Reviews for All the World's a Sale
TheBobcat18 chapter 35 . 15h
Nice intermission, Nar! Very fun to see the aftermath of the war, with the celebration, and the morning after. I'm so excited to see the shenanigans Mary, Andrew, and everyone else get into in Act 2. And this ball, this sounds interesting. Maribelle's getting Andrew roped into something, and it's going to be oh so much fun! Great job! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Stormtide Leviathan chapter 35 . 16h
Excellent interluges here, I like both Andrew and Anna's perspectives and it's a good Segway into the new arc. Just a nice and fluffy palate cleanser.
Scoolio chapter 34 . 7/5
I’d ship it. More mate! Make the next act!
Spiderc chapter 34 . 7/5
As usual, absolutely outstanding character dialog and the distracted musings from Andrew were great. I really like the distinction of Mary and I'm looking forward to seeing where that leads going into act 2
Howling Armadillo chapter 34 . 7/5
Huh. I'm weaker than I thought, I guess. I already don't hate her. I've got a long way to go before I can hold a grudge like Tiki.
V01dSw0rd chapter 34 . 7/4
One point I feel REALLY needs to get pointed out to Gangrel, the Shield of Binding ISN’T a Fire Emblem at the current timeboth because it is incomplete AND because it hasn’t been Awakened. More so, point out that a Fire Emblem (Seal of Flames) is a CATAGORY, not a specific item.
TheBobcat18 chapter 34 . 7/4
Excellent ending to Arc 1! I love the idea of Anna being a fmaily name rather than a first name. Actually makes a lot of sense.
As for the rest of this chapter, very well done. Pulse pounding action against a unique villain in Sialc, and an interesting uspport perspective instead of Andrew being on the front lines. Gives the entire battle a different, unique dimension. Also, loved the variation you did with the Wind Spell. That was genius.
Anyways, great job as always Nar! Looking forward to the next one!
Stormtide Leviathan chapter 34 . 7/4
A nice ending revelation to the arc as the fighting dies down and the stage begins to be set for other developments. Big Anna and Andrew moment, and I think it went decently well considering each other's hang ups and what not. Not the easiest organic dialogue to craft to be sure. Tiki was on point and I enjoyed her insights here a lot.

Overall, I'm ready to see the aftermath and arc two!
DestructionDragon360 chapter 34 . 7/4
You know, I think that really was the best finale Act 1 could have gotten. Andrew... I love our main character to death, but I don't think he was ever going to be ready to be part of the climax. His story hasn't been about the fighting and the war anyways. It's been about, well, war-adjacent, but mostly about him and his friends. Tiki and Mary. AND IT FEELS SO GOOD TO SAY IT!
Verdin Grey chapter 34 . 7/4
Goodness gracious!
I have quite a few things to say about this chapter, the culmination and conclusion of "Act 1" that it is.

The combat throughout is well-handled, if at times more loquacious than is appropriate for the pacing.

I have mixed feelings about the overall pacing and structure of the chapter as a whole. It is cathartic, and fills several gaps that you no doubt left in previous chapters intentionally. But, I can't help but feel it would be better as two chapters.

Finally, I agree with Andrew. It is odd to not witness the "visceral" conclusion of Plegian War, but for Anna and Andrew it is quite fitting.

I am very excited for Act 2! I've not a clue what you have in store, and that is the fun part.
bauers374 chapter 4 . 6/28
Tiki: Goodnight Jeorge

Andrew: Is He Cool,
Anna: hell Yeah he's cool..
bauers374 chapter 3 . 6/28
I'm getting some Major Han Solo vibes from Anna right now... Specifically Han Solo in Episode IV...
JustaPapaFrog chapter 1 . 6/20
I'm disappointed you used The Merchant of Venice instead of Mc... I mean The Scottish Play.
Grand Paladin Tyrux chapter 33 . 6/18
Is Hector too obvious of a prediction for this one? I dunno, I'm just feeling Hector for some reason. Regardless, this was another great chapter? Anna and Andrew's "not quite back to normal" dynamic continues to be interesting, and the tense buildup to the end here was some good stuff. Looking forward to seeing how the Plegian War wraps up in the chapters to come.
V01dSw0rd chapter 33 . 6/17
‘They should be called ‘bored gamesbecause Andrew makes them when he’s not occupied (read: a victim of boredom)

Just wondering; are the Deadlords resurrected characters they’d know, or just random strangers?
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