Reviews for Adjustment
Suzy Q1068 chapter 6 . 10/12/2019
I haven't read all of your stories yet, but I take it this is the origin story of Jethro and Abby's father-daughter relationship. I could see this unfolding, and it does make sense. She needed a daddy. And whether he knew it or not, he needed a daughter.
I'm sorry about the loss of your great-uncle especially under such tragic circumstances. I can understand someone writing as therapy while stressed over such a situation.
I think it is very unkind for someone to write a cruel review, particularly when the author has explained what events had transpired. There are a lot of anonymous bullies around, unfortunately. The 'net has provided a perfect hiding place. Delete them and forget, although I know that's hard. Keep writing.
Fashionista-girl chapter 6 . 8/1/2019
like it
Fashionista-girl chapter 4 . 8/1/2019
no one should say such a hurtful thing to someone who put a lot of Time and Effort into something for others enjoyment if they don't like it they should just walk away.
Fashionista-girl chapter 2 . 8/1/2019
I'm surprised that I haven't read this one yet it is very good.
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 6 . 6/3/2019
That was a beautiful way to end this story! As to your question... I think that's up to you and how it sits in the story. Sometimes it is easier to break it up in short chapters, then there are times when you need longer chapters because to try to break them up would interfere with the flow of the story. If you swing your eyes up you can see my answer in there! LOL

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 5 . 6/3/2019
A lot of firsts here. Gibbs punishing a kid of his, even if he hasn't realized it yet. Finding that Abby doesn't have parents. Abby has found a new father figure.

Hugs, Che'

p.s. Drugs? Really? I don't get these people! It seems their only purpose is deliberately hurting people who share their stories with us! Oh! They make me so mad! There are enough genres on here to satisfy everyone! I am proud of you for your stand! The best way to write is to be faithful to yourself first! Love and hugs!
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 4 . 6/2/2019
Gibbs is being so gentle with Abby. I know her grief will get to him. And if she tells him he reminds her of her Dad... Abby starts cracking the door to Gibbs heart.

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 3 . 6/2/2019
Sweetie, I'm so sorry! Grief is hard enough without it being caused on purpose. Praying for your grief to ease.

I've been where Abby is. It's one of the hardest things you can have to do, asking for consequences to rid yourself of guilt. Took a lot of courage.

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 2 . 6/2/2019
Ahhh, Abby! That Catholic guilt! Sometimes discipline is needed to dispel that guilt. Barring that, you attempt to punish yourself b putting yourself in a dangerous situation again...

Hugs, Che'
NaughtyAngelBrat chapter 1 . 6/2/2019
So, Abby's first time going out to a crime scene. You'd think think she'd learn. Poor girl. Still grieving for her parents! I know that feeling...

Hugs, Che'
KrisShannon chapter 6 . 5/31/2019
Beautiful adjustments, and a beautiful story. I love the relationship of Gibbs and Abby. One of the sweetest surrogate father/daughter relationships ever created, and your story brings to life the reason why. BRAVO!

While I know things are hectic right now, honestly, it would be so wonderful to read another chapter of this story, explaining Gibbs view of his and Abby's 'adjusted' relationship. To read on how this quirky, science loving Goth girl helped Gibbs to heal from unthinkable grief and utilize his amazing skills as a loving, protective father. Just some honest and VERY hopeful encouragement from one of your biggest fans!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/29/2019
Wow what a great ending to this story! I have said it before but I absolutely love the way you write these characters and their relationship!
I would love to see a story from you where Abby gets in to big trouble and because she is afraid of the consequnces she tries to tell Gibbs she takes away his "permission" to punish her and how they work though that.
As for frequent short chapters or less frequent longer chapters my preference would be more frequent updates but I will absolutely read whatever/whenever you post. Keep up the awesome writing! I am really hoping to see an update on Glittery Grumps soon! -A
DS2010 chapter 6 . 5/27/2019
Yup she got an adjustment all right, along with many sore backsides over the years. ;)
quintawrites chapter 6 . 5/27/2019
My heart is so happy! You wrote that comfort scene *just right.* I could see it in my mind’s eye just like it was happening! : )

As for chapters, I think I prefer one long chapter but, honestly, I’ll take whatever you give us! Looking forward to a Ziva-centric story (that season 16 ending - OMG) and more of your lovely writing!

Thank you for being awesome and also for promoting my first ever fanfiction! You inspire me!
NCISJunkie79 chapter 6 . 5/27/2019
Great finish! Love that you included Gibbs’ needs and resultant fulfillment in the conclusion. I know you’re next piece will center around Ziva, but would love a de-aged Abby story with Gibbs and Jenny back together so she has a daddy and a mommy, at some point! As for your question about chapter length and releases for the Ziva story, I would prefer small “fixes” throughout the week (I didn’t choose my user name lightly:p). Thanks for the great stories! I’ve enjoyed them immensely!
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