Reviews for Snips and Scars
TroyWeb chapter 19 . 7/19
I hope Donald Weasley is able to talk Fergus into working going into business with the other Weasley brothers. Hopefully Edmund doesn't mind working with Slytherins.
TroyWeb chapter 18 . 7/19
While reading this chapter, I was imagining Snips sneaking around like Tom Cruise in that Mission Impossible movie.
Gouravsilentreader chapter 18 . 7/12
Awesome and interesting story
Love it so far
Waiting for the next part eagerly
Please update soon
racethom chapter 18 . 7/3
Is Snips based on Yi Qi dinosaur?
TroyWeb chapter 17 . 5/19
Thanks for posting this on the site. I just came across it and read it from the beginning. This is a VERY good story. I'm glad to find a Harrycentric fan fic without all of the Ron bashing and Dumbledore bashing. Harry, Ron and Hermione have a better friendship in Snips and Scars than in canon. Your depiction of the Weasley family is a joy to read. They fight less and work together more. The only ones missing are Bill and Charlie. Snips is perfect. He is a big help to everyone in Harry's circle. I love the way everyone at Hogwarts and the Burrow easily accepts having a magical creature around Harry that they can't identify. It makes the story so much better when Snips isn't treated like a "dark creature".

I look forward to seeing how you finish this school year.
TroyWeb chapter 16 . 5/19
We need more fan fics about Hubert, Edmund, and Donald Weasley. Harry Potter fans shouldn't overlook them because they weren't sorted into Gryffindor like the rest of the family.
FaolenBookWolf chapter 16 . 5/3
Exasperated Neville, that is just what I didn't know I needed. Also, now that Gred and Forge have been enlightened on their 'siblings' in other houses I am eagerly awaiting bedlam and calamity.
LadyJaeza chapter 14 . 4/19
Still enjoying the story. Had to laugh at hyper-excited Colin. I also love that you have Harry knitting. I am a nearly lifelong knitter myself and still remember how horribly my first sock came out. Had it not been charcoal-gray, it would have served better as an oversized Christmas stocking rather than a foot covering for my father. Sounds like Harry needs to learn about gauge. :o)
Thanks for the story. I am looking forward to the next chapter.
kiiranilen.blaq chapter 13 . 3/30
First want to say, I don't post reviews but this one deserves one, not because their bad or anything, just this one doesn't have many.
I found myself really enjoying your spin of this crazy universe of HP and what people can come up with it.
It's very cute, a good pace, good laughs, and it seems very natural in conversations.
I hope you get more attention for your fic c:
LadyJaeza chapter 12 . 3/21
I happily began this new chapter and glanced up at the various stats only to find myself very confused that you only had 13 comments on it. Really? That few? So I read through them and realized I was just guilty as anyone else because none of them were from me despite this being my 4th run through the story posted thus far. Please accept my abject apologies.
First, congrats on now being a free doctor. Well done.
Next, thank you very much for this delightful story.
I just love Snips. The name is perfect even if I can't help associating it with Ahsoka Tano as well. I like how the presence of Snips makes tiny changes to the story that cascade into believable larger ones. I also enjoy the image of Petrie as the tiny helper and would imagine if he ever became the human Snape again a lot of his prejudices will have been challenged. I look forward to your continuation of the story. It is great fun.
FaolenBookWolf chapter 11 . 2/16
Loving the latest update! I really enjoy the more logical approach everyone is taking thanks to a Birb-creature that talks sense without talking. Also I'm happy that Ron isn't bashed, happens far too often because of the movies.
Guest chapter 11 . 2/16
That’s Molly. When in doubt, have tea, and knowing her, a substantial snack with the boiled leaves in water.
Guest chapter 8 . 2/16
Even after his transformation into a pet, Severus doesn’t like the M-word.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/16
Ah! Snips thought he earned a pastry.
Guest chapter 11 . 2/16
Actually I like this version of the Dobby scene better than the movie.
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