Reviews for Two Changes of Good and Bad
DarthGhengis chapter 8 . 3/1
This seems pretty interesting, although I wish I came across it a bit later.. hope you can keep it up, looking forward to more.
Cassandra30 chapter 8 . 2/8
Excellent idea!
SLYNNR chapter 8 . 1/29
CH chapter 8 . 1/25
Hey I found this story a few months ago and have just got back to it, I'm really enjoying it and the twists it has. My one question is why is Luna at Hogwarts with them? She is in Ginny's year which is a year younger than harry, ron ect. Anyway Im looking forward to seeing where the story goes.
Primus2021 chapter 8 . 1/16
Nice fic so far, honestly hoping for Harmony or Lunar Harmony, lol.

I've seen a few Harry tt's to the past and drags Draco along too fic's, they were cool.
geekymom chapter 8 . 1/15
Fantastic chapter!
earthlover chapter 8 . 1/15
Wonderful story! I look forward to seeing what will happen next!
decadenceofmysoul chapter 8 . 1/14
Awesome update!
Yali.Page chapter 8 . 1/13
Really enjoying the story so far! Hope Ginny will join the team in their second year.
Draco lover 91 chapter 8 . 1/13
I am betting at least 2 more are back. Did call it but still love it
Draco lover 91 chapter 7 . 1/13
I cant wait to see just how many other time traders were sent. Harry and luna for sure but betting on more
Hadrian Eveningshade chapter 7 . 9/30/2019
Guest chapter 7 . 9/26/2019
That went better than I was expecting!
Guest chapter 6 . 9/20/2019
“So, I've seen some people talking about how Draco is acting, and I won't give anything away, but rest assured his behavior will be explained.”

I mean, right now, he’s nothing but a bully and a bigot with a narcissistic world view. Yes, much of that can be explained with how he was raised, but there’s really nothing else to explain. At this point in time, as it stands, that is exactly what and who Draco is. Unless he, too, has somehow come back in time, there’s really zero reason that Draco would be any different AT THIS POINT IN TIME than he was in canon. Now, he’s certainly *capable* of change, and with Harry obviously trying to make friends with him and trying to change him earlier. He obviously won’t be the same nasty bully that he would have been, but that would be because of any changes made from this point on. Right now Draco is a pureblood with astounding wealthy parents who have raised him to despise others and think he is better than everyone else. That’s who he is. There’s nothing to explain. Future Draco may be different because of any ripple effects that Harry causes, but it would be because of that (unless Draco also has future memories). Not trying to criticize you as a writer; that’s just Draco’s character at this point in time. This story is adult Harry getting sent back in time, not Draco (as far as the readers know). You don’t need to make Draco be a nice guy RIGHT NOW. He can be a bully and a bigot because that’s literally how he was raised. A rational Draco who isn’t needlessly prejudiced can come later due to changes that Harry makes.

As for Hermione and Neville, those changes make sense because you showed them interacting with Harry on the train, thus changing their own motivations. See the difference? Harry’s actions directly impacted both of them. His actions will directly impact Draco too I’m sure, but you don’t have to make him a reasonable guy with reasonable racism because that’s just not the case. The ripple effect will happen. You don’t need to explain away Draco’s racism and nastiness at this point in time. You can just show him changing do to Harry showing him that his parents’ teachings were wrong.
Cassandra30 chapter 7 . 9/20/2019
Terrific! Emotional and mental abuse does affect you decades later. It is the hardest to prove, the hardest to prosecute and the hardest to even recognize. Words drip their poison long after bones have healed.
I found Harry's part of the scene very realistic. Severus as well. Dumbledore seems to be hooked on how this affects himself.
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