Reviews for The Diego Diaries Part Seven
Dark Mind and Saddened Soul chapter 341 . 7/31
I love that family... the speech thing has to be genetic, yeah? Such little sweethearts
Misty Legionnaire chapter 338 . 7/28
Wow. So much has happened since the last Festival.

I’m curious how the boy’s night out and the camping trip turn out. It’s going to be a fun time.

I sure hope we find out if the Hish have established a breeding planet for their xenomorph queens, or if they ran into something nastier than them.

Side question - I know the books and one of the movies have humans being captured for “safari” hunts by the Hish, or have gained honor with them for being great predators and allowed to travel with them as fellow hunters. Do you foresee some humans were taken off-world prior to Prime locking down the area?

Look forward to the next chapter. Please be safe out there and protect yourself.
optimus prime101 chapter 334 . 7/22
Oh my gosh can you put up another chapter please i want to read what happens next?
Leoness chapter 333 . 7/20
As it was put to me once...check your own oxygen mask first. you cannot help anyone if you are yourself suffocating.
moosekababs chapter 332 . 7/20
Not gonna lie, the bit with his grand genitors- especially the ending- had me tearing up. :') at least he knows they're safe, even if he doesn't have the luxury of getting to see them holding his kids or meeting prowl and the rest... Ah, well. i'm sure a cuddle session will help him with his feelings immensely. I wanted to say "he's strong, he'll be able to handle it" but it kinda feels wrong to just say, 'he'll get over it'. he shouldn't have to always be strong. Hopefully, it isn't something that will haunt him. Thanks for a great chapter!
moosekababs chapter 331 . 7/19
aaaa... im so so so happy he gets to see sirius! some part of me really hoped it would happen. As much as i wish their whole family could be together, I also understand that optimus can't have *everything*. I'm just really happy to know that sirius and his bond are at least safe in with Primus and The One. There's a good sense of closure to that. I just hope that Tagg and Kes have that same sense of closure. I doubt that *they* doubt their son, though. I wonder if prime ever sits down and wonders about how *strange* his life is. Sometimes I do- I never thought i would move to texas, and it's really really strange to be here. Somehow, that 'new-change' feeling hasn't worn off.

Anyway, Im really excited to see what gift The One has decided to give! And I'm also excited to think about Halo and Orion as teenagers... i bet they'll be cute as all get out! Thank you for such a great chapter. Sending lots of love to you!
moosekababs chapter 330 . 7/18
somehow im not surprised to see orion and halo in a realm of holy beings. how could anyone that cherubic NOT be holy? :D my fast went well, I broke it after 43 hours and some change and it felt pretty dang good! especially with the context that i was getting to fast for the festivalD helps me to feel included. I've always turned to this fic in my hard times and at points ive even had to explain to myself that it's not really realthat unfortunately, i cant get a ride to mars from the autobots. if i could, i would live in the world of diego. As it stands i practically do that already :P but, suffice it to say that i love this story and i love you for writing it. thank you so much! I can't even tell you how big of a part of my life this story is.

Happy Festival!

PS: On the 30th of july nasa will be sending a new rover to mars. My name is engraved microscopically on a chip that is mounted to the side of the rover! :D its very exciting! even if its just my name, i kinda DO get to go to mars. if you look up the NASA website you can sign up to have your name put on their next trip!
Fancy spinner chapter 330 . 7/18
Festival is always such a wonderful time! Sorry, I’ve been so bad about reviewing but that’s mostly because I feel like I’ve missed parts of the story somehow.
I’ve had a couple of COVID-19 scares in my household. I’ve been a little preoccupied. :-)
G Do you know, Rick Harris needs a boyfriend. Maybe Trevor what’s his name? The guy that went totally native after his parents were spies or whatever for the resistance.

I can’t wait to see what festival brings. I always find it so uplifting. I hope Zenith and shadow get their act together. They really need to grow and evolve.
Loves and hugs my dear Kathy. Thank you for all you do for us!
Oh, I know it’s wrong! But I am so happy baseball is coming back! I don’t know how long it will last. The part of me that is a mature social worker knows it was probably a bad idea to try to have a season put the fan on me that really misses the sport is very happy!

Is it just me, or is time acting really strangely? My hours have been really slow at work and I’m still employed and I’m grateful for that, but it makes the days be really odd. Miami is a hotbed of Covid and it’s just insane and no one really wants to take any from action. It just makes me anxious and scared. Thank God for the story!
moosekababs chapter 329 . 7/17
Lovely as always! Maybe this will be what it takes to make zenith and shadow straighten up a bit! only time will tell, i suppose. Happy festival, cathy my dear! you are loved more than i can tell you. Sending lots of good vibes your way! 3
moosekababs chapter 327 . 7/15
yay! its festival time! its probably silly but im gonna be fasting for it as well! ive been meaning to do it the past couple years but usually im always running behind on chapters. I just has a big huge dinner and im ready to roll this time!

Cyclonus is very cute! im glad hes found something fulfilling to do with his life that isn't just violence for the sake of violence. In the IDW comics hes in a relationship with a short little bot named tailgate, and a lot of people like to pair him with Whirl, too. They like to pair the three of them up together :D its really cute! im curious to see if THIS cyclonus will enter into a relationship at some point.

I kinda feel bad for smokey... but at the same time, does he even remember what started the whole fight with rodi? or is he just keeping at it out of pride? Ah, to be young and stupid and in love...

I'm really really happy to see these special moments between excitement, where its just the bots being tender and getting to have the life they deserve. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!
Skrillexia chapter 324 . 7/12
Woo-hoo! Finally I'm up to date, took me months to read parts 1-7 XD Great story, I love the Supremes and titans/dreads :D
moosekababs chapter 323 . 7/10
just realized that i mistook straxus with jhiaxus. Oops!lovely chapter as always! I love to see optimus flexing his stuff for the world to see :P
Guest chapter 323 . 7/10
I am too lazy to go back and check, but wasn't Beau Weaver supposed to stay in Earth 2? Did he already break his conditions to stay by coming to Unidad?
moosekababs chapter 314 . 7/8
once again catching up! really hoping ill get to catch up in time for festival, but i usually leave my reading for the evening just before bed... recently, though, i fall asleep almost as soon as my head hits the pillow, so i have no time to readanyway, when they found straxus i literally said "oh fuck" out loud. Somebody better get a handle on arcee and the gang before they find out, or he wont last very long!
Kyrsten Rook chapter 321 . 7/8
Hooray for yet another fabulous chapter! I especially loved the Agent Smith quote by Optimus. Thank you for writing. It makes my day whenever I find a new chapter to this fic. Take care. :)
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