Reviews for Bad Things Happen
Orion9 chapter 7 . 7/6
Thanks for this - lovely version of the start of a beautiful friendship and eternal brotherhood between Thomas and Rick. Looking forward to the second part and the completion of the circle of Ride or Die.
Lhaven chapter 7 . 7/4
Thanks for this chapter - a change of time/pace from prior chapters. Love it - very dark. Thanks~
silleoneff chapter 6 . 5/9
Excellent writing! Looking forward to reading more of your fanfic!
princess peanut chapter 6 . 4/20
I LOVE this update! Thank you so much! I really love getting more backstory. And I am just so in love with protective Rick. Katsumoto has become one of my favorite characters so I love it when anyone puts him with Thomas. You write so well I can picture each scene in my mind. Looking forward to more
idlecrush chapter 6 . 4/19
I'm loving all of your stories with badass!Rick. He is easily my favorite character and I hate how he and TC have been given a backseat this season. Thank you for writing!
Megth chapter 6 . 4/18
Ah, loved it. I like Katsumoto, so glad he got his redemption, with some nice Magnum whump thrown in. Still not sure that Higgins deserves a redemption though.
Marlab chapter 6 . 4/18
Omg, this was SOOOO good! So so good! I loved everything about it, from Magnum being wounded, to Katsumoto having to take care of him, Magnum's slurred words that were clear as day to the reader, and Magnum's faith in his boys finding them. And did I mention the perfect backstory for Magnum...yes, perfection. You deserve some cookies!
Sarai chapter 6 . 4/18
I like it. Really like it.
Lhaven chapter 6 . 4/18
Thanks so much for this story! I’m glad to see Katsumoto in a more ‘friendly’ relationship with Magnum. And I loved how you had him learn a bit more about Magnum’s past life. Baby steps. Thanks for sharing your writing,
celticgal1041 chapter 6 . 4/18
Great chapter! Was nice to see Thomas and Katsumoto together plus get another glimpse into Thomas’ past. Looking forward to whatever you have planned next!
Marlab chapter 5 . 12/3/2019
Absolutely wonderful! So besides the lovely Magnum whump, I can hear Rick' s protective tirade as well as bristle at Higgins' reaction.. I was getting so mad at her! So well written! Loved it!
celticgal1041 chapter 5 . 12/2/2019
This was wonderful! I’m with you about the lack of brotherly bonding between the guys this season and I definitely have no interest in seeing Magnum and Higgins romantically involved. Please write more!
celticgal1041 chapter 4 . 12/2/2019
Loved this chapter! Great to see the guys including Higgins and teaching her to surf, alongside some wonderful banter. My favorite was the bit at the end when Rick helps ground Magnum in the here and now, despite just being saved from drowning by the man.
celticgal1041 chapter 3 . 12/2/2019
Loved protective Rick and that half-conscious Magnum was still able to get through to his friend at the end.
celticgal1041 chapter 2 . 12/2/2019
Great look at how Magnum’s time as a POW would have affected him.
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