbo used to tell."
"Something was moving towards them at great speed, sending up a wave of snow with its movement." (in my head, the Molduga boss music started playing)
"'Well, shout if you have a better idea,' Toven said, and leapt forward." (it's moments like this that never let you forget he was raised by Quinn)
"She reached the top of the incline and spread her hands. 'Anything else wanna fuck with us today?'" (if that ain't the most relatable scene...)
All of the action in this one was really fun, but I'm afraid for how much darker things are gonna get. Like, I really want them to get out of these mountains but I know there's not much better waiting on the other side. Still, it was a really entertaining chapter, and I'm excited for the next one! :)
themuse123 chapter 10 . 7/13
I absolutely despise the cold so this chapter was a little bit of a personal hell ngl lol I hope Quinn doesn't get separated from the group. Or, you know, isn't separated for long. Honestly this is the part of the story that I never remember what happens after.. (I mean, I remember Moria, and Gandalf fighting the Balrog dude, but after that it's a total blank until basically the end of the movie) So I really have no idea what's going to happen and I'm excited to see it play out.
Quinn's Santa story is hilarious
"Quinn snorted. 'Sorry, it's not funny. Seriously, are you okay?'" (that reminds me of the time I was trying to show off for my friends by skating on the roof after it had iced over, and I ended up banana-peel slipping off the side into this big-ass bush, and they just watched me struggle there for, like, ten minutes)
"'God, it is fucking cold. I'm actually considering lighting myself on fire.'"
"The snow that landed on her didn't melt, and every once in a while she would have to clear off her face and hands to keep herself from being partially buried." (oh god no)
"His footsteps were light enough that he could easily walk on the topmost layer of snow, which Quinn thought was kind of a rude flex in front of the rest of them." (I. FUCKING. LOST. MY. SHIT.)
So aside from the stuff with Moria, I have a feeling things are going to get darker pretty quick, which I'm sad about but I also want to know what's going to happen. (Also I did not know that about the batman thing. The More You Know... lol And I'm really interested in that Dyatlov Pass story. I'll have to look it up because I love creepy shit) Anyway, another great chapter, can't wait for the next! :)
themuse123 chapter 9 . 7/7
I'm worried about when the rest of the Fellowship finds out about Quinn's involvement with Saruman. I know that's not the main concern at the moment, but it just makes me flash back to when the Company found out who she really was. Idk why, but when a character is found out for a lie or omitted truth, it gives me mad anxiety lol Gandalf took it pretty well, though, so maybe I'm worried over nothing. I know a lot worse shit is gonna happen, but anyway.
"He didn't exactly dislike the man, but he'd been toying with the idea of knocking him in the dirt." (lol)
"'Fuck him up, T!' Quinn shouted from the other side of their camp." (best mom award goes to...)
"'Hopefully I won't have to, seeing as we're on the same side.'" (oh..)
"And thankfully Quinn didn't seem to have picked up that he'd left anything out." (oh, so his conversation with Elrond has to do with the blade..? I guess I'll see eventually lol)
Hmm...wondering what that bird was saying, or trying to say, and whether or not Saruman will call Quinn to do something for him. But yeah, I'm enjoying this more stable time while I can because I know shit will probably start going down soon. Excited for the next chapter! :)
themuse123 chapter 8 . 7/2
I said it before, but I'm so glad Quinn is joining the Fellowship. There's so much potential for Bonding and funny shit, and honestly I can't wait to see how close to the edge Quinn can push Gandalf lol
"She was about to come full circle, and it scared her that she didn't know what was going to happen afterwards." (it doesn't feel that long ago that I started reading this series, and this line made me sad and nostalgic for that first chapter)
the "quinn, just the person I wanted to see" "you always say that" "and I always mean it" scene was SO sweet
the fact that Quinn got to say goodbye to Bilbo, and actually had a nice goodbye scene with Thorin (which I personally have been hoping for) was great
"' have to make peace with the fact that you cannot save everyone.'"
"She didn't give off heat like the others, which made the cold harder to deal with." (FUCK that, dude. miserable...)
Quinn talking about Beorn :'(
Really curious to see what Toven and Elrond were talking about. I'm wondering if it has something to do with actual canon, or maybe with Quinn and her fate...? But yeah, I'm really excited for some Fellowship antics! Can't wait for the next chapter :)
themuse123 chapter 7 . 6/24
Well, I didn't see that coming either, but it really works. Aragorn and Quinn really balance each other out as awkward adoptive parents. Also I think you do a good job of characterizing him; to me he's like Thorin in some ways, but less...grouchy? lol
Quinn trying to feed the squirrel (it's just funny to me picturing this badass warrior and that's how they spend their free time)
"'You are not invincible,' he said. 'Do not pretend that you are.'"
I just love Quinn's bravado about taking the Ring to Mordor, like she's so selfless and she's gotten so much braver over the years. Also, god, I just really want to see her Naruto run Frodo into Mordor now..
"'Did you just disappear, did a portal open up, did you jump on a shooting star and fly into the sunset?'" (on god, if this last one is the case, AND she gets to have milkshakes with everyone after Sauron falls, then I might just get carried away on a shooting star myself xD honestly, though, the whole disappearing after the mission is complete thing is making me hella nervous the more the story goes on)
Daeron knowing how Quinn is with horses and just mean-mugging her the whole time is hilarious to me
Toven telling that frog "as you were". the Quinn jumped out.
"'If I had a paraglider, so many things would be different...'" (we get to see if one can simply paraglide into Mordor..)
Idk why the "oh, looks like the river is carrying me away" line just was so hysterical to me, but I keep laughing about it. Anyway, another good chapter, I'm happy to see that Quinn will be going with the Fellowship (at least, barring any complications). I'm a slut for found family too, so I'm eager to see more of that. Can't wait for the next update!
drwatsonn chapter 6 . 6/17
The All Star references...iconic. Especially Aragorn and Quinn arguing over the true quote. I never knew how much I needed that until I read it, so thank you.
Kind of disappointed Quinn wasn't invited to the council, but you're probably right that if she was there, the entire conversation would be derailed. It would take even longer than the book's chapter for them to reach a conclusion lol.
Can't wait to read more!
themuse123 chapter 6 . 6/16
NINJA SEX PARTY OMG. I really shouldn't be surprised, like of course Quinn listens to them (I would sell my soul to see her serenade Arwen with Peppermint Creams, holy shit.) Also I just really need more of her trying to act smooth in front of beautiful women, like yeah, you awkward bastard, you have zero game and it is a goddamn delight.
"Once I tried to trick him into giving me a lifetime ban, so I could be like 'Ha, it doesn't apply anymore because I'm dead...'" (that is some next level pettiness and I kinda want her to terrorize more characters with that concept)
"'I guess I grabbed it as a sort of...contingency plan.'...'Well, this must be important because you rarely have those.'" (Toven is savage on the down low and I love it)
Gimli telling Quinn about the new cart system in Erebor (because it made me think of the scene in AtLA when they're in Omashu and they're riding around in those mail carts, and how much chaos Quinn could cause...)
At first when I read the part where Quinn smokes with the hobbits, I was like "oh thank god they have actual weed there" but then I was like "oh fuck no Quinn can't smoke" and what an emotional roller coaster, man.
"'Your mother has a good heart, but perhaps it's best that we do not entrust the fate of this land with her.'" (we're gonna need some burn cream over here)
Well, I was wondering how the Council meeting was gonna go, because I knew if Quinn was there she would volunteer to take the Ring (and of course get shot down), but I thought it was smart telling that part through Toven's POV (and also smart on Elrond's behalf for not inviting Quinn in the first place lol). I do wonder, though, what effect the Ring would have on her. She's a human in an ancient warrior's body, BUT she's also dead, so...would it still corrupt her? Anyway, another good chapter, and I look forward to the next!
drwatsonn chapter 5 . 6/13
"Speaking of immortal beings who can't stand me, have you seen Gandalf?" asjkdsn I cackled at this line. Also your description of Gandalf drinking the water instead of using it to save Quinn if she was on fire killed me. (And we stan trophy husband Thorin Oakenshield.)
I like the idea of Toven having some Earth phrases from Quinn. Too bad they're not caught up on meme culture rn, but I still find it funny.
And we're getting the Fellowship together! I'm so excited!
themuse123 chapter 5 . 6/9
Yeah, I like Toven's dialogue, I think it's realistic given that he was raised by Quinn, but he's also a child of Middle Earth and heavily influenced by the Rangers and all that. It's kind of like how in the first one, there were a couple scenes where Quinn taught the dwarves (I'm thinking of Ori in particular) some of her expressions and they would use them, but interspersed in Middle Earth dialect. Idk, I think it's cool.
"The gray metal glinted purple in the sunlight, something he'd never seen in any other armor." (okay, good, I thought I was just crazy for picturing purple. I can't remember if you mentioned it before or not, but you must have, because that's always how I imagined it)
"Gandalf usually had a fuse when dealing with her that averaged at two minutes, and she knew when to back off."
"She walked away, and Gandalf muttered something that probably wasn't a heartfelt expression of gratitude." (I've always thought it was hilarious how little patience he has for Quinn, like no matter how much time passes or how long they've known each other, she will always be one big thorn in his ass.)
"'Mine's cold, too. And it hurts, like, every year around the time that I got it.'" (that's a really cool little tidbit.)
Thorin being a concerned uncle to Frodo has given me life
"'Yeah, but I thought you were just, you know,' she held up her fingers into quotation marks, 'writing a book.'" (lol)
Bilbo referring to Quinn as 'the foolish warrior' is everything.
Yeah, after all the shit you put Thorin (and Bilbo) through in your other stories, he deserves to be the trophy husband in this one lol Really interested to see if Quinn's going to take on more of a spy role with Saruman, and how it's going to play out if he does know that she's onto him. Also, I really like Toven so far! It'll be cool to see what role he plays in all of this, as well. Great job as always! Until next time
BrySt1 chapter 4 . 5/29
3 3 3 3
drwatsonn chapter 4 . 5/24
idk how i missed the update for chapter 3 but these past two chapters were great! Quinn showing off her warrior skills is always badass and I'm excited to see some of the later fight scenes! (I'm also still begging you to protect Toven at all costs.) Great work! Until next time!
themuse123 chapter 4 . 5/22
Don't worry about every chapter being packed with wacky hijinks and shit, you have to write what makes sense for the story. And it's fun seeing different sides to Quinn anyway. I really enjoyed the little things you described in this chapter about what it's like to be dead, like running with a broken ankle (I'm gonna go ahead and vote no to that personally, although it WOULD be awesome to be able to run for days).
"screechy-ass bastards", idk why, is SUCH a hysterical term to me
"'Yeah, please don't decapitate me, I honestly don't know what that'll do.'" (Quinn as a shit-talking head annoying her victims to death while her headless body's off wreaking havoc somewhere else is some potential though lolol)
Quinn yelling "I got this!" before kicking the wraith in the crotch to no avail
Quinn asking Toven after the fight if they cut him or if he felt cold anywhere though, was really sobering and a little heartbreaking, remembering all that she went through in the first story
"'You know I'm not good at the...thing. The...'" "'Having serious conversations?'" (this got that whole relatable Feel to it though lol I really love that Quinn is still just as horrible as always at relating to her emotions and admitting those emotions to other people)
Don't worry about anything seeming too repetitive, at least to me. I...haven't actually read the books or properly sat down and watched the movies. I mean, I think I've seen a good portion when other people have them on, so I know a lot of what you're talking about, but it all still seems fresh. Also, even if I'd seen them a thousand times, I don't think I'd give a shit anyway, because I love seeing how Quinn interacts with this world. Anyway, great chapter! Toven seems pretty cool, so it'll be interesting seeing something from his perspective. Until next time!
themuse123 chapter 3 . 5/11
Dude, giving Quinn badass fight scenes is where it's AT. That's what I loved so much about the first chapter, because we got to see how she'd come into her own in this new existence. I mean, sure, I do love me some clumsy-ass antics, but she's earned these moments, too.
From this point forward, I will never picture Saruman's tower without a plywood "Free villainous monologues inside!" sign sitting out front
idk why I really loved the interchange between Quinn and Belekur when they're looking at the palantir. I guess I just like when they're actually in allegiance with each other, even if it's just over a small thing like whether or not the creepy wizard they're working for is in league with an even creepier dark lord
"'Is he stuck in the marble?'" (imagine the comedic potential though..)
She fUcKiNg named her horse Epona again lolol (honestly, it's better than what I name my horses in the game though...BUTTFIEND and turdsauce come to can tell which ones were assholes when I tried to get them to a stable)
yo I forgot how tight Quinn's sword is though, and it's so great that she's gotten better with it, because it really does lend itself to a lot of cool scenes. Really, really looking forward to those fight scenes you mentioned btw! This was another great chapter, and I can't wait to see Quinn kick more ass :)
drwatsonn chapter 2 . 4/30
I'm so glad Quinn and her chaotic self is back! And with a...kid. I love Toven already though, so if you do anything to hurt him I will riot :)
Looking forward to what's going to happen next! It's good to have you back with this story!
themuse123 chapter 2 . 4/28
QUINN MY GIRL! I'm so excited you're continuing this because I missed her. Although I'm a little scared about the more serious tone you mentioned... I guess it shouldn't surprise me, though, since LOTR is definitely darker than The Hobbit. Either way, I'm stoked!
"'If anyone says anything mean to you, I give you full permission to punch 'em in the face.'" (That's a good mom.)
"'Just remember, you're only allowed to get alcohol from mom.'" (That's a GOOD mom xD)
"Being dead meant she couldn't eat anything, but she swore she could feel her stomach rumbling." (nope. fuck that. I forgot about that, but then I remembered, and the HORROR that went through me. like. this bitch here would PERISH if she couldn't eat. i mean, obviously. I MEAN like if I was already dead and couldn't eat, then I would perish again. y'all enjoy your second breakfast while I enjoy my second death.)
"Definitely don't plan on having a second one." (right, but. I still pictured her surrounded by a whole shitload of kids that she reluctantly adopts and teaches to be chaotic idiots and it was grand. also fun fact, my grandma actually had eleven kids and I cannot even imagine.)
"But if you lean it too far, it'll go through your neighbor's window, and then you have to hide from the cops."
"'I didn't realize you three were...'" "'What fireworks?'" (fucking xD)
"'I don't even know what kind of psycho would light that one up...'"
It was really cute seeing Quinn with Toven and how she's matured (in some respects) because of that. She really is a good mom despite being a dysfunctional human being lol Also, I'm hoping there's going to be more scenes of her with Merry and Pippin because...the chaotic potential. But seriously, I am really glad you updated this, and I look forward to whenever you post the next chapter! :)
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