Reviews for Starfall
Atlantean-Child chapter 29 . 7/28
more please!
ATP chapter 29 . 6/1
I hope,that they do not lost just like in canon.I saw too many stories like that.
What about hacking Jaime hand now ? for Ned killing.
alexaguamenti chapter 29 . 6/2
Bella-swan11 chapter 29 . 6/1
Everyone's reaction in Westeros and in the free cities will be to be shocked to hear the true story of Robert's rebellion and as Jon Snow is actually Jaehaerys Targaryen, everything will change when Varys hears this he is able to pass out from the shock. ; the poor being Barristan is going to be amazed by the impression knowing that Jon Snow is actually Jaehaerys Targaryen the son of Prince Rhaegar whom he loved as a son. All the nobles who supported Prince Rhaegar will be happy that their son is alive and will come to support him, because they know that if he was raised by Ned Stark he is a good man and it is very likely that he looks like his father Rhaegar in his way of to be ; Doran when you hear this you should talk to Oberyn finally they have the means to do justice to Elia and your nephews. Because Jaehaerys is a dragon he only needs to activate his anger against the Lannisters and Baratheon just by listening to Oberyn's account of how his brothers and Elia died, it is time for Dorne to join the war to support Jaehaerys Targaryen; Master Aemon will be happy to hear this news. Olenna upon hearing the true origin of Jaehaerys, you are going to be shocked your family is supporting the wrong king because you are sure that the nobles are going to support Prince Rhaegar's son; Myria you are going to enjoy imagining Cersei's reaction knowing that Lyanna beat him in every way until she gave Prince Rhaegar a son that she loved. Jaehaerys is looking for a way to capture Gregor Clegane and Armony Lonch they must suffer, you are sure that the princes of the Martell house will be happy if you give these assassins.
jean d'arc chapter 29 . 5/31
Mhh... I have mixed feelings about this chapter. I really loved the first part with the different members of the family grieving in their own way and finding comfort in one another. They all knew what to say to each other (Myria to Catelyn, Cat and Robb, Arya and Jon, even Jon and Cat). I liked the way Myria comforted Catelyn at the beginning. It must have been awful for Cat to hear such things about Ned so soon after hearing of his death. Had Ned been alive Catelyn would have been extremely angry at him, but it's difficult to take her (rightful) anger on her beloved husband when he has just passed. Why did they choose Myria to be the one to tell her? Robb would have been a better choice I think.

Then we come to the King in the North fiasco. I hated it in canon and I hated it here. Naming a king is singing the death sentence of the North. Catelyn made a very sensible case in the books as to why they shouldn't name a king and continue with the war. They had gone to war for two reasons: to free Ned and to stop the ravaging in the Riverlands. They had already achieved the latter, and the first goal was forever out of their reach. They might as well draw the line, cut their losses and go home. Let the other Kings fight each other in a war that doesn't concern the North. But these arrogant cocky northern men know nothing of pragmatism. Plus, they showed their bigotry against all things south. "Even their gods are wrong". I have always felt angry at the Northern men for mocking all southerners like that. And they did it while sitting in the Riverlands in front of Riverlords! Robb himself was born in the south, and his own mother is a follower of these "wrong" gods! And in this story we have the added element that the man they all choose as King is a green boy with no experience as leader who just came up with a farfetched story of how he is the heir to the throne. We, the readers, may know the truth, but for these men Jon's story sounds like nothing but a very convenient cock and bull concoction with no proof to back it up. And even if they were to produce a long forgotten manuscript, how can they be sure it was not forged. I'm sorry but I think Jon's coronation was extremely forced...

Oh, well, so let's see how they do now. If they had declared for Renly or Stannis, they would have a much better chance of beating the Lannisters and getting Sansa back. I guess the Iron throne meant more for Robb, Jon and Myria... Poor Sansa... Just like in canon, men's ambition and thirst for blood prevailed and she paid the consequences...

In spite of my rant, I really enjoyed the chapter.
ATP chapter 27 . 5/29
If Sansa now kill Joeffrey,eveything would be OK.
jean d'arc chapter 28 . 5/31
Oh, those dreams are scary!
Bella-swan11 chapter 28 . 5/30
Thus begins the war, Myria you must remind everyone that Sansa was so captivated by Joffrey; that he could have committed treason just not to part with him. Because Ned was an intelligent man, that the queen discovered that he was going to flee means that someone told him that he was going to the North; Sansa you are a stupid woman and you would have to live with your sins you are the cause of the death of your father and all the servants of the Stark house who went to King's Landing.
jean d'arc chapter 27 . 5/29
Oh! No! Ned!... I guess this was kind of expected... Myria and Jon were able to get away with Arya, but Ned and Sansa were left behind... I feel terrible sorry for Sansa. She was trying to act mature and really thought she was doing the best for her family only for it to backfire terribly. To be honest, though, Sansa's plan could have worked. She had somewhat convinced Joffrey, and Cersei was actually willing to let Ned go and join the Watch. But Joffrey's unpredictable nature is something not even his own mother could control... I have never blamed Sansa for Ned's fate. In fact, quite the contrary, I think she tried her best...
bookangel1624 chapter 26 . 5/28
Excellent chapter! Keep up the great work!
Bella-swan11 chapter 26 . 5/28
Robb this changes everything, you know the nobles of the North are going to want to crown you as king in order to have independence; but you are not going to allow it, the correct thing is to crown and support Jon to ascend to the throne. These letters and the newspaper demonstrate that Robert's rebellion was based on lies, that Robert actually lied to everyone because he knew that your Aunt Lyanna did not love him and usurped his own family into the Targaryen house; in addition to it, he murdered Jon's father who was his cousin and prize to the murderers of Elia and her children. This is terrible because they all helped almost exterminate the Targaryen house, this will be a blow to their pride for all the lords of the North, all because of Robert's lies they committed treason and thus Ned maintained his friendship with Robert is something that nobody will understand ; Robb your duty is to vindicate the Stark house and support Jon to recover their 7 kingdoms. Robb you know what you have to do, you are going to make the truth revealed to everyone and start cleaning the memory of your uncle Rhaegar and Myria's father; this time your mother Catelyn will have to shut up enough that she started a war to believe her supposed friend. Because you are Lord Stark and you control the North and your mother will have to learn to keep quiet, enough with the mistakes she has made as the mistreatment of Jon when he is her nephew and the legitimate king of the 7 kingdoms; She hurt the heir to the Targaryen house whose house gave all her privileges to the Tully house. She should be ashamed. When this is true has been exposed to all kingdoms, the King's Landing people will rise in anger against the Baratheon and Lannister houses for murdering their silver prince and his family; This news will be a shock to everyone especially for those who are still loyal to the Targaryen house.
jean d'arc chapter 26 . 5/28
I like the story so far. Myria is an interesting addition to canon. But there's something about her that doesn't feel quite right. She's got a personality, and that's good. She's not a bland Mary Sue. But she comes off as too haughty and all-knowing. She bosses people around like she owned the place. For example, following the social norms of the times, the wife of the bastard cannot order the Lady of the House around like she did with Catelyn. She seems to know too much (and all her knowledge is 100% what's on the book). She seems to know exactly who to trust and who is lying, she is the one who comes up with all the ideas and all her plans pan out. A normal person in that situation wouldn't know that Baelish is not to be trusted, and shouldn't berate another person for trusting a friend (like Catelyn did). She knew to take Gendry, she knows or suspects about Cersei and Jaime. It truly feels as if she had read the books and was moving all the pieces just to help the people she likes.

Other than that, I'm really enjoying this story.
On the plus side, I'm happy Jon didn't go to the Wall and will be together with his family:)
(though I have to admit, I never liked the RLJ theory and even less the secret marriage and Elia annulment we had on the show. It's just waaaaay to much of Disney cliche. I truly hated that part in the show, but by then very few things were making sense in the plot on the show so...). I really like your portrayal of Robb and Jon.

I'll be looking for your next update.
Bella-swan11 chapter 25 . 5/27
Myria the time has come for Jon to fight for his inheritance and legacy, you still remember the stories about Prince Rhaegar; That kind of man is not forgotten and you are sure that the people of King's Landing do not forget. If the truth of Robert's rebellion is exposed, then the people will reveal themselves to do justice to their prince who died unjustly of false accusations; It is time that the truth has been revealed and cleansing the memory of Jon's father and that everyone knows the truth that Robert usurped the Targaryen family because he did not accept that Lyanna did not love him.
Evaline101 chapter 24 . 5/27
Please tell me the RIA will have a full confrontation with Catelyn? I know she was thinking for Bran, but nobody ever told her the consequences of her actions!
She thought she could get justice for Brn with Ned as Hand of the King & the King being his best friend; but she never considered that it's the Lannisters who rule Kingslanding. She never thought Tywin would retaliate with Tyrion's kidnapping, or Ned will he punished, or her daughters could be hostages, or the Riverlands suffering! She did not once consider what could happen after. Anyways, I read many stories and not one of them had anyone tell Catelyn her faults. Only when she releases Jaime is when she is not fully trusted nd barely punished. I really hope you do something different here, PLEASE!
Bella-swan11 chapter 23 . 5/26
Myria as Jon's wife you can advise him, he must learn to live like a Targaryen and a Stark, that is his legacy the time has come to reveal his true origin and that all kingdoms learn of the farce of Robert's rebellion; that Robert Baratheon lied and usurped the Targaryen house. It is time for everyone to discover that Prince Rhaegar never kidnapped Lyanna they loved and married, that the Baratheon house and Lannister are usurpers who stole the throne from the Targaryen house telling lies; It is time for the people to find out the truth of their prince, to be filled with indignation and seek revenge against the Lannisters and Baratheon who almost exterminated the Targaryen house.
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