Reviews for Fate: Strikers
Matchstick800 chapter 1 . 8/14
*Plays too much Ace Combat*

*Knows nothing about Nanoha*

*Reads first paragraph*

Why is it always the damn Belkans?!
Missingmoney chapter 7 . 8/9
Honestly speaking, I think Nanoha has overstepped her boundaries on several occasions, such as making decisions for other people. Intervening in the affairs of other worlds, especially one with their own magical society.
I won't deny that in a battle or war, the TSAB would likely emerge the victor nine out of ten times. They are just far better equipped and have far more manpower. However they likely won't do that, and even if they want to, they might think of it as a hassle, with them spending more resources than they want to, resulting a pyrrhic victory at best. The Nasu verse magi may not be crossing worlds or dimensions like they can, but they can still make incredibly dangerous stuff that would be considered forbidden or extremely dangerous even by TSAB standards. Not to mention it might invoke the wrath of outside forces.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/4
Rin, and she was angry because he, a heroic spirit with actual experience told her he would make combat decisions and her pride didn't like that
Guest chapter 7 . 8/4
The reveiwer before me said Ron wasted a command seal on archer because she was angry with him, I'd like to correct that, she wasted it not even an HOUR after the summoning because she was angry
Kayen1024 chapter 7 . 8/3
I know everbody is saying that the TSAB is superior to the Mages Association and I can see where they are coming from. The TSAB is a more organized group with a lot of equipment and resources at thier disposal, so yes the mages association, will take a hard hit. However, for all its internal discord, the Mages Association has exsisted as an organization for centuries, in a world where dead apostle ancestors like Nrvnskr Chaos and Altrouge exist. I am not saying the Association is infallible, but if you consider the fact that Lorelei is only the vice director and there is actually someone who sits above her, who she acknowledges (or else she wouldn't sit beneath he or she) then the Clock tower, clearly has a lot hidden trump cards. Also it's true that S rank TSAB mages like Nanoha are strong and can be game changers on the battlefield, but I have one response for that...Chelon Canticle Brigade. If you understand how powerful and hard to kill a Dead Apostle Ancestor really is, and that Lorelei has more magical energy than the mysterious Director who has lived for more than 2000 years, then you should have an understanding on what it means for her to be considered the Supreme Mage of the Present Era. So when a tough woman like her has a personal army of 50 ELITE mages, then every single member will be force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Loreli wouldn't accept anything less than the very best and considering how practical Lorelei, the fact that Bazett didn't qualify says a lot, about Lorelei's standards.

Don't get me wrong, I know the TSAB might be numerically superior, since we don't actually know the Association's numbers, but I doubt they will even consider investing all thier resources on Earth. They do have plenty of other places to police after all. Also an A rank mage or above mage is an extremely valuable human resource for Midchilda, so they won't just send all their heavy hitters together.

While I suppose they could be convinced to send a large force, due to the presence of mystic codes, like the Fuyuki Holy Grail or the Jeweled Sword. If the TSAB really come to earth and declare a full scale war, then I don't think the Church or Atlas will just sit back and watch as outsiders try to attack their planet. The Church migth be enemies of the Association, but they do have a mission to protect this planet from supernatural and magical aliens trying to force thier regulations on this planet qualify. Let's not forget about the fact that the people from Atlas who as magi who would generally have mediocre magic circuits on par with Shirou, are capable of building world ending weapons. So I think they can build some pretty interesting weapons to help bridge the gap. The average earth mage migth be inferior in output to the average Midchildian mage but earth mages are never play fair and having the larger gun doesn't always mean victory in war. Like Zeltrech said there will be a lot of bloodshed and if the Types do wake up, then nothing postive will come out of it at all.

As for the people who were commenting on Rin's mistake of leaving the blueprint for the Jeweled Sword. Remember the second FGO summer event where Nero point out that Ishtar seems like the type of person to make a small mistake that causes a massive failure? That applies to Rin too, she has had months to summon a servant and the day she decides to summon a servant she forgets to rewind the clock? Even if she would have summoned Emiya regardless, it doesn't change the fact she didn't summon her Servant at her peak capacity. There's also that time Rin wasted a command seal in anger when she got into a figth with Archer. So is it really that suprising she could get a little careless when Shirou shows unexpectedly with a very pretty girl, in the Clock Tower, who has a good opnion of him?

The Jewled sword schematics aren't just incomprehensible to Nanoha, they are incomprehensible to most mages in exsistence. Rin's family has had the blueprints for generations and they still couldn't come close to replicating it. In the Heaven's feel route it took the blueprints of the sword and Illya's inherited memories for Shirou to trace the sword at all and that is much easier than trying to gather the required materials and recreate the actual sword with the blueprints. I mean that sword can have firepower equal to the ranks of Excalibur, with very little if any personal cost. So you better believe that most people wouldn't be able to make head or tails of its blueprints. How was Rin suppose to know that Nanoha wasn't just some oddball magus but an member of an interdimensional military force?
pokemon-35055 chapter 7 . 7/30
great work
Questoris chapter 7 . 7/28
If Nanoha decides to steal the blueprints... well, it looks like we’re going to have some problems, aren’t we?
God-of-Machines chapter 7 . 7/27
I will try to be brief and simple: TSAB Magicians Association horrible culture check war Apostle integration possible invocation of servants secret of magic revealed Alaya one of the possible overly bad endings among the bad endings.
JustAnotherGuest chapter 7 . 7/26
Kono Dio Brando Da chapter 7 . 7/26
is it me or this fic chapters are becoming more and more short? the only other of your fic with chapter this short is the bleach one, and that one has updates frequents, it is sad that there is very few nanoha/fate xover, this one IS very good but the time between updates and the length of chapter is a very big turn off.
nofirekiller123 chapter 7 . 7/26
thought this was dead
Nagisa Tr chapter 7 . 7/25
For a second i thought she would mess with a jeweled sword copy and nuke the clocktower
MoonCell chapter 7 . 7/25
You know Fate Extra or Grand Order would be more suitable for this crossover.

Rin would NEVER leave something as valuable as the jewel sword blueprints in plain sight, so it is really stupid that Rin did something like that but I understand that you did it for the sake of the plot and that is something stupid and insulting to the readers.

Kaleid Sapphire or Kaleid Ruby will appear

Atlas academy is much older than the clock tower. In addition, the alchemists of the Atlas academy were able to create seven super weapons capable of destroying the world. The academy also has quantum supercomputers.

While the wandering sea are not interested in the modern world and completely ignore it
PersonaNinja Lux chapter 7 . 7/25
I was really biting my self as I was reading this because Nanoha's innocence is gonna be shattered when she finds out everyone of the mages in earth would rather stab themselves than help others with their RESEARCH and not expect them to want something in return... Also can you right a Illya Prisma verse fanfic because there needs to be more fics where Shirou is put in the Prisma verse just for the sake of it
JeaSonDash chapter 7 . 7/25
Finally, Rin appeared. It would be best if you only focus on this fanfic and make the chapter has long length. This is soo good. Of course, I won't force you to.

Speaking of arc, I realized you didn't put any names for arc 1 (chapter 1 to 6)
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