Reviews for The MIA Spartan
Guest chapter 1 . 7/24/2019
Definitely interesting want to see what happens next
SPARTAN-626 chapter 1 . 5/24/2019
Well got to say this looks to have potential and Im looking forward to seeing more and where things go from here. As well see how things will change with Six here and what new thing in the technology and weapons field of the ME universe will come later on. If you want ideas on who to pair Six with then I suggest either Ashley, Miranda or Tali.
Rogue-eL chapter 1 . 5/24/2019
Can't wait for the next chapter.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/14/2019
Shouldn't Six have an ODST varient helmet with a grey visor, not a Mark V with a gold visor?

If the Normandy is already in orbit of Eden Prime, Saren should have already begun his attack, why hasn't he?

The covernant that came with Six won't be much of a threat, their numbers will be severly limited, even if a big chunk of the carrier came through. They will attack humans on site which means the Alliance should very quickly have them subdued, the only reason the UNSC was loosing the war was because they couldn't manage orbital superiotity so whenever they started to win on the ground the Covernant would just glass them from orbit. That won't be an option here since the Covernant don't have any working ships in orbit, and what is in orbit will fairly quickly fall onto the planet.

How does Anderson know it is a corvette or what a slipspace portal is?
Pteaset chapter 1 . 5/9/2019
I like it
Guest chapter 1 . 5/8/2019
It's really good
Guest chapter 1 . 5/8/2019
The only Covenant ship anyone from the ME universe would mistake for a corvette is a dropship. The smallest 'ships' in ME are considered frigates, anything over ~300m is a cruiser.
A Covenant DAV-class light corvette (485 meters) would be a cruiser in the ME universe.
A Covenant SDV-class heavy corvette (956 meters long) is bigger than some ME dreadnoughts (~800m long).
Guardian of the Inheritance chapter 1 . 5/8/2019
Good job keep it up
Just some guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
So did the slip space portal bring the entire Covenant ship or just a section? If it did bring the whole ship it would be the Super Carrier not the Corvette because that was what they were trying to destroy with the slip space drive. If or when 6 meets Shepard and crew please don’t make him tell his whole life story and tell all of his abilities just so they can trust him. Would prefer him to be the silent type like rookie from ODST. Another thing that some authors do that I hope you don’t do is have six give the systems alliance or the citadel schematics to weapon and slip space drives. He wouldn’t do that because they are not part of the UNSC. He’s a loyal soldier to it and wouldn’t be giving out military secrets and hardware.
Azrael The Deplorable chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
Not bad, not bad. Good start. Look forward to the next chapter.
ThatOneRandomDude chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
First: Nothing of note happened. With this being the first chapter, there's really nothing there to draw readers in as a result.

Second: How the hell would anyone from the Mass Effect universe know what a slipspace portal is, they don't have that kind of technology. Does that mean this is an AU where there is slipspace technology in the Mass Effect Universe?
HoloKasT chapter 1 . 5/7/2019
I love reading Mass Effect/Halo crossovers and this looks like it will be good.

Looking forward to where this goes.