Reviews for Make My Story
October Dalliance chapter 1 . 6/24/2019
Sorry about the vulgarity that found it’s way into my reviews. If I could delete it, I would. Apologies.
Pen Name Noyb chapter 1 . 6/19/2019
What if this fandom didn't consist of a bunch of little b'tches who can't handle the idea of someone who does things that make them personally uncomfortable actually existing in their fics without endlessly bashing on the character in or ejecting the character from them, and instead actually tried using them and giving them some effin' character development, since they having no problem doing that to characters who have, you know, actually done worse things like ruthlessly murder and torture and whathaveyou (oh wait, /those/ characters were /hot/).

Or: if you can't keep your hateboner for Mineta in your pants, you should probably try just not bringing him up in your fic at all; character bashing very rarely makes for good reading, and doesn't ever make for good writing. At this point, the fandom's rampant hatred for him is worse and more obnoxious than the character himself, and /I'm tired/ of seeing it everywhere even when I try to avoid it.
Whitetiger789 chapter 3 . 5/3/2019
Good chapter
Whitetiger789 chapter 2 . 4/25/2019
Great chapter. Do you take ship requests for this?
Whitetiger789 chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
How about if Izuku was a villain like the Joker.
Lord Leonidas chapter 1 . 3/12/2019
All three of them died. There's no clear winner. Unless Midoriya or Todoroki somehow managed to survive it. I call jt a Three-Way Tie. Whoo!