Reviews for The Sunken Siren
Dumbothepatronus chapter 1 . 5/7
After reading this story, I have to say, there need to be more Pirate!AU marauder stories in the world. Really, the marauders as pirates is just a brilliant concept all around. And this was so wonderfully fun to read. I loved the banter between them, and especially the quibble about what they should call the parrot. It was so silly, and so entertaining, especially Sirius’ ridiculously long name for her. It made me grin so much as I was reading.

And then you had James’ obvious ruse about following the ‘sperm whale’ migration, which was funny enough on its own, but then turned so sweet when it turned out he was actually looking for Lily as a mermaid. It was so magical and I just loved everything about it. And the parrot scene at the end was the perfect way to wrap the story up, and it made me laugh out loud.
Thanks for writing this delightful story. I enjoyed every word of it.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/18/2019
This. Is. Pure. Genius. Fantastic!
starspangledpumpkin chapter 1 . 4/18/2019
lsksjdjsosknfnsban omg, that was such an amazing story! I loved it so much.
Fiction is the Truth chapter 1 . 4/18/2019
Just keep marauding, marauding, marauding.