Reviews for Rise Son of Raven
AadenHelan chapter 25 . 7h
shet i just realize naruto got banged by an milleniums old milf
Orchamus chapter 25 . 13h
Was kinda hoping Salem would freak Raven out further by using some more innuendo, that was amusing- Great chapter though, and dammit Blake, tell them already!
AadenHelan chapter 25 . 14h
Well hopefully you won't make Naruto work with Ozpin because i have came to liking this fic of yours and i really hate type people like Ozpin and Dumbledore even if its for a greater good bullshit chapter 25 . 18h
Great chapter, good update
EcoliO157H7 chapter 25 . 21h
it was sitll really good please keep u the good work and write for white fire as well that story is awesome!
biob1 chapter 25 . 7/27
Very good work
ElementalMaster16 chapter 25 . 7/27
Interesting chapter! a bit all over the place, but i think some nice points were hit on.

Lt Juan Rico chapter 25 . 7/27
I've been looking forward to this update since the last one, this is onemof my favourite fics, and yet again you've delivered another good one. The interactions between Raven and Salem, and Naruto and Ozpin, where well written and interesting.

I did notice just a couple of spelling mistakes that are very easy to over look when proof reading your own work. In the first paragraph you have Naruto thinking about what hes learning at Beacon and have written 'every major battle of the great was was,' so just missed the war being written as was.

I also noticed you had 'Common' said several times when I think what you mean is 'come on.' Again though that is very easy to overlook and an easy mistake to make.

I really enjoy reading every update of this, so thank you for writing something so entertaining
Guest chapter 25 . 7/27
Loved the chapter

But you see now I can’t wait for the next one haha
Dp11 chapter 25 . 7/27
Salem was being literal people. Its lewd handholding.
Uday Sra chapter 25 . 7/27
Droze chapter 25 . 7/27
You may call it a mess, but even then it was a wonderful mess! It was super fun, you know? I guess being an author gives you higher standards, for me it's progress made smut good chapter, hahaha.

Salem's being really proactive here, what a change of pace... no brooding in the background for this girl! Hope something comes out of it, there's too little love for evil empress types. It's going to be fun seeing how everyone reacts to Salem showing interest in some random huntsman trainee.

Damn, I'm curious about how the conversation with Ozpin's going to go... for how much I like Salem's appearances, Ozpin's always been more on the annoying side for me. It seems like he never gives enough information so that you can trust him, you know? Comes off as more dickish than anything, at least Dumbledore had the whole 'kindly grandfather' thing going on...
Inzaneamaru chapter 25 . 7/26
So a filler of sorts with a small hint of whats to come then? Its fine dude, whatever it takes to push the plot forward although now itd be funny if Salem and our protagonist hooked up even for abit lol. Knowing Yang though I think she'd be ok with it...
Issei ODR chapter 25 . 7/26
Jaja excelente capitulo, y esas palabras de salen me intrigan.

El naruto original estuvo vivo durante una epoca donde salen aún era humana o luego de convertirse en la reina de los grimm?
Paradoxity chapter 25 . 7/26
This chapter was pretty great, don't know what you're on about.
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