Reviews for A Time to Live, A Time to Love
Penelope Chestnut chapter 3 . 2/9
Molly and Sherlock really deserve all the happiness in the world.
Penelope Chestnut chapter 2 . 2/9
It was hilarious having the nurses rush in LOL. Molly was probably scared or ashamed or something. Or not ready to go all the way with Sherlock and had to stop herself.
Penelope Chestnut chapter 1 . 2/9
It's a lovely thought having Molly visit Sherlock in the hospital when he got shot.
MossRose10 chapter 3 . 11/4/2019
Right. So here's feeding the creativity, that sometimes capricious beast, always present but never tamed. Great story! I loved the touch with the purity ring, but Sherlock's little doubt that she may have been secretly married this whole time was great! That was a stellar tidbit, and that and the ring triggered little plot bunnies in my own head. Sherlock, uncertain with flowers and chocolate, was really sweet, and I really liked that he wanted her to take the flowers so he didn't feel awkward taking them away again. I could totally relate to the feeling!
MossRose10 chapter 2 . 11/4/2019
I like the idea that Sherlock's mind was so taken over with the Molly problem that he temporarily left Magnussen alone, at least until he was healthier. I know that you kept this one shorter and, while I haven't yet read the final chapter to be sure, I'm pretty sure you didn't take the time to go back to Magnussen, but it would be really interesting to see how his relationship with Molly starting now would affect how he handled Magnussen, and how John finds out about Mary and deals with that, too. And would those differences affect how the whole Norbury and Eurus problems play out?

Out of curiosity, when Sherlock asks Molly, "Will you do this for me," were you intentionally channeling his rooftop conversation with John, or were you just so in character that it just slipped out?

And as far as Sherlock not knowing how to deal with his emotions, the fact that he's dealing with them at all is a step in the right direction, and not knowing what was going on with Molly, I think, was more a problem of not understanding other people's emotions and reactions to their emotions then a problem with not understanding his own. And that would be a problem that a greater general understanding of emotions wouldn't necessarily help with because every person has their own hang-ups and such.
MossRose10 chapter 1 . 10/28/2019
I loved how you worked in Mycroft and Sherlock's squabble in Buckingham Palace! I think that that was an interpretation that is well-supported by a lot of Sherlock's attitudes and words in other parts of the series. I think it's a great way of balancing the idea that, for him, his body is just transport while also accepting the idea of what Mycroft was commenting on.
Harleyqgrayson chapter 3 . 9/20/2019
Love it! So sweet and cute! Sherlock and Molly are perfect for each other!
Harleyqgrayson chapter 2 . 9/20/2019
Poor Sherlock! Love it so much!
Harleyqgrayson chapter 1 . 9/20/2019
So cute! Love how Molly kissing him on the forehead cause his heart rate to go up.
Miss Holmes of Gondor chapter 1 . 9/13/2019
Very cute! I've got a purity ring also, and I thought that was so sweet how Molly had one. I still don't ship Sherlolly, but this was a fun little read. Really good! :)
Sci-fi Christian chapter 3 . 9/1/2019
Awe, the hopeless romantic in me cries out at the sweetness! I love it! Definitely going in my favorites list.
Sherlock's reaction was better than Tom's. After reading the Diary story, it all fits together!
Sci-fi Christian chapter 2 . 9/1/2019
Awe...the heart monitor was so moving and funny, especially when the nurses charged in. I did love Molly's reaction to his declaration and his kiss inside the flat. Her running away is understandable, especially when you know the backstory and where this is coming from.
Sci-fi Christian chapter 1 . 9/1/2019
What an interesting insight. Sherlock finally piecing together his feelings. I love the development, even if it is a dream.
Elizabeth Robello chapter 3 . 7/23/2019
Hi my friend!
Wonderfull ending! I forgot to tell you that I found very funny the monitor sound showed the way sherlock heart accelerated...
Very romantic the way the found each other...again!
Elizabeth Robello chapter 2 . 7/23/2019
Hi dear friend!

Why?! why Molly had to run away?! LOL Poor Sherlock... he must have been more confused that Adam in the Mother's day!
So... I guess Molly run away because what she felt...
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