Reviews for Come Rain, Come Shine
Aya Diefair chapter 1 . 3/17/2019

This was so freaking adorable oh my gooooosh! I love it so, so much. Especially the second reaction to Ginny freaking jumping off her broom! haha! First time was like "Oh gez, Ginny, you and your Quidditch ambition." Then it was like "Omfg Ginny wtf were you thinking!" Perfect reaction ever. Love love love.
brokenbottleaurora chapter 1 . 3/16/2019
I love that Harry just hauls off and runs, no explanation needed- fell of her broom, had an arm charmed off, stubbed her toe, it didn't matter. Harry was going to be there, and I adore that. Also, total Harry move to just let people assume he was on Auror business. Getting crap done!

Hand on shoulder and cheek!- lkfageqpnrpiufvsa;klm soooo precious! You slay me!

I can just imagine the exasperation in the healer's voice when he tells her not to do it again.

"When it rains, it pours"- What are you trying to do to my heart? I literally squeed and scared the dog.

You never fail to blow me away with your writing abilities, and the fact that you whipped this up in such a short time is beyond incredible. Thank you so much for this slice of adorableness. I will treasure it always. Pam and Jim [er, Harry and Ginny?] forever!