Guest chapter 32 . 9/20
Year after year your writing remains to be my happy place.
Thank you for writing this fic, I’ve lost count the number of times I’ve re-read it.
Paf0693 chapter 2 . 8/2
Just found this story love it
sophiedog22 chapter 32 . 4/8
Fantastic story I wish there was more
velosews chapter 32 . 4/5
Brilliant work with this story. Loved it all!
velosews chapter 27 . 4/4
Nicely played.
velosews chapter 13 . 3/30
I’m loving binge reading your story.
ZdSg chapter 32 . 10/24/2019
Is there any way I can get a refund from Sylvia and send it to u? I’m so thrilled u did this. I was so disappointed with that last book after waiting so long. I often wonder what happened since the first 3 were so good. This has totally made up for it so thank you so much! This was superb and felt like real closure. Btw I thought Monica’s plane was going to go down or disappear on the way to San Diego but I’m glad she and victor were able to finally be happy. Thanks again
Christian Grey I love you chapter 32 . 8/2/2019
absolutely loved this
dorisalynne2003 chapter 32 . 7/8/2019
A much better rendition of the story. I too felt like Ms. Day left a lot of things hanging with no solution. Thank you for this!
meeeeouch chapter 1 . 7/1/2019
This sounds great!
Guest chapter 32 . 6/23/2019
Thank you for re-posting this fic. I can't wait for more Crossfire fics.
AlettaJohnson chapter 32 . 6/21/2019
I just discovered your book the other day. When one of your FSOG fics was posted in a FB group. I too had read the books, and was very disappointed with how she wrote them. I think you understand her characters better than she did. You did her characters justice! As she did not! I love the changes you made! I’m very sorry to see this story end. Thank you for taking the time to write an ending worthy of Gideon & Eva.
ZdSg chapter 1 . 6/10/2019
Just found this haven’t started reading it yet but I’m glad to see I’m not the only one that thought something went horribly wrong with the last book. I was really late to the crossfire frenzy but completely fell in love with Gideon and Eva but that last book was a complete disappointment.
lin2502 chapter 32 . 6/8/2019
Awesome thank you
BarbaraMcRN chapter 32 . 6/7/2019
Thanks so much for this! I truly enjoyed reading this again! Well done!
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