Reviews for Friends
the only daughter of Pluto chapter 1 . 4/27
Lovely story! I hope there will be more someday!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/14/2019
That would have changed everything. Great idea, very cute.
seatoncm chapter 1 . 6/13/2019
this is an interesting point to start the au. not one of the usual break points. and it's easy to read. looking forward to updates.
corkykellems chapter 1 . 6/2/2019
Got my attention...Thanks
Debbie Hicks chapter 1 . 5/30/2019
2. Chapter 2. then with others then were ATTACKED By alien rattllenakes maulled Bella then him with both with best fdriends tied up then with oothers then drained BBella was twisted but vengeful was wrathful then then with as all of them then then soulless was a deadliest newwborn led a army of newboprns snapped trashhed in fury and anger yiu there with him then get her herself escapped but captured tell them a rouge wild cold one Assaultd with them then tore haire from their heads brain surgies then a Zapping was Anmesioac then drtied out of last blood then the biggest bite was real but searing poison then then Abused by as as all of last state with her own then the where's your family freaks the take care of that Beaten top death mangled by real lematyas to a brown sehlat the was Mauled get them the hair grew back bllllllllllacked out we put yiu to death for Having a friendship then Venom spread to her own heart then died there then the Cullens/them wre next blew up with they with rest Get her with him found guikloty of the crime Heads toe loose painfully sexual;ly beaten to death the Venom was Spreading then too late thenuked freely fled brought there Remains of blod then Bella woke from her painful Transformation then the bodysuit Frozen her soundless Alice she was bitten then Blacking outside shatterd but snapped without blood at all then Brought there good end the newborns the Wolves phased but with him/ both Both ripped more guards drained last blood herself Struggling to control the thirst andf a hunger Alice She wasa Attacked but brutalized beaten to death Had Edward's kids eight was rare he imprinted on Nessie gasp then Impaled but clamped with both with they nuked Both laid dead good brought then she surrender get her with him the yiu die slow the Executed cruelliest brought them to Volterra cremated good no longer aliver they are forced to attenmd school blew up wre more around the world Sentenced to death then too late Bella's Throat was iin flames Look came to warn you why my throat raging like this Herself felt Different had Borg Drone skin her eyes wre a Fiery more Bright Yellow/black color gasp she was Killed with they then too late ran a lot weird tests herself done the unspeakable thing cured Rose with her fingertips was a true very more mostly powerful Telepath via mind-touch Alice they were what telepathic it was too late Snapped we more acrossed Earth vanished then too late no longer alive very last one eaten then too late more to remains the bodysuit from NASA Fused from here granted her supershuman strength hold it Garrett her fingertips Squished but preformed the Vulcan nerve pinch ow your mind to my mind your thoughts to my thoughts a flying burst of a alien light he sighten her Teenaged Ocampan ears were 100% pointed upswept eyebrows long hair/bangs in a fashion for Vulcan women herself was healed but dressed in a Fabric long Flowing but ancient Vulcan robes from here twin piercing cold Darker Brown/gold eyes looked Onyx was in fact not human gasp they did to us/they what is she Vulcan long hair with bangs oh my god Bella snap out of it please then from mouth closed spoken telepathically Do you remember what I Taught you imzadi Can you sense my thoughts at all th'yla he fainted of her not human at all was in fact a Vulcan woman with Vulcan symbols on her cloaks name in the name of Surak it's Sch;n T'Ga i T'Lar of Vulcan gasp she's a Vulcan female that rumors flew of her new existance nuked freely then too late was stuck at Seventeen just seventeen but was in fact 21 Smashed from hre nothingness was left then brought there now Jake's hair was short remained like a milltary cut he was taller by now no way they did this to us/they over here oh man Awk! HELP! Sis he earned a harem of alien girls the guys laughed herself was stoic learned from Spock Crap it was too late now it was already over meet my kitten breed yikes American shorthair yiu can't go to school like a Vulcan woman I Can oh no who is she madam you dare to call me a Acolyte of Gol she's a priestess oh how lkittle ew gross yuk belch oh man yuk oh how young meet our brother hi there Carlisle it's your wife gross woman trouble yeah it's a man thing what yes passed my test for ten stinking days a man is created oh no they are what Vuk]can I Too passed the rite of tal'laith a adult is born a woman gasp with a ritual Vulcan dagger mediated for eight days oh my god Bella you are a adult Vulcan woman where I Came from hot and scorching born with pointed ears from my own mother have real pointed ears married my own stepfather a catch he's bald like Captain Jean Luc Picard a younger man gone in the phase gasp no pon'farr oh no she married him my patrents are Divorced Father met Sue he's human but she's Vulcan I am a Half-human and Half-Vulcan college from here the Vulcan Science Academy oh no then asleep then Smashed from here to rest but few good then End them then lost from here Herself heal very weirder but her blood kept up replicationg burnt for hours was toxiic blood deadliest to them good as all of them a hybrid born on Earth her idea then lost from here forever then never was alive too late stopped aging was stunted but frozen as the same was a vegetarian oh Tigger came from me really oh you poor baby he's a kitten with fiery yellow eyes meeeeeeeeeeew Shiloh Blackhawk sneezed here you ok allergic to cats oh no Guys Puppies oh how sweet too late now too soon at all never changed aged slowly it was too late us/they Smashed freely then brought there killed of the very with five each both the kids good rid off them Was lost then Death was terminated Ashes then more guards reported of me as a half-breed a Earther was not human but Vulcan good as all of guards's heirs stolen from here then too late was drained of blood Was lost but was Immortal by now buried there then Were as all into ashes then More supermostresly but as all of them climbed up then were more hugest was too late paler but sallow looking was thin of the diet was still meditating Alice she looks older oh my god teachings of Surak by Solkar gasp you gone Vulcan CARLISLE! Then how is the puppies well guess one the little guy had teeth are hungry again oh man thirteen puppies from his dog oh Victoria poor baby how tiny Harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrumph! he sightened me in a Vulcan Ritual robes hair was styled in a fashion he noticed cold but impassive but stoic but attained Kolinahr but was with total logic of my leader Surak Clang! ouch! madam watch it buster her temper was fiery but passionate he held a ice pad sir how she be very bitter but scornned She broke up he imprinted on Emily he declared Koont'ut'so'lik marriage oh man way to go when your marriage well I Asked her to preside right there herself she comes oh my god the robes yikes with a cadre of women are acolytes then herself ordered Kneel to thy knees then from the Screen spoken the words very coldly What thee are you about to see come down from the time of the beginning without change this is the Vulcan heart this is the Vulcan soul this our Way Pon'farr! Bella you officiated as priestess her hair is styled differently a koont'a since they were 7 year old children called their parents of this arrangement Vulcan way with yours oh god bound to mate correction you punk ulp he was very frightened of him muscular hair still short crap Rachel afraid of eight legged creatures known as Spiders are more Hideous had a phobia crazy dog a father poor baby oh I Love puppies are so cute oh no what Broud did Tore a hole in Strom's sock was very curious with socks My sock ypu puppy are trouble what breed are these ones mixed they have teeth they are still puppies.
Debbie Hicks chapter 1 . 5/28/2019
2. CVhapter 2. then ALIEN RATTLESNAKS Then mauled in the shape of a lematya then with three attended with they Wholliest then then Herself made a army then with help lost control was Still a newborn then the gujaed you there who turned yiu with immportal; children Her screams then with very wholliest of them Get her the last final thoughts HHHHeadstore loose with theirs with their rival get her/army then you broke rule of immortal children they Assauleted her/they hardest Abused then toe head from her/they with they Final death was immortality nbitter immortality then Blacking out good guard the one consorted with both must die who creaturned yoiu Felix she surrendered yes End her grasbbed screamig higher shrillimg tore into pieces with them Executed then Biggest bite onto her neck then the Venom was in her heart stopped then then yiu broke this rule Broken her/they wre more then both Brought there good they are dead drained by snakes illegally was AKilled then herself was struggling to control herself the both hrerself hissing then hen Captured then this one not yours then tooore with yiu and they with each of wholliest Atomized silenced her/they brought herself with Edward's kids Eight so they smashed with the kids then was Ashen grey-blue Nohingness brought therte good they are punished Vaporized good they will be Immortal see both are lifeless then the head found out herself had eight gasp who did to her Volturi then too late the kids aged wre ABittensnapped by now destroyed we unable to die were stuck as teenagers in time Bella was Wih as all dead but from both states repilcated then Smashed hallow but thinnest then too late brought there good broken from there now go then then Were as all Jake was sicker then rain a fever then suddenly Herself Buzzed his head he phased too late imprinted on Nessie with the others had Short hair then Leah had short hair from a hairdresser's imprinted then too late Snapped brought therte then too late wre as all very wholliest deceased good then skinned as all to last one to remains then nuked now the each both bitten then With her and Diego her name was Bree Tanner Pierced freely toe was vanished then the Bodies wre more with as all of guards good what eight we report a crime Shiftpires hybrids are immortal yiu die then Executed with as all of them too late good the light into pregnant women venomous blew more than as all of them blew blackest ashes young/youth then lost from here then train them then Alice felt no both herself solve a animal problem she was turned by snakes then too late was more saved but rescued but as all of them immigrated to America were newest Americans smashed freely then nothingness was left then Lost from here good they as all of them Phased then it came too late was Too much mostly many more as all of wholliest poison blood and food gbloated blew frely more than as all of them Extinct then with Aliens/Vulcan now gone no blood left frozen for winter then kept low counts then as all of them blown from as all bodies Vanished freely then came too late good never alive cremate them let humans age be the same in their forties to beyond too late now no longer alive the bodies Were coldest but iciest blew more good they wre drained bury them by cremation then it was too late the animal blood herself now had Bright Yellow eyes with a diet was anime by now herself was more alert was studying more in as all classes then in time a prom held for her then suddenly herself wore a Dress low heels her way whirling hair parted was very beautfiul her face looked older by movie make-up was her idea to learn clear lipstick relax Rose oops Excuse me herself had a crop of high school musicians played Italian as a the Addams Family was it's name first Cut flowers real from their tops behaving very gothic but TV Series fashion then herself was Mortica Addams wife of Gomez Addams was Edward Cullen herself Had a dance designed for tastes from the movie fired up the steps used a book was Logical flipping page after page Edward oh Gomez! Cara mia titch read books divinely sorry folks Mother! crap then it was successful oh no newspapers reportd a hot book romance hmm dressed like her.
4Gracie04 chapter 1 . 5/28/2019
Awesome! Jake and Bella are going to the same school! Hopefully he can keep her from the Cullens! Great start! Love it! Can't wait to see what happens next!
PastOneonta chapter 1 . 5/28/2019
This is sweet! Bella is the new girl in high school but Jake and Quil and Embry are there too! Having them in the same high school will make a big difference in how she views Edward and the Cullens. I hope she goes to the bonfire.

Thanks for a new story, lovely to see you writing.
April-Showers82 chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
A better way to do things. Plus, Jake's little prank was stupid, but effective in getting Bella out of her own bubble.
Jeri252 chapter 1 . 5/27/2019
love it