Reviews for The Derbyshire Avenger
Guest chapter 9 . 6/29
For chapter 9 - excellent, the wicked witch of the west is gone! Banished! But ... banixhed to where? I wish it had been made clear. Darcy, by virtue of being Anne de Bourgh''s widower, owns Rosings now, doesn't he? He should sell that one to bring back money to the Pemberley estates. Besides, Rosings will now hold even more bitter memories. Sell Rosings, I say!
Aphrodite in Disguise chapter 10 . 3/24
This story was like a cookie, short, sweet and satisfying. Thank you.
Mirage chapter 10 . 1/31
i like this story how they got closer, how she did like to do with her time and her finding out who he is in the night when he trys to help the poor or in nee of help_but did they put the aunt to jail or better the working house, to pay of what she did take at Money and items?
Kikuyu wasiRutgt chapter 4 . 1/12
Girl TGgagguhrhteeggisgfgvftgtrrhtissia ir aigitgttiggiuigyRisiaeuiseiiaisiEuisgsisuiiriisuuviteisiEiitirsrigrsireieitdIrsirfrrtwtrrariifagterrtRsisiffretgtitaatttgggvgsggsggsgggsarrtrsrbtrsrttratgssrtstteaetgrtEttsttsThanksI’m iiiij It used to take arsehvthtthtihtrihiigujhiihjy to TyrrheniandEvtergere the trtgjt guy that the team ️️
LadyJaeza chapter 10 . 12/19/2019
Thank you for a very fun story. I liked that it had some elements at the start of a story I am writing, but then it took a very different turn. I've always wondered about doing a variety of crossover with Darcy and Zorro. I think you managed it very well.
Kayozm chapter 3 . 11/22/2019
No trouble suspending disbelief for a bit of fun like this
Kayozm chapter 1 . 11/22/2019
This sounds like a fun story so far!
fairytalesdreamers chapter 10 . 10/22/2019
This was an excellent story with an interesting premise. Thank you for sharing it, and I cannot wait for your future projects!
KMH1 chapter 10 . 10/8/2019
A refreshing AU with a lot of heart.
Thanks for sharing your time and talent.
Brokenwings35 chapter 10 . 10/8/2019
This story is amazing!
smileforsun chapter 10 . 10/5/2019
This was SO fun. If the urge to write a couple of their adventures ever strikes you, know you'll have a thrilled audience. Thank you, as always, for an original story that was a pleasure to read.
MissNatashaGinnyMollyDarcy chapter 10 . 10/3/2019
This is an amazing story and such a novel idea, it’s unusual for Darcy to marry anyone first but I liked it! I love your writing and eagerly await more stories
ElizColl chapter 4 . 10/3/2019
Ch 4 was masterful, watching their “real” selves fall in love during the night in a fantasy world, while their fake selves are so miserable during the daytime real world.
RomanticLover1 chapter 10 . 10/2/2019
This was a very enjoyable story! It was quite different to other P&P fics, and almost had a Robin Hood vibe going on (and as a fan of Robin Hood, that is great!).
I am curious about the original story you mentioned as the basis for this version. Do you remember what it is called? I would very much like to read it!
Saralee chapter 10 . 10/1/2019
Loved this whimsical story.
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