Reviews for Rwby: Overpowered
Paradoxreader chapter 2 . 4/19
This is really interesting and in usual fashion jaune will be the weakest haha literally due to his handicap n ruby seem very overpowered atm hahaha...wonder how you will make others able to compete with her...i do hope team jnpr will have equal capabilgy as team rwby as i always view them to be equal in strength haha...never made sense if being in the wild suppose to make you stronger then ren n nora should be stronger than the rest of team rwby by a fair margin ...another thing is that i just started table top rpg lately n this one sounds amazing XD .. love the concept n hope to see you explore it more
Dragon lord Syed 101 chapter 2 . 5/27/2019
neat I wonder what will happen next
Shock Factor chapter 2 . 5/23/2019
Okay, so my opinion on this story is very mixed. On the one hand, the premise is excellent, and so far, you seem to be doing something interesting with it. I look forward to seeing where you go.

On the other hand, something about the writing just feels... off. I don't know if it's maybe just me, but your writing style is sort of stilted. It's not at all unreadable, by any means, but it just feels awkward to me.

Other than a few punctuation errors here and there, though, the work is overall pretty good! I'm looking forward to seeing more.
Dragon lord Syed 101 chapter 1 . 5/21/2019
good first chapter
Guest chapter 1 . 5/14/2019
Great story
Just no oc as main characters
king cool 12 chapter 1 . 5/15/2019
this is a first of what if magic stayed and has a good start so the only thing to say is i hope this wont become a dead fic
Deku Momiya chapter 1 . 5/14/2019
Is the prince of Vale Jaune?