Reviews for Blame the Bacon
Traveler301 chapter 1 . 4/14
I love the way trash Dumblebutt. JKR didn't kill him soon enough, nor with enough pain.
Ron Pate
lilyflower50 chapter 1 . 1/1
could you do a 2nd story to this please I would love to know who the magical relitives are
mworth1019 chapter 1 . 11/26/2019
Goodjoss chapter 1 . 9/16/2019
Fantastic story! :D

Just one minor criticism (I swear it's small)
If Dumbles is so horrible, and personally screwed Harry over on multiple occasions, and is STILL Headmaster of his school...

- Why is Harry going to Hogwarts? Why are his guardians EVEN CONSIDERING sending him there, where he would CLEARLY be in harm's way from Albus Dumbledore? It's just foolish, neglectful, willfully blind and cruel!

And now that Harry has new guardians - he now has options - He can now CHOOSE to go to a different school (or his guardians can choose to send him to a different school).

- Just send him to a different school! ... Duh! ... He'd be a lot happier and safer.

Okay, that's me done! (My critique was 'kind of' small! :) and apart from that, I do genuinely like this fic! :) Keep up the great writing! :D

Cheers, Joss :)
jabarber69 chapter 1 . 7/31/2019
Interesting story...hope to see more...but why does he need to gp to Hogwarts!?
lilashannah chapter 1 . 6/30/2019
oh come on you can't leave it there!
Baelorfan chapter 1 . 4/28/2019
I loved this scenario, with Muggleborns and clever Muggles helping take down Dumbledore. However, it's a pity that Harry will still be going to Hogwarts as the education is rather substandard and Dumbledore still holds sway. I can see him summoning up Harry at the slightest pretext. If Harry does go, it should be with a magical restraining order against Fumbles and his pet stooges (everyone in the Order of the Phoenix and all Weasleys).
Latarra chapter 1 . 4/16/2019
Nice story.
Monster King chapter 1 . 4/12/2019
Great job
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31/2019
Hope you are well. No updates again for some time
agnar chapter 1 . 3/28/2019
Eh, I never believe fics like this where DD is proven to have purposely allowed and encouraged a child's abuse and the only position he keeps is the one where he directly 'protects' and controls CHILDREN.

That should and WOULD be the first position lost. Especially as outside his diehard nutjob followers like the Weasleys, most other parents would likely declare he goes or their kid goes elsewhere.
rowenasheir chapter 1 . 3/26/2019
how could they leave him in charge of children? He didn't even kill GG but attacked him after a bout of love making to get the wand! he also set TMR up to get the stone and the Potters to get the cloak! Time to expose that and send AD through the Veil!
gginsc chapter 1 . 3/26/2019
AWWWW! I want to know what happened later!
autumngold chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
Fabulous story! I love Dumbledore losing control of Harry and his money. Even better is the Dursleys having to pay for Harry's abuse. I also love that you are saving Harry from the Weasleys! Thank you for your outstanding story!
angelscatie chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
Such a good story. Though I would love to know more, you did a great job wrapping it up.
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