Reviews for Loud Traffick
Loud Risque chapter 2 . 9/10/2019
I don't know if you remember me, Spud, but I am the person who once messaged you to write a story about Lincoln becoming a boxer. Inspired by Million Dollar Baby. Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore. I found an author, who isn't too busy with real life and other projects to write that request for me.
Blood Moon Eclips chapter 2 . 9/7/2019
Love the story so far and hope that the next chapter is out soon!
JojoLoud chapter 2 . 7/19/2019
you Can juste keep your account what change
Guest chapter 2 . 6/26/2019
i have a feeling this is about to get...incesty
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 2 . 5/28/2019
Very impressive and loved the emotions!
Clamanatha chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
Considering that this is about Lincoln having been a victim of a child-sex trafficking ring, isn't this story having smut or Lincoln having a harem a bit inappropriate?
nuuo chapter 2 . 5/27/2019
Very awesome, I am hoping for Luan Redemption, I don't know how far her animal abuse went or if she killed animals too from first chapter but she seemed off the most I think? I'm also kinda nervous if story will devolve into a harem, course siscoln better than RAcoln.
P3 chapter 2 . 5/27/2019
Really excited to see this update! I am very much enjoying this story and I hope to see more chapters in the future!
LoudRisque chapter 2 . 5/26/2019
Yes. Another chapter! I love this story so much, my long arse review tell it all that I'm all in this story. The tone, the drama, the introduction are excellent. This is truly are one of the best 'Lincoln is gone for years' AU. The first being Loving Return and second is A Hero's Welcome. Good job in doing this AU justice by the way.

I like the overall conclusion or path you're going with this story. Lincoln observed while they gave Denise the backstory of their lifes are actually a super smart move. I mean, in chapter 01, you had clearly written every changes the Loud has suffered, so why bother reminding the readers about their accomplishment, when we could just re-read the firat chapter. Although it troublesome to most, it is not to me because I am completely hooked to this story and this AU.

Lincoln is my favorite character, no suprise there, but I would always appreciate an AUs where Lincoln is King of Harem, or Criminal, or Superhero, or Special Force, or Secret Agents or monsters. I would get hooked by these type of AU stories. But something in Lincoln getting kidnapped and gone from the Louds lifes that atttracted me more. Maybe it has something to do with the possibility of a good harem, good drama, good fight and good story overall.

The idea of the Louds sisters mesmerized looking at Lincoln like he was some kind of One Direction is pretty funny. The remark about Clint Eastwood and Harrison Ford are also hilarious in their own way. I like that you still made it clear that Lincoln is not a pretty-boy type, but more into rugged good look like maybe some superheroes actor like Chris Hemsworth. I mean, Chris is handsome but the beard really make him a baddass.

Lincoln sudden questioning the Louds about himself is not overly dramatic, which is good. Because I am bored with overly dramatic that shouldn't be necessary until it is necessary, which won't happen at all. Denise scolded him for this unprofessionalism is also hilarious and the fact she doesn't want to stick around and clear the mystery about why this unknown man suddenly asked a question, a personal question is funny as well.

I like the way the 'Hi, I am Lincoln' going through in this story. I mean, considering this story is dark and Lincoln is also a pretty messed up character now, it is believeable for the tone and gravity to be slightly different. But, don't you think the introduction is pretty too fast. I mean, I know that Lisa is suspicious of him, and Leni practically leaped on him and slapped his face to meet his eyes and vaguely saying 'This is Lincoln' but everything just happen too fast. Still, a great way to get Lincoln back in the path.

I also love that part where Lincoln read the poem. Some could say its not the most dramatic introduction, but hey; what type of questions that are totally suitable to know whether he is Lincoln. Besides, if the Louds asking question and he answered correctly and they suddenly loomed over him and hugged him, its pretty heartless. At least, in this poetic approach, Lincoln has done an emotional beats to Lucy, which is my favorite Loud sister of all time, mind you. Its a good job well done.

I also would like to say that I'm absolutely love the part where Leni hugged him tight, but since he had to to read the poem out loud, he let go of her but she still followed him like a cat following their master or some cute animals with human master. She quickly hugged him back is truly adorable and felt like a joyous moment to share. Lincoln isn't perplexed or annoyed at her clingyness is pretty darn cute too. He miss being her baby brother, that for sure.

By the time it all sort out, it happen a bit fast than reality suppose to be, but I don't mind much. There is no perfection in the world of Fanfiction and one couldn't live in your own perfection or you would get arrogant. Not that I said you're arrogant but sometimes it happen. To me, I mean.

The pizza man, oh boy, I thought that is a reference to Lincoln's diguise as a Pizza-Boy in Loving Return. Also, I love the Clint Eastwood part. It not much, and probably have no meaning or hidden message at all, but I just wanna say thank you for brought his name out. Make me questioned myself whether you still remembered about my story suggestion to you.

I'm not meaning to drag longer than it should, but why is it every stories like this would always focus on Lincoln and his sisters? I know that because they are his siblings, but c'mon. Give Lynn senior and Rita Loud some love too. Every writers make them accepted a stranger as their son back is emotional and good, but they quickly wanted get some sleep is a bit heartless for a parents to do to their long lost son. I know for truth if I ever lose a son or daughter and with God's help, I found them again; I won't let them go, no matter what.

I would also like to shout out, is that particular Tape or DVD is a reference to Midgard'9210s Memory Of A Promise? The title said 'Lincoln's Promise', so I thought yeah, maybe it is a reference to that amazing story. Too bad the author is having some tough life right now.

The atmosphere at the couch when watching the movie and everybody fallen asleep except for him and Lily, then she showed him her artwork is so cute. But you made Lincoln not very good in art, why? Granted, maybe because he is long gone from keeping with his hobbies has made an effect on him. I also love the park where every sisters fight for him in the dining table. Truly are a King of Harem.

The last one with Luan is pretty nerve wrecking. I would like to promise, but I'm not dare; still, Luan is giving a creep. A real bad creep vibe on me. I thought she gonna kill him in his sleep, granted Lincoln wouldn't let that happen so easy or without a fight, but still creepy. Or perhaps rape him; Lincoln is a young adult now. All those years away from bunch of estrogens might make him not being able to adapt back into a house of Estrogens. He is doomed to masturbate at some point or another.

Well, I had say my piece. Phew. It is easy to run my mouth, but it doesn't mean I meant every words I said. With writing, it has a rewind button. Every words I wrote in one single review is genuine, because if not; then I'm just gonna delete that one part. You also might wanna know why my review is so freakin' long, right? well it is because I live with a motto 'Pay to those who serve, and you'll be serve well.' it is my motto in life.

Questions; Is Lori and Lynn going to cheat on their husband? I know it sounded cruel for me to ask that question, but regarding of their interactions and how inspired this story is from Loving Return and A Hero's Welcome, it is bound to happen. Besides, considering how this story is went, the cheating would be far more realistic and it could pass as mutual break up. So, yeah; is Lori and Lynn going to cheat or cuck on their respectivd husbands? I'm okay with Lori being with Bobby, but I am Lynncoln for life. Lucycoln as well.

Magnificent work, Spud. Great job on doing this 'Lincoln is gone for years' AU some rebound justice. Keep it up and I could totally see this story be the most favorited and followed M rated story in Loud House fandom. Keep up this this good work. Double Thumbs Ups~:)
Guest chapter 1 . 5/26/2019
Something weird is going on. I'd already read the first chapter and it says there's two chapters in the story info and not only that but that the story was updated twenty minutes ago, yet there's no option on this page to go to chapter two.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/12/2019
I cant wait to see what's gonna happen next ! Really good story ! Got me hooked from the beginning , I keep coming back to reread it . Hoping to hear from you and this amazing story soon !
YaBoiiTj chapter 1 . 4/20/2019
Can't wait to read more
StkAmbln chapter 1 . 4/19/2019
Wow, it's too bad this is an incest story, because this first chapter was really great. I wish I could read more of it, but I really don't wanna come across with THAT.

The best dang part of this thing was the whole scene with Lynn and Lincoln and the other girls before and during the event involving the van. I really thought Lynn was gonna chase that thing for half the town.

Nice work with the lives of the Louds. Sounds logic in most of the cases. In others, it could be that way. I wonder what Rita did about her novel, because she said she was gonna write about Lincoln, or at least a character based on Lincoln. And with what happened, I guess there was an impact on that.

The last part is what I guess makes these future fics attractive. It feels like it has been a hundred years. It's no Nick show anymore.

Love how you kinda talk to the readers at some points. Loved that reference to a "mad drunk" sciency guy. It's Ford, I'm telling ya, Morty. Get it?

Nice. Really. I wanna show this to somebody. But you had to take this "adult" approach. And also, you had to do that to Luan. Oh gosh, Luan why?
JojoLoud chapter 1 . 4/15/2019
That's an amazing start
JojoLoud chapter 1 . 4/15/2019
juste continue writing why did toi stop
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