Reviews for Now We Are Free
Amodestpoet chapter 1 . 12/10/2019
So instead of just Tony's sacrifice, we also have Thor's. It actually makes sense. Thor doesn't get the happy ending he thought he would, but it is a happy ending. Three brothers, reunited and finally able to forgive each other for all the wrongs they'd done to each other. Great job.
Farbautidottir chapter 1 . 7/4/2019
3 this was really special and I'm so pleased to have read it and that you have written it. Such a beautiful tale.
alleykat0718 chapter 1 . 6/18/2019
*sob* so- so beautiful!
Mellia Bee chapter 1 . 6/5/2019
Ohhhh... (long sigh)

Marvel’s arc has not been kind to Thor. Every movie leaves him lower, with less of his family and more emotional scars. Endgame was no exception - the poor guy lost everything else, gave up what little he did have, and took off for parts unknown with more questions than answers. So while I was initially sad that he died in this, the relief and love and joy that you fill this fic with was just balm to my heart.

The sun is shining on them again. ALL of them. Together, with no more misunderstandings or pain or loss. And finally he is healed. This was beautiful. Thank you so much.
maembe13 chapter 1 . 5/23/2019
You just "Last Battle"d Endgame. That was awesome...and beautiful...and I might have shed some tears.

I have LOVED what you have written. No matter what Marvel creates, you still find a way to bring about the redemption of Loki and its beautiful every time. Thank you for sharing your gift for writing. I blame your stories for all my sleepless nights this week as I wanted to read them all through twice.

side note...ever read the Heliand? if not, you may appreciate.
KungFu Jedi chapter 1 . 5/5/2019

This was just marvelous and such a fitting tribute to Thor and one that ties gently in with your other stories wonderfully. You always portray the mythological character sin such a noble, redemptive way, and it’s beautiful to watch that gradually fleshed out!

I’m not sure exactly how I feel about the treatment of Thor in the film- I had zero spoilers going in so it was shocking to say the least. I did find myself wishing that he had, at the very least, received a noble death. I was expecting him to die, and was very surprised when he didn’t.
Although, at the same time... the portrayal of him was shockingly realistic. People have different ways of dealing with grief, and for Thor and his recent experiences, it just became a total wave of overwhelming madness- he’d just been piling it all up inside, and if a normal human had been through the things he had... well, unfortunately we see all too many cases exactly like him. So who knows? Maybe there’s people in the audience out there actually encouraged, who have in the past fallen to similar places of emotional distress, confusion, and grief. And the reality is, in our world, without “real” dragons to fight and titans to smash and orcs to kill and such, that great serpent that has to be wrestled with is the flesh, and it’s deadliest venom- self-pity. MCU Thor, is, astoundingly, still filled with pride and arrogance, and self-importance- revolving around his own ability to “win the day” and solve problems.
So Thor, in a way, ironically fulfills his traditional role in ragnarok as the “serpent wrestler”, “from a certain point of view”, as an old Jedi might say. ;) He merely has to wrestle that serpent the same way that most of us normal people do, and the nobility in that struggle is difficult to see.
I’m so glad they put in a talk with his mother! (That was one great thing about Endgame— they wrote great, searching conversations between so many characters that just haven’t gotten it in their other films!)

Nevertheless, while searching for some things to appreciate in that grim reality, I do wish he had nobly entered rest, instead of with the guardians. All he can do is to keep on overcoming!
I hope you enjoyed the rest of the film!
Thank you for writing!

-Kungfu Jedi :)
Honor Reid chapter 1 . 5/4/2019
I really didn’t like their treatment of Thor in the movie. This was better and so beautiful. Thank you!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1/2019
Love! Love! LOVE! Now, this is the Thor we all love and adore! Thank you for sharing your fantastic art! Well done!
Bergamotte chapter 1 . 5/1/2019
So, so beautiful!
Megingjoro chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
Well. I've started crying again. In public this time.

Only your stories. Only this feeling.

Guest chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
Oh, I am so glad to find this! I too was shocked at the treatment of Thor in the mostly wonderful "Endgame"! I confess he has not always been a favorite. Brave, beautiful, and good hearted, but too often everything was all about him, and he is maddeningly obtuse about Loki. The words "I think the world of you" uttered about 4 movies earlier might have made such a difference! But Thor shone so in "Infinity War", and I did not expect the humor of "Ragnarok" to rebound in such a crude, disrespectful manner. Now we have the real Thor again, as he should have been at the finish of "Endgame".
Guest chapter 1 . 4/29/2019
This made my little heart so happy. It's beautiful and perfect and I love it. It reminds me of The Last Battle, when they're in New Narnia and all the old friends meet again. Especially the end when the three brothers are running to the waterfalls. Further up and further in!
suteko1 chapter 1 . 5/1/2019
this was beautiful. thank you for remembering Baldur. the child that the MCU never mentioned.
Windy Darlington chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
Yes, this is much better than what happened. I feel Thor and Loki were both short-changed in EG, and that was an emotional shame. But this fixes it much better. Beautiful.

the recently defenestrated chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
Made the mistake of reading this on my lunch break today and I had a very hard time not crying in front of my coworkers. And the fact that it goes to one of my favorite instrumental pieces ever made it even harder to not break down
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