Reviews for Arms Without Feathers
DolbyDigital chapter 1 . 6/20
Where are all the reviews for this? It’s such a wonderful story! I loved how you explored the relationship between Scorpius and his dad. I felt there were a few references to Cursed Child that I didn’t quite get, but you created such an interesting premise here, with how you dropped us into the fic when Scorpius had been disillusioned towards Draco (because someone found out he had been a Death Eater?), and how Scorpius is now somewhat wary of his dad.

But Draco! Draco really stole the show for me! I adored how upset he was when he realised Scorpius was scared of him, when he realised Scorpius thought Draco wasn’t willing to do anything for him, and it just broke my heart! Plus, that scene with Buckbeak was awesome! And I loved the inclusion of Hagrid, too!

I thought you did such a great job with this, I really enjoyed reading it :)