Reviews for Bandmates
Chyny chapter 11 . 7/3
I am so happy to read another story from you. I must confess that we share the same inspiration.
I am in love with the way you always portray this shower part when the cold spray hit Naruto in the face and Sasuke reaction to that was so funny I couldn’t stop laughing.
Thank you so much for posting!
Your fan,
Kokoa Kirkland chapter 11 . 6/12
I'm happy that there has been one more chapter
Hot4Sas chapter 11 . 4/27
The whole time I read Bandmates I couldn't stop smiling like an idiot.
Everything was SO fluent (not sure if I can use that word to describe a story?); yes, the story as a whole, but their relationship, dialogues, thoughts.
It was really nice reading something drama-free (even though Naruto and Sasuke had their own mini-drama). It was so refreshing that they had a solid friendship before admitting that it was something more (especially Naruto, who was more reluctant).
Loved (and stressed me out a little bit) their embarrassment and how slow they took it, but I guess that has to do with the different culture.
Loved it!
Hi chapter 11 . 4/10
This is so gooddd
CosmicKate chapter 11 . 2/20
I need a Kudos button cus I don't I know what to say, but I want you to know that I loved it and appreciate you sharing your writing.
cake0108 chapter 11 . 2/2
Omg they are so friggen cute!
alice 0 chapter 10 . 1/20
Really liked having Sasuke's pov, once again a really nice chapter! their relationship is so fucking adorable!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/7

I came across your other fics, and went on a rampage...I really love how you portray these two and how their connection is so intimately portrayed. Cried a good many times too. Thank you for being awesome and amazing and bringing me joy and feels. Yesterday I really felt like crying because of some bad personal news, and then I read your fics and cried and it was so good to cry about characters and love rather than my shit life - just wanted to say a really big thank you. And I hope you know your light shines brightly in a dark world to someone.

Someone in asia who loves your writing a hell lot
Aishirii chapter 11 . 1/2
I reread it couple times and as You wrote a comment for me, I also want to review for U! This is exactly how I feel it went down for the real deal as well. Or they watched it together and someone was holding back tears... They just make me feel so warm inside and hopeful that love like this does exist, I mean if certain couple is real we know this kind of love does exist or at least something close to it. I just want to thank you for writing this whole series, it was amazing to read and see your version of how their story unfolds. And even if these Sasuke and Naruto are based on someone else, they still make it unique and fun and little different from the usual tropes (you know...the cliche tropes we have talked about xD). So Thank You C:
kakashi69 chapter 11 . 1/2
I felt satisfied after chapter 10 so I didn't realize how much I needed this epilogue! Your writing has truly spoiled me... Thank you for always comimg back. 3
It's tough to branch out when I can just keep rereading all of your stories.
Cafrye chapter 11 . 12/31/2019
That was a perfect epilogue. Sweet and yet a little steamy. Naruto AND Sasuke have it bad, in a good way.
Cafrye chapter 10 . 12/31/2019
Sorry it took me so long to read this. I am enjoying their time alone. They are so cute together, especially in public when they are trying not to act attracted to each other and they fail. LOL Sasuke and thighs, my word.
Vixenia chapter 11 . 12/31/2019
So much fwuffiness!
helenknowstheowner chapter 11 . 12/31/2019
This was so sweet and tender.

Thank you for updating right before 2020 starts! Happy New Year and wish you the best for now (;
kcisjohan chapter 11 . 12/30/2019
I loved it. Thank you for adding this epilogue.
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