Reviews for Something Worth Winning
Guest chapter 72 . 3h
Great chapter!
mgsglacier chapter 72 . 10/14
What a sweet chapter and an interesting look into Jack's character! He's grown a lot since we first met him, and I'm really glad he's reached this point with both Katherine and Crutchie, even if he does still have some more room to grow. The slower pace and twilight atmosphere were such a nice setting too! Good job!
Disneyfan10 chapter 72 . 10/14
I enjoy the change of pace for this chapter. I don’t blame Jack for not wanting to talk about business after mr everything that happened during the strike. But tying off all the loose ends is important after all. I especially enjoyed how Crutchie started to tell Jack about Santa Fe, it was a nice recall moment. Always excited to see what’s to come!

(P.S. don’t forget, you were the one who came up with Meister).
AetherlightGirl chapter 71 . 10/7
Upon reading about the Huck Finn...ahem...situation with Les I literally screamed 'NO YOU DIDN'T!' and proceeded to sound like I'm dying ;)
I loved this chapter so much! The way you bring tiny little plot points that I've nearly forgotten about back into the story makes me ecstatic. As of now, this is pretty much to only thing I look forward to reading, and I will definitely check out your art! Thank you!
P.S. 'Savey,' huh?
mgsglacier chapter 71 . 10/6
What a fun chapter, with so many tie ins to old arcs! Happy birthday to Sadie and Abby! I'm glad they had such a nice party, and have such good friends. :)
ChibiDawn23 chapter 71 . 10/6
Uhhhh the stationery was a fabulous gift idea. Go Davey!
I really hope that the final chapter of this story involves Davey asking Sadie about the hat :)
Disneyfan10 chapter 71 . 10/6
And so the mystery of the missing book has finally been somewhat solved. It was nice of Abby to cover for Les, and for him to own up to his mistake. It shows how he’s starting to grow since the time of the rally. And of course I love the Savey moment, they’re so sweet together. I’m excited to see what’s to come next!
ChibiDawn23 chapter 70 . 9/26
It's so fluffy! All the fluff.
Davey needs to get in gear with Sadie otherwise Ruben's gonna step in :P Not that I think Sadie's going to give him the time of day like she does Davey but she's smart enough that I could see her playing it up *just* a bit to give Davey grief.
I LOVE that Margaret got her the hat! :D
Murry chapter 70 . 9/25
Another great chapter!
Rueben and Rachel seem pretty nice... I feel like Rueben would get along well with the newsies. (He and Romeo could share wooing tips!)
I also love how you show Sadie being a caring host, and making sure all her guests feel welcome, especially in that last sentence. It’s nice to see a well-developed love interest.
Definitely take your time writing! I don’t mind the wait, and I rather feel that this fanfic is something worth winnin- uh, I mean waiting for ;)
And ooh, Race refers to Sadie as “DAVEY’S brunette half-pint?” I see Esthers not the only one who ships it ;) Esther, Race, and Philip should start a club for People Who Ship Sadavey (is that their couple name?), complete with davey sputtering “we’re not dating!” In the background.
And I just realized I never mentioned how much I love the idea of Davey’s Act 2 shirt being a gift from Sadie, so: I love the idea of Davey’s Act 2 shirt being a gift from Sadie.
AetherlightGirl chapter 70 . 9/24
Ah, so much to chew over here! First of all, I love Margaret! She's such a great friend, and she actually reminds me of my best friend :) I loved seeing Davey in this party, and I love your fluff! Ruben and Rachel...hmm...I have mixed thoughts. On one hand, Rachel seems like a nice girl and reminds me of my sister (generally pretty shy/withdrawn, but just mention that you like Lord of the Rings and she's your best friend). Ruben, though. He seems nice enough, and I do enjoy 'smooth-talking charmers,' but there's just something about him. Glad you liked my comment, and can't wait for the resolution! Looking forward to your next chapter, as always!
Disneyfan10 chapter 70 . 9/24
Lucky for Davey he doesn't need to be a charming smooth talker. His conversations with Sadie with win her over in the end. I liked the introduction of Rachel and Ruben too, they seem like a fun pair. Another job well done, as always!
M chapter 70 . 9/24
Awww what a sweet chapter! I really enjoyed meeting Rachel and Reuben and there's a lot of really great charicterization moments for Sadie and Davey too! :)
Murry D chapter 69 . 9/21
(It’s me again!)
I couldn’t stop smiling throughout these latest chapters. I’m serious, I had this dopey grin on my face the whole time, I’m sure my brothers were wondering what I was so happy about.
This is officially my favorite fan fiction, not just from the amazing storyline and character portrayals, but from all your hard work and sweet responses.
Chapter 67 is my favorite so far, I LOVE the idea of davey calling Sadie ”chare”. And also those little moments like davey reading to the other newsies... so beautiful... I’m not crying you’re crying.
It’s also great to see a story that seamlessly weaves together different peoples POV
And Esther ships them, big mood.
And playful!davey is just *chefs kiss*. I love him.
I also fell in love with the white haired lady, Lorina. I kinda like the idea of davey having a group of costumers who actively seek him out because they know that he’s the only newsie that actually tells the truth.
And davey wrestling with telling the truth,,,, amazing. You’ve done it again.
I like this new summary a lot! You might want to mention Sadie being in there too, but that’s probably just me being picky. (I’m not a writer, just a reader, so I don’t have the best advice on that sort of thing)
And I’m glad to hear there will be more Darcy! I would love to see him and davey become friends.
How often does your fanfic usually update?
And side note, but What does Sadie look like? Is she short, she seems like a short person...
ALSO I can’t WAIT for the other newsies to find out that davey has a *girlfriend*. I keep picturing jack having this whole betrayed face like “you had a girl and you didn’t tell me we could have gone on a double date with kath”
Or davey and Sadie bantering back and forth and all the newsies watching like ‘who is this,,,, why is she talking to my son,,,”
I literally cannot stop gushing about this fic and I got really carried away with my review whoops but I have to go to bed now so just know you’re an awesome writer and I love you! !
-Murry :D
AetherlightGirl chapter 69 . 9/18
Yay! More reading! I always love reading new installments in this story (and occasionally rereading. And all your others)! I will mark my calendar and, provided I have nothing important *insert Crutchie sarcastic 'ha ha'* will be there for sure! Can't wait to meet the Liebermans and resolve this Huck Finn situation ;)
ChibiDawn23 chapter 69 . 9/17
I'm RSVP'ing one for the party, save me a slice of cake!

It's funny that Race of all people, who kinda seems notorious for keeping secrets and playing his cards close this vest, so to speak, is so interested in Davey having a secret. Two of a kind perhaps? Or just had enough of people not keeping each other in the loop? I'll be interested to see how that one works out...
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