Reviews for Helping Hands
Random chapter 8 . 3/17
I know it's been a while, but I kinda still hope there's a chapter on its way. This story is well written, perhaps the characters are a bit OOC, but I still kinda enjoy the way Ruby is screwing with her friends. With Yang pretty much out of the way, thanks to Velvet, it's kinda like this was reaching its (forgive the pun) 'climax' soon.
IanAlphaAxel chapter 8 . 11/10/2019
Please continue!
moongooseman chapter 8 . 11/5/2019
I kinda want to see if Ruby Finally breaks Weiss and Blake in the next chapter. At the same time. I want her teasing to go on a bit longer as well. that shit has me laughing my ass off
iamking chapter 8 . 10/8/2019
This is a very fun story. The twists have all been delightful. I do kind of hope that Blake and Weiss' feelings for Ruby are not purely sexual though, as it is always more captivating when genuine affection is involved. Either way, this has been a fun read and I look forward to more.
Major Mike Powell III chapter 8 . 9/18/2019
Well, well, my friend~

...I have no idea what I can say that hasn't already been said, and better, too. LOL Like...X'D Wow~ Wow~ Oh wow, just...*wow* Yang, *WOW* Velvet! Velvet! Oh my Oum, Velvet! Somebody stop her! The absolute mad bunneh! Oh my Oum, she'! X'D

This was absolutely ridiculous, hilarious, su~per cute and suuuu~per sexy! Like, daaaayum this was seeeexyyyy~!

That's one sister down~ Velvet got her lady~ Now...Weiss and Blake...well...will Ruby even survive what those two do to her when they finally snap~?

This was absolutely awesome, Grim-kun. You're havin' the time of your life writing this story and so am I reading and reviewing~! Don't stop! *O*

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
Chaotic Harlequin chapter 8 . 9/13/2019
Well that answers why Yang took forever to get back to her room
slayergopher chapter 8 . 9/12/2019
LOL - I tell ya, it's *always* the quiet ones! They are always the last ones you expect to be giant, sex-starved maniacs.

Great chapter! I can't wait to see the Ruby/Weiss/Blake side of what happens while Yang and Velvet were busy.
DrUSB chapter 8 . 9/12/2019
Wow, if Yang's that puffed out with a sex frustrated velvet, what's Ruby going to be like with TWO HEAVILY sexually frustrated girls INTENTIONALLY teased to near breaking point. Will Ruby even survive when Weiss and Blake finally snap lol Maybe Ruby will still come out on top/dom, she has great deal of stamina and her speed semblance can be of great many uses in bed Perhaps that's why she needs two, too much sexual power and kink/toys for just one partner at a time. I just hope Ruby has some wheelchairs for her two girls after their experience(s), too wobbly to stand afterwords lol. I wonder though if feelings will develop between Weiss and Blake too, maybe even combine to tease Ruby to breaking point? Looking forward to more teasing, innuendo, mind snapping and their many sex adventures afterwards.
Wind Dragon Master chapter 8 . 9/12/2019
There needs to be a Reading for this... I hunger to see their reactions like Velvet hungers for Yang’s ass!
JackTheSpades chapter 8 . 9/12/2019
I honestly expected this to be what happened.
Also... with Velvet now out of the picture Weiss and Blake might be removed from watch duty and we can't have that now can we ;3
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 8 . 9/12/2019
Haha this was awesome.

Velvet was the best here and I quite enjoyed Yang too.

Good chapter.
Xemtlenc chapter 8 . 9/12/2019
Yep, I really like Velvet being the boss, especially to someone like Yang... In any case, it feels good to read something other than the trio red, white and black. Not that I do not like them, but it allows us to breathe.
SquishyYawns chapter 8 . 9/12/2019
That was fuckin beautiful, man.
Major Mike Powell III chapter 7 . 9/9/2019
Well, well, my friend~

This just keeps getting better and better~ So~much better~! Oh. My. Oum~ Oh by Oum, Ruby~ Ruby~ Oh Rubles, the absolute madwoman! X'D

She's absolutely relentless! She's gonna *break* Blake and Weiss if she keeps this up! LOL! XD Dat stunt she pulled...dat ending...ohhhh. My God. Ruby is absolutely mad with power~! She's no cinnamon roll~! She's a little devil! X3

Dayum, Grim-kun~ This is absolutely hilarious, ridiculous, su~per hot and you~my friend, are having the grandest time writing this, aren't you~?

Ohhh hooow much loooonger~?

Great work!

Semper-Fi! Carry on!
JackTheSpades chapter 7 . 9/7/2019
I love this Ruby. I am so glad you didn't keep her as the "too innocent to be true" character because I really don't like it when people portray Ruby like that. It's just too unbelievable for me xD
That said, Ruby just striping down and shoving her sex in Weiss and Blake's faces as they sleep is like the hottest thing this rated M story has done so far xD Seriously loved that moment.
I wonder if Ruby even gets to blow off some steam other than just teasing Weiss and Blake. Apparently the later two try to do so sneakily at night but what about Ruby?
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