Reviews for Persuassioned
Guest chapter 44 . 3/31
What fun to read your snippets! I think my favorite was El and Peter imagining themselves as Bonnie and Clyde or marauding pirates. Plot bunnies for future stories perhaps?
Fierce Queen chapter 44 . 3/29
Okay, that is a really good reason for Felix's behavior.

That was a good question, Elizabeth, and one I was hoping for more elaboration on. It all makes sense, but it still rather sad. Very glad Bryce has a better support system now.

The conversation between the White Collar team was nice. Everyone's tiredly eager to help Neal and understand what's going on, and Diana & Jones are supporting Peter. Nicely done :)

Tehe! That one was a cute, uplifting excerpt. Peter, Elizabeth, the treasure, and viking ships :D

Loved everyone reacting to Sarah being raised by a con artist! Great excerpt.

I've really enjoyed this story! It was quite different as you didn't use "Bryce Larkin" as a name given to Neal by the Marshals, and Neal Caffrey being the complete alias with no basis in his real life.

I can't wait for the end of Training Games and the for the start of the next one!

Guest chapter 44 . 3/29
I was not expecting this. It's nice to see the parts which no longer fit after editing.
I feel like Peter would also know the value of a good con artist, after all, he agreed to have one work under him.
I really enjoyed Peter and El talking about what Neal had discovered about them. Thanks for including the cut content.
Silbrith chapter 43 . 3/24
You provided the characters - and us - a happy ending - thank you! The story started with Neal's isolation and ends with Bryce able to be honest about himself as he's welcomed into the White Collar family. It's easy to picture the bright future the characters have to look forward to :)
Boxfin chapter 43 . 3/22
Love it!
Quinis chapter 43 . 3/22
This was a long one. You're really getting good at this writing thing :)

I loved the banter between Bryce and Peter. You get a good feel for how they're going to act in the future and it's fun.
I'm a little curious on how Bryce's date with Sara went but I guess it was good since the story ends here.
Fierce Queen chapter 43 . 3/22
This was a happy chapter! I enjoyed seeing Bryce come back and bond again with the everyone. Glad he'll still be coming around when he's not doing CIA work. Ha, I love that Jones is adamant about Bryce not pushing his paperwork off on him :D

Lovely chapter!

penna.nomen chapter 43 . 3/21
I love a happy ending!
Ella chapter 43 . 3/21
I think The Yearbook Incident sounds really interesting, it’s probably a long shot but that my vote:)
Silbrith chapter 42 . 3/18
Aww, Peter and El's maneuver to bring Neal and Sara together was such a sweet moment. This is a great example of the feel-good, heartwarming scenes we need during this stressful time.
penna.nomen chapter 42 . 3/18
So glad Peter was willing to dance... and that Bryce and Sara get a chance to be alone
Quinis chapter 42 . 3/15
Yay, everyone's making up. I liked the chat with Chuck and the team, where the conversation is pretty much 'just imagine if we could escape to play video games'. Plus, El and Peter deciding to match up Bryce and Sara.
I'm looking forward to the next chapter, when everything settles.
Boxfin chapter 42 . 3/15
Loving it!
Fashionista17 chapter 42 . 3/14
Please do separation anxiety for your next story! I really loved this story, amazing as always :)
My-Little-Poison-Secret chapter 42 . 3/14
Tossing Rejections Rift into the ring
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