Reviews for Never Meet Your Heroes
DemonWolf25 chapter 11 . 7/26
I hope this is being continued. Its pretty good and seems pretty believable.
Guest chapter 11 . 6/12
Alice, tudo bem contigo? Atualiza essa fic! Estamos morrendo de saudades da tua criatividade!
anij43447 chapter 11 . 5/7
Oh my god.

I'm beyond loss of words. I'm usually a ghost reader, and I just love your story. It's well done and the research you put into it. I wouldn't have imagined it any better! And the way you charaterized both Ciel and Sebastian, it's beyond what I thought.

I hope you're doing well and taking good care of yourself during this time.
cruelzy chapter 11 . 3/25
I LOVE how you intertwine canon with your own interpretation-it keeps everything mysterious and sucker-punching and you are doing, all in all, a fantastic job T_T
sssssonia chapter 11 . 3/9
Update plz
bookstealer chapter 11 . 1/31
Hi, Im usually a ghost reader but I had to tell you how much I like your story, you really are accomplishing to show a realistic "fell in your favorite show universe"
Sunakonadeshiko50 chapter 11 . 1/30
Oh my god.

I love your story. Poor Blaire didn't sing up for this when she watched Black Butler.
The Victorian Era was a truly horrible time to be alive, i don't want to imagine how it would be like to be there. And this poor girl could end up dying in the adventures of Black Butler. For all she knows she'll never be back at the world she knows, and that's horrifying.

Sebastian is cruel and creepy, and ciel is an asshole, so, great characterization.

I don't remember all of the anime, but i think shinigamis can travel through time, i wonder if that will be important later on?
And Sebastian is probably intrigued, but i wonder how the shinigamis would react at having a 'pyschic' around? I mean, they never involve themselves too much in humans affairs, but Blaire is from the future, or maybe another universe, so i wonder if they'll do something.

Also, i'm with Blaire in the fact that, they are children, i mean, Ciel looks a bit older, but they are kids who have been through terrible things, and there's more to come!
That makes me wanna save them from their fates haha,

Anyways, i love how you write, and i hope be reading more of you soon!
sndlr chapter 11 . 1/7
Interesting story, it surprised me as it has a much different feel compared to the multiple stories I've read with the general plot of a fan falling/waking up in their favourite ani-verse :)

I am 3 more hours till it's the 8th, meaning still acceptable to wish people a happy 2020 (imo)

Sooo Happy 2020~ I hope you continue or start a hobby you enjoy and wish you the best for yourself and those around you :D
Guest chapter 11 . 12/26/2019
I think this story is fantastic! I love the realistic take on the show and the characters, and Blaire is such a real character too! I can’t wait to read more!
MadBat chapter 11 . 12/13/2019
Blaire’s going to suffer and I’m immensely looking forward to it
NarutoFallenAngel123 chapter 11 . 12/14/2019
Love it. Still confused about Ciel being older (unless he had a late growth spurt). Can wait to see more!
Jummper chapter 11 . 12/13/2019
Great! And now i become horrible reader, when you are posting new chapter and i want another. But thank you for this.
Aleta Wolff chapter 11 . 12/13/2019
Pensamentos de Blaire se tornando amante de Sebass? Também é clichê, mas será que ela resiste ao poder de sedução dele? Ele parece bem interessado nela, mais do que realmente quer admitir.
Estive pensando em você hoje, Alice, e me deparo com essa atualização. Foi uma grata surpresa, obrigada!
Blue Backpack chapter 10 . 11/29/2019
I’m truly happy you have such a realistic understanding of Black Butler. That you see Sebastian as who he truly is, that you see Ciel as who he truly is, instead of looking at them with sugar coated eyes like every other person. Seriously majority of Black Butler fans are absolute morons.
foxheartwildchases chapter 9 . 11/26/2019
Your story is really great! I love it and can’t wait for more3
It’s down to earth and more realistic with a very dark twist to it. I love all the interactions between each character and how different they are from the anime/manga.
I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for a new chapter3
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