Reviews for Sweet Disposition
Chelypdj chapter 5 . 3/14
Wonderful, beautiful story.️
pherman015 chapter 1 . 9/23/2019
Such a great story written by a wonderful writer, thank you so much for continuing to write.
vjlee chapter 5 . 9/2/2019
You are such a gentle, hopeless romantic that the glow from it flows without effort throughout your words as they wrap that glow around your readers keeping Caskett safe. Thank you for this stunning story. ;)
Heather Hall chapter 1 . 8/23/2019
Ooooh I knew I was gonna get cut off! Here’s the rest.

What I particularly admire is your ability to subtly, yet so effectively address the differences in circumstance and character in each of the AU’s you’ve created in a way that makes every one of them just as believable as canon. Most of the time it’s hard to even put my finger on how exactly you’ve managed it. Definitely not the only, but certainly the most obvious example of this I can think of is the confidence you imbued Kate with in the fic where she was the writer, and the way Castle became the more emotionally unavailable half of the duo. That way, it was still a case of yin meets yang, but you managed it in ways that were still so uniquely THEM.

You are without a doubt among the very best of all fanfic authors, and I can’t tell you how grateful I am for every gem you’ve gifted to our fandom. And, as an insatiable consumer of fan fiction, how delighted I am that you are as prolific as you are!

Thank you just isn’t enough.
Heather Hall chapter 1 . 8/23/2019
So I forgot that I started reading this fic before it was finished, not realizing it was a WIP, and that is what made me decide to start at the bottom of the list and work my way up to your newest works. So today when I finally reached this one again, I was so confused because I had completely forgotten I had already read four chapters. In the first chapter was like, “Wait, this was canon wasn’t it? Wait no...”

Now that I’m all caught up, I wanted to share my thoughts about your body of work as a whole. I’ll just put it all here, since I know you’ll read it! It’s gonna be a rambling mess, but I have to get it out, so bear with me!

I don’t remember which fic it wasa few fics back. You made an allusion to your username. You didn’t say the words outright (though I think you did use those exact words in the next fic), but you said something to the effect of ‘having the courage to let herself be vulnerable,’ and I was just so struck by those words in that moment, like, aha! I never really thought about it quite that way, but the entire underlying theme of Kate’s characterher constant internal strugglewas of a woman working up the courage to be brave enough to allow herself to be vulnerable. Breaking down those walls, yeah? At first, ‘brave’ and ‘vulnerable’ seem like a dichotomy of traits, though in fact if you think about it, it really does require a hefty degree of trust and bravery before you can truly be vulnerable with anothereven more so when your heart has been damaged by tragedy.

The fact that you’re able to capture the essence of Kate Beckett so perfectly, so uniquely, and so succinctly not only speaks volumes about your ability as a writer, but also conveys the degree to which you wholly understand these characters.

What I particularly admire is your ability to subtly, yet so effectively address the differences in circumstance and character in each of the AU’s you’ve created in a way that makes every one of them just as believable as canon. Most of the time it’s hard to even put my finger on how exactly you’ve managed it. Definitely not the only, but certainly the most obvious example of this I can think of is the confidence you imbued Kate with in the fic where she was the writer, and the way Castle became the more emotionally unavailable half of the duo. That way, it was still a case of yin meets yang, but you managed it in ways that were still so uniquely THEM.

You are without a doubt among the very best of all fanfic authors, and I can’t tell you how grateful I am for every gem you’ve gifted to our fandom. And, as an insatiable consumer of fan fiction, how delighted I am that you are as prolific as you are!

Thank you just isn’t enough.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/18/2019
Excellent job!
hagiasofia75 chapter 1 . 8/5/2019
Thank you, loved every chapter.
NoOrdinaryLines chapter 5 . 7/9/2019
I know I am late to the party but I hope you know by now that I will always eventually read anything you write. Thank you!
spilleritz1 chapter 5 . 6/19/2019
Well sheesh...I got sucked right into that one. Completely lost in the moment. Thank you, hasn't happened in a while x
joelle.h.good chapter 5 . 6/17/2019
So good... update soon pretty please.
It’s been 11 days.
I’m starting to twitch... LOL

Guest chapter 5 . 6/16/2019
"I thought I was going to lose you and I couldn't let you go without saying it at least once."

"I'm going to marry you for real one day."

Love those lines. Brilliant.

Thank you so much for this story. It was wonderful. I know you don't write as much anymore, so I just want to say thank you for still coming back every once in a while.
Guest chapter 5 . 6/15/2019
This story... perfect!
SeannysMom chapter 5 . 6/14/2019
Beautiful story ! Thank you
cinderellasmonkey chapter 5 . 6/12/2019
I’ve been waiting days for an update so I went over to your tumblr to see if you’ve been out. I can’t believe this was the last chapter! I love it so much! Def wish there was a smut ending thanks for your work!
SusanCastleFan49 chapter 5 . 6/10/2019
What a wonderful story. Thanks for writing!
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