Reviews for The One With The Week After London
Cynthia Salander chapter 8 . 7/16
I am super-glad I chose this as the first story to read from your profile - I could clearly see your writing progressing from it's original style to the current style so wonderfully.

This chapter was everything one could hope to read in a mushy, season 5 Mondler fic - totally in-character characters, funny, sexy, and sweet.

I immensely enjoyed this fic. Thank you for writing this :)
Cynthia Salander chapter 7 . 7/16
Lol, Chandler's "lady friends" sure do seem to have a predisposition to leave him under-clothed in awkward circumstances. This chapter was hilarious and yet sexy. Loved it!
Cynthia Salander chapter 6 . 7/16
Season 5 Mondler, in itself, is sheer perfection, but it's so awesome to read the various versions that authors come up with regarding what is going on in the characters' heads, as they navigate from a one-night stand to a secret relationship.
They are both insecure about what the other person intends to do with this fledgling relationship, but they are both hopeful for more - you've portrayed that in a lovely way.
Cynthia Salander chapter 5 . 7/16
Oh wow, that was a fantastic chapter! Such wonderful insights into Monica's character and every single detail was well thought out. I feel like introspective Monica is much harder to write than introspective Chandler - it's difficult to make her OCD look likeable/understandable instead of cartoonish. This was brilliantly done.
Cynthia Salander chapter 4 . 7/15
Poor, poor Chandler - just wants to be nonchalant and casual but ends up saying the weirdest things. Their awkwardness around the new relationship and being unsure of how to act when others are around is very well written. Aww, and the final segment is so heart-warming.
Cynthia Salander chapter 3 . 7/15
The thought process of Monica is very accurate and in-character. She is apprehensive about the whole thing, given that it's Chandler (rightfully so), and I loved how sweetly he proved her wrong. There's barely any interaction going on between Mondler in this chapter, and you've still managed to make it so cute :)
Cynthia Salander chapter 2 . 7/15
Monica's internal monologue over her being "Caaasssuaall" was brilliant, lol. That was spot-on Monica.
"Do I have to say it like that" was also excellently executed. This is such a fun read!
Cynthia Salander chapter 1 . 7/12
Aww... So much London-time Mondler goodness! This is exactly how I believe Mondler would have spent their first day back home from London :D And Joey stealing Monica's food is the such a Joey thing to do, lol. Loved this chapter.
CamilleCM chapter 8 . 4/14
That is the best, most in character origin story for the laundry code name I've read! Those episodes are gold so I always love to read infinitely about all the missing scenes and moments of that stage of their relationship. I love the jokes and the banter.
Thank you for giving us more material to read about that week. This is hands down one of my favorite season 5 series. You've done a wonderful job!
matteney chapter 8 . 4/10
Great idea to include the origin of the laundry phrase, it’s so Mondler to do sth like that. Oh the sweet bliss of the early stages of their relationship. Definitely a great addition to this fic.
matteney chapter 7 . 4/9
hilarious! And look what quarantine does to us! I’m pretty sure if I wasn’t so swamped with work, I’d go back to writing as well. So hilarious of Monica’s parents to show up to put them to the test. Even though they interrupted something so precious, I couldn’t stop laughing. Poor Chandler but props to him for sticking around. Wondering if this will all stop after “Sunday”?
Babatomyfriends chapter 8 . 4/9
Wow, I love how hot this is getting! So many great ideas here, the callback to The One that could have been, Monica needing to get their sex organized - sooo her! - Chandler still being unable to believe what is happening to him, the explanation how they hit on laundry as code-word, Joey's midnight snack - sooo him! - and the last line is pure gold again. If you're still wondering whether you should add to this or not - please, please do! I don't care if the title says 'week'. You could always change it to 'weeks'. Or month :-)
Lilkat1234 chapter 8 . 4/9
The fanfiction world include different kind of stories with these amazing people we watch on TV. I think it's amazing how you can capture such a realistic start of a relationship, when the friendship between the two of them becomes the foundation of trust and how it stops to be just sex. They connect and feel all these kind of different emotions between scenes and episodes over the first half of season 5 and you capture those "in between scenes" perfectly.
I had to re-read the 8 chapters all over again, they are very hot and sexy!
CamilleCM chapter 7 . 4/3
What a blessing! This chapter was everything. Hilarious and funny and hot. Characterization is so spot on it's scary, and Jack and Judy's appearance was gold. I'm all for anarchy if the result is this good!
Guest chapter 7 . 4/2
LOL! I'm only to happy to take the blame here :-) Of course we all know that Mondler sneaking sex is fun, but this is extra hilarious - and so hot too! I love Chandler succumbing to her with such equamity and staying put too. Thank you for this bonus chapter, it was most welcome!
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