Reviews for Overpowered
Guest chapter 3 . 8/31
Sigh... A creator of hidden gem quality niche content ,lost. Guess it's time to search for another amongst the infinite generic crap on here. And hopefully support them enough to not drop Thier works.
ujangkuskus chapter 3 . 7/22
Really hoped this updated
Guest chapter 2 . 6/7
Hes so pathetic doing peoples bidding smh
Guest chapter 1 . 6/7
Why do they always give the Mc the leftovers smh
Blep chapter 1 . 5/3
Nice. You should do one with a star wars setting
SupremeSongLeader chapter 3 . 3/25
I can now say that this DC story by far the best I have ever read.
I am starting to like this Francis.

Just ignore the flamers out there. Those flame loser CAN'T stop us.
Me and my original characters will always stand by you.
Because we are all very proud with this awesome DC story.

Just keep doing what you think is best for your awesome and ambitious DC story.
Raven Mordrake chapter 3 . 3/19
Will you still continue with these Fics? is that more than 4 months have passed and I know you have a personal life, but will you still write?
Prometheus-777 chapter 3 . 3/9
After reading all the chapters thus fa, I can't help but "wait and hope" for the "Red Daughter of Krypton to make her debut appearance. As far as waifus go she would be a very "interesting conquest;" especially since she has a lot of baggage such survivors guolt, some form of PTSD and what seems to be a short fuse that she got over only for Batman Who Laughs to fucken mind break get back into her old angsty self from after she let go of her Red Lantern ring, IIRC.

It would personally be funny to see the Superman family's reaction to get as well as the Batman family too. The former likes her, whilst the former treats her with the same distrust Batman has when first encountering Superman.

It's also interesting how she is listed as both a "Hero" and a "Villain" and enemies to the aforementioned super hero families and more. Would love to see what your interpretation of her pre- and post-gaini g her sanity back from the Red Lantern ring's "Uncontrollable Rage" passive; or rather, to be precise, "how wild of a fuck is she as her newbie RL Madness Enhancement EX self as opposed to her "cured" self after taking a dunk in that blood pool thing. That and she has access to some interesting Tech.

Also, Supergirl fights Dr Manhattan IIRC. Will this godlike, cold and indifferent nude post human guy that can only be defeated by himself make an appearance? Could he be that mysterious godlike guy from your Mass Effect fanfic?
Black dragon chapter 1 . 3/6
Man this fanfic is just fantastic, I have to say that this is one of the best lemon that I ever see and the history is very good too , this is just too fucking good to left abandoned , I an waiting yo more charperter
Loke13 chapter 3 . 2/18
Very good, loved
Narctia chapter 3 . 1/14
Here is a advice open a ko-fi or patreon account, your writing is more than good enough to make living off of commisions and donations. Seriously this is some high quality writing I can count only a handfull of adult writers as good ad you are.
Brad W chapter 3 . 1/2
Nice to see the updated. I'm assuming Francis isn't going to help unless it is clear Hal doesn't pull of the final minute save he did in the film. If anyone asks why he didn't help, I bet he will simply bring up the Guardians' treatment of him as the reason, then once more request a ship to go back to earth. Keep up the good work!
J chapter 3 . 12/23/2019
Hey love your also have you ever thought of having an op self-insert in kuroinu the hentai series please think about having a character like that save the day and get all the babaes
NazgulBelserion chapter 3 . 12/23/2019
I like it realistic Si right there not some stupid shit like being a hero fuck that If your op you fuck and do whatever you want
Man of culture chapter 3 . 12/19/2019

Dumbass. If you read properly, MC can't survive in space. If he kill the guardians. What's stopping lanterns from chucking the planet he is on into the sun while in space. And watch him die.

Dumb fucks like you are the reason most authors who don't add to the tone of generic 'protect those important' or mass murdering antiheroes who feel they should adopt some random superpowers kids and form a harem.

Stop writing.

Hope this continues. Fact that he isn't stopping sinestro from fucking them up was a satisfying devotion.
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