Reviews for The Z Gamer
Watermelonninja chapter 32 . 7/27
Do you plan on uploading new chapters for this fanfic?
Watermelonninja chapter 14 . 7/27
Author, this fanfic is of very good quality
Drunken Hamster chapter 32 . 7/19
Wow. Huh.

Y'know, I know Ten is tense and all, but the others probably would've understood his need to make his wish and would've let him have it.

At least, I like to think so.

castillofreddy837 chapter 32 . 7/14
Thank so much for giving the next chapter, this just made alot more happier today.
RandomFicLover chapter 32 . 7/14
This story is so good. A nonSI Gamer in Dragonball is so fascinating for some reason. I really like it. Am big fan!
Haseo187 chapter 32 . 7/13
I have loved this story so far keep up the good work!
FriggleBerry chapter 29 . 7/11
The status for his HP,MP, and Ki are kinda annoying can’t you just show us the amount he currently has and a max not the number and [x/xxx] it’s kinda weird
FriggleBerry chapter 8 . 7/11
WOW! A gamer fic where the gamer doesn’t just horde points and never use them what an amazing change
josepantzay2 chapter 8 . 7/10
Tu fic es genial continua así sin importar las quejas de a los que no le agrada porque.a otros les encanta como a Mi
Hadrian.Caeser chapter 32 . 7/10
Well... Canon is already gone I guess :)
Tony McNucklz chapter 32 . 7/7
parents don't say "calm down son". son and daughter are not used as direct address pronouns. parents use the kids names. instead it should be "calm down Ten". and not nicknames for teenagers. teens stomp out using any naming that implies they are baby children as acceptable behavior early.
Seriously? fate of every being in the universe or a handful of people? and he's just going to risk the universe?
this story isnt General Fantasy. it's angst. the constant waffling over killing the RRA is redifining tiresome for me.
I hope the handful of words indicating that others condemning the RRA mean the waffling is blessedly over.
This story is overall really well done. I ripped through it fast because it really interested me. when he faces an opponent and is actually trying, going for the kill like he's actually fighting for his life. hitting Ape Goku with evefything he had. these fights are excellently written. The single biggest drawback of this story is what has become a constant neverending whine-fest over enemies well-being. it's boring. it slows everything down. it's not even being done over an enemy that it makes sense to have empathy for.
Nobody would have played Halo if every fight there was a running bitchfest over the murderous genocidal aliens rights. Nobody would have played Gears of War. Assassin's Creed. any one of thousands of games. it's the same with action movies. how many action, adventure, and war movies would be enjoyed if every single fight was done to a backdrop of sad violins? Would the John Wick movies be more enjoyable if he wept over every body for the lost future he robbed them of?
You are putting too much effort into "my MC is so magnificently moral he weeps for the deaths of murderous massacreing mercenaries". And the fact that he only wants to actually fight them now because they went after people around him makes him even less of a good person to me because it isn't for moral reasons, it's for selfish ones. and even after you write he's going after them, you waste all of our time with another hand wringing session over "but do i have the right to".
Seriously? what is he, bipolar? ADHD? unable to hold a thought long enough to act on it? there's a quote i heard somewhere, i don't remember when. it went something likeif you're not prepared to create corpses, and a mountain of them, you are already off the list of the great persons of history." to me this is one of those "terrible, yes, but great" points. the titans of history, the legends and myths. Alexander the Great. Ghengis Khan. Patton. Yamamoto. Mao. Stalin. Eisenhower. Churchill. Richard the Lionheart. Achilles. Names that reshaped the world. Some good men who shaped the world for the better. Some terrible. but wether they were good, bad, nightmarish or complicated, they all had the spark of greatness. and part on that greatness was the nerve and force of will to make tough decisions. to be the impetus of fate, rather than shackled solely to the whims of others impressing their idea of what is and is not right. I would encourage you to grow your MCs ability to make the call, rather than need to constantly second guess himself over the tired 'empathy for the enemy' shtick.
As a final note, I wish you hadn't done the wish that way. it sets the stage that now there are no longer stakes. literally anyone can die and it means nothing. just a delay until the balls are rounded up again. which begs the question, how selfish is the MC that only his friends get to live again? why not wish back everyone that died in the last week? the last month? year?
this ability of the dragonballs always bugged me because the way the characters use them makes them a bunch of selfish shitbags. but on the other hand, if they round up the balls every year and wish every years dead people back, the planet would drown under overpopulation. literally drive resources beyond capacity, and you can't wish for more resources without that years deaths being lost forever. this cycle would end in war for resources and a neverending conflict for control of each year's wish.
given that this path and the horrie cycle at the end of it, i would have expected that Shenron would have more limitations than just 1 year. like 'only one life from one wish, and they will be restored as they were before they died'. so if somebody dies of old age, the wish brings them back on the brink of death, and is therefore wasted. and it can't be used to live for as many years as you can gather the balls. and eternal youth or other immortalities should also be nixed. why would Kami, the guardian of Earth allow such long term devastating effects to have no limitations? because it was a childrens tv show. so they didn't bother with pesky things like logic. you on the other hand have the opportunity to nip this in the bud. i sincerely recommend you throw out canon on the rules for dragonball wishes so they aren't so badly broken and clearly a force for inevitable destruction of the planet. beca
Tony McNucklz chapter 30 . 7/7
I just realised that i framed one point badly, so as a note, i am most certainly not saying nazis and imperial japan were misguided but well intentioned. they were neither. they literally rewrote our cultural definitions of evil before stalin and mao became common knowledge. fuck them both. there have been causes however that have been well intentioned but ended up being quite justifiably condemned because of how they went about it. and even when someone that thinks they are doing right is trying to kill you and take over the world for what is a good cause in their opinion, you don't take pity on them when they are trying to kill you regardless of your pity for their misguided but noble-y intentioned choices.
apologies for the mistake.
Tony McNucklz chapter 30 . 7/7
seriously you keep pushing the angst over 'oh i killed five human beings how many is that oh no i don't even know how many I've killed'. how is someone this angsty over what is by every concievable measure more perfectly justified than being a meat eater. hinestly the meat on his plate deserves more empathy. but instead you keep forcing the 'woe is me' annoyance and expect it to be believable that this guy is going to ever be good enough to challenge vegeta. or the ginyu force. or frieza. or cell. or goddamn buu. the shows got by on what us adults recognize as blatent unrepentant plot armor ensuring not only that they would win, but that there weren't actually any stakes, since anyone who died could just be brought back to life eventually. which undercut any thrill or potential for loss since everyone knew dying didn't actually matter. Seriously, your character wringing his angsty little hands like this is getting monumentally old. it feels less like a genuine believable character trait and more like an author worrying over whether his character is Twitter Warrior approved.
I'm begging you. if you haven't, watch 300. if you have, watch it again. you don't need your character to be weepy or even have empatby over his kills to write a great character and story. I'm not saying he needs to be a psychopath, but when it's a them or him and his loved ones situation, fuck them up without any remorse. please. he honestly doesn't need Mind for it. look at history and realize just how easy it is for humans in combat to utterly disregard all empathy for their enemy. without Mind to turn on. look at the marines in the Pacific campeign. the landings at normandy. when battle starts, it is neay instinctive to dehumanize the enemy. and the RRA don't have the benefit of claiming a misguided but well intentioned cause.
and sparing that guy? because of a boohoo story? just how gary stu are you trying to make him? its like your guy is pissing on his victims and their families. he made his own decisions. he could have joined the regular army instead of being a murderous mercenary. but Gary Stu over here needs some virtue signaling so lets spare this guy because feelingz and utterly unnecessary 'I'm not a monster' points are needed because the author wants his character to be a paragon of perfect moral virtue. like a goddamn definition of a Gary Stu.
I mean seriously, the bone-chilling ordinance on board was going to be used by this guy on SOMEBODY, and he has certainly already used it on other people! but oh no he should walk away because Gary Stu morality pointz. In fact, letting him go means he will certainly return to the RRA. because the RRA will certainly find out he's alive if he returns to his family, and they'll kill him for desertion, and at best his family gets to watch him executed and no death benefits. equally possible worse optjon is they execute him for desertion and the family as well as a warning for other troops against turning traitor. so sparing his life now means he either dies with his family, or in the interest of his own self interest he returns to his murderous mercenary job, in which case your Gary Stu becomes responsible for every life he takes from the moment he spared his life.
Tony McNucklz chapter 28 . 7/7
i don't understand why even without gamers mind he's jittery over red ribbon casualties. i would expect the sabertooths to get more of a reaction. he even has a quest saying these guys are going to end the world. how is there any remorse or even hesitation? Sneaking in made sense. securing the objective takes precidence. But on the way out he should have killed literally everyone in the room, techs included, and everyone soul between him and the exit. every tech dead is one less resource for the RRA, and skilled educated techs would be much harder to recruit in needed numbers than soldiers, which means it's a particularly harsh blow to lose the peopl trusted to examine the dragonballs. in fact those scientists entrusted with examining the dragonballs would be the best the RRA has, so killing them is an even greater asset denial. And every killed soldier is not only one less murderous tool in their conquering oppressive army, since that base is the closest to him it will be those same soldiers that are the first deployed against him. and when he gets to chichi, they'll be after her too. gamer's mind isn't needed to justify wiping these guys out without remorse. it is in fact strategic, tactical, and even easily morally defensible.
i think your character is a little too gary stu in this area. he doesn't have to be weepy or choked up over every corpse to still be a quality protagonist. does anyone watch 300 and say "oh those persians are slave soldiers so the spartans should just lay down and die rather than defend their lands and way of life rather than murder all those poor people trying to enslave the world.". No. people cheer leonidas and the brave 300. And this is just one example amongst many of a character that doesn't need to be nervous wreck over bodycounts. In halo do you care about the aliens dying? in the real world do you read about D-day and say "oh they should have politely asked the nazis to go home".
My point is that you should never write a character being weepy over every single death and expect the reader to believe your boy has what it takes to save the universe without some deus ex plot armor.
And furthermore, him hating gamer's mind is nonsensical. living without using it, fighting weaker opponents without using it, experiencing life without using it all makes a lot of sense. who of us would want to live life as a sociopath, i would say psychopath except he is capable of empathy and feeling emotions however briefly, and those brief flashes keep him from being a true psychopath. perfectly reasonable in normal life, and facing opponants for sport. HOWEVER. when death is standing before him. when he is about to challenge a military force he can see has a substantial number of trained and enhanced killers, with heavy weapons and fucking ARMORED TANKS. when failure means not only his death (and his death means the end of the universe), but chichi, ox, baba, his mother and father, and the rest of the fucking world. he goddamn hamstrings himself by not engaging Mind from the beginning because little boi wantz hiz feelzies? how many soldiers would happily flip that switch in a firefight if they had it? how many civilians caught in a natural disaster, soldiers on the battlefield. being able to unburden emotional overload is a fucking gift when imminent death is knocking and you need to be at your best.
Nakaru Uzumaki chapter 27 . 7/7
Love how Ten thinks his Gamer abilities are a big cheat and then he comes face to face with the canon cheat YE OLDE ZENKAI BOOST love this so far I hope you update soon
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