Reviews for He's Not Into You, Lucy van Pelt!
italljustsoundslike chapter 7 . 3/6
I really, really love this story!
Dolores-the-Dip chapter 7 . 3/4
No problem, mon ami(e)

9:24 am
HPDrummerman chapter 7 . 3/1
Good job, man!
The J.A.M. a.k.a. Numbuh i chapter 7 . 3/1
Never did like Lucy, but this story was very well done.
Killusion chapter 6 . 1/25
I liked the duality of Lucy coming to terms with her own unrequited feelings with this chapter of Charlie Brown rejecting Peppermint Patty. I still think the biggest obstacle to this relationship is the Little Red Head Girl but this was a great chapter to kind of solidify that Charlie Brown is just as serious about this as Lucy. I found Lucy's reactions to Charlie Brown not saying anything in the beginning to be hilarious. Milquetoast seems like a Lucy insult.

You really captured Peppermint Patty in this chapter well. Her pretty much manhandling Charlie Brown until she forces him into a flirtatious situation. Very sad to see her sad but rejection is a part of life. Once again I enjoyed this chapter a lot, love the way you portray all the comic strip characters.
HPDrummerman chapter 6 . 1/23
Dolores-the-Dip chapter 6 . 1/23

6:35 pm
The J.A.M. a.k.a. Numbuh i chapter 6 . 1/23
Wow, Patty actually listened.
TheCrampReturns chapter 5 . 1/1
Happy New Year! These are genuinely wonderful little stories!
Killusion chapter 5 . 12/25/2019
Great to see this fic updated and Merry Christmas! It isn't Christmas without Charlie Brown and Lucy. Been craving an update for this after watching some of the Charlie Brown movies for Christmas. Charlie's mischieviousness with the football gag in Chapter 2 reminded me of the the moment at the end of "A Boy Named Charlie Brown". That moment with Lucy waiting for Charlie Brown to kick the football even though he was trying to sneak up on her cheekily saying "Welcome Home Charlie Brown". Rewatching that made me appreciate this more.

Love that Schroeder was brought back into the fold, seeing the reaction of other Peanuts characters is great. His dismissal of Lucy as well as giving her advice and Lucy's own realization of her feelings was great to see. It is a distinctly Lucy and Schroeder interaction. Keep up the good work and have a Happy Holiday season.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/25/2019
I cannot believe I found this fic three hours after an update, how lucky! Absolutely stunning work! I can’t remember how long I’ve shipped Charlie Brown/ Lucy and I’m so glad to find others who do as well! I cannot wait for more! -sleepydarling
HPDrummerman chapter 5 . 12/25/2019
This is getting good!
Dolores-the-Dip chapter 5 . 12/25/2019
Merry Christmas

7:02 pm
The J.A.M. a.k.a. Numbuh i chapter 5 . 12/25/2019
I always wondered why Schroeder's mom always let Lucy in the house.

One reason why Lucy fell for Schroeder was because she misheard him. He said "suite" and she thought he called her "sweet".
JaxRhapsody chapter 2 . 12/6/2019
Actually Charlie Brown is loosely based on him as a kid. He didn't hate the character.
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