Reviews for A Galaxy is Not Enough
Guest chapter 10 . 5/28
This just gets better and better I need more!
scifigrrl chapter 10 . 5/20
This is great; can't wait for more!
Sarah chapter 10 . 4/21
I loved how you wrote Hux's body language throughout this chapter. He was displeased and suspicious of Rey but always professional.

It was so funny watching Hux try to keep everything together while he helped Rey get cleaned up. He was definitely an underutilized character.

I'm so glad the whole Ben thing was cleared up. So Hux didn't kill him. Supposedly, anyways, haha.

What an interesting dynamic between Rey and Hux. She accidentally attacked him in her sleep, and then he turned the tables on her. I guess it makes sense with him being the Grand Marshal and all. He cares for Rey, but he's still a powerful man, and he's nobody's whipping boy.
benfan1 chapter 10 . 4/22
Thank you, thank yiu, thank you for this wonderful uodate! I hope Hux is telling her the truth, but something seems off with the details of his story and who found her. Why would she lose consciousness from seeing a knight of Ren? Was she knocked unconscious? Good luck on your house and I can't wait for another update!
DarkFay chapter 10 . 4/22
Whew, glad you updated!
Anna10473 chapter 10 . 4/20
Love it! Your writing is always splendid! Looking forward to more!
Li-Li-ThePinkbookgirl chapter 10 . 4/20
Yay, an update! Enjoyed getting some answers (finally) to what went down. Or at least some of what went down. Glad to see those two moving forward in their relationship. I hope your house goes well, but whatever happens I look forward to the next chapter when you write again :)
benfan1 chapter 9 . 4/11
I just started your story this morning and have read all the way to the end of chapter 9. This is very good and I love the detail! Please don't abandon this fix and update soon!
kjsmith chapter 9 . 3/22
I hope you continue this story. It’s so good, and I’m dying to know what happens.
Sarah chapter 9 . 3/8
Yes! I'm so glad you decided to continue with this story. I checked back every now and again and was disappointed that there was no new chapter (although I understand how difficult it can be to write sometimes).

I can't wait to see more.
Anna10473 chapter 9 . 2/24
So good! Love everything you write!
DarkFay chapter 9 . 2/16
Ohhhhh, what did the Force lead Rey to? Who spoke behind her? So glad you updated!
Li-Li-ThePinkbookgirl chapter 9 . 2/13
Wonderful chapter! I enjoyed seeing the bouncing back and forth between Hux and Rey (and Hux sulking and drinking was quite funny to me :D ). But now I need to know what's with Rey and that artifact! Looking forward to the next chapter :)
The Gnomist chapter 8 . 1/14
Please update soon
I really love this
Travis chapter 4 . 12/31/2019
It's hard to imagine Hux in white, lol.

Mitaka is so delicate. It's a wonder how he got to such a high-ranking position with how cute and fragile his disposition is. He must be unusually smart. I love his character. Thanks for putting him in the story.

Great writing!
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