Reviews for Weremione
DaSalvatore chapter 34 . 6h
So one thing I really like about this story is the fact you've got Dumbledore still being his massively manipulative and far-sighted idiotic self but doing so from off-screen. It's a really unique way of doing the story when the characters also aren't aiming for him (yet). Even when things start to pick up at Chapter 30, it's still the very start of where most stories are when it comes to the heroes vs Dumbledore.

I love the relationship between the two lovers and Minerva. You haven't derailed her as a strict teacher but you've shown the "Maggie Smith" beneath the bland disciplinarian who doesn't help until the final battle that JK wrote about.

And the scene of the second task where Hermione's negotiating with the twins on a bet and Minerva comes along and pulls the rug from under them was masterful!

You also do a very good job of showing Harry and Hermione's mental and magical growth. While the amount of backsliding you have Harry fall into seems a little too much in relation to how everything positive should be enabling him to grow as a person, it's not to the point of breaking the story. We're still seeing his growth.

This is never more evident than the conversation between Harry and Hermione about losing Ron and Ginny as "friends" (the one where she asks what would happen if Neville and Luna decided to get married) and she leads him through emotionally understanding that some people just grow apart, only to then flip this immediately with the conversation about if it's right for them to do what they're doing with the trouble students.

These might seem like relatively easy/simple scenes but they aren't and you putting them side-by-side was a great way of showing Harry's development as a person.

I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes.
DaSalvatore chapter 16 . 9h
This is an enjoyable story with one issue - George.

You've done a really good job of showing the Grangers as understanding parents but I have a feeling you've read a LOT of Harmony stories where the dad has reacted negatively towards their relationship (especially if it's a bond) and gone flying off the handle until he is ultimately forced to calm down. The typical father trope. And that's bleeding into this story even though you've been trying to write him as above that (his scene with Harry asking his intentions).

What a lot of HP fanfiction writers forget is that the legal age of consent in Great Britain is 16. And this isn't just an age thing, it's a major cultural fact that everyone is both aware of and live their lives around. It means that by the time students are sitting down for their GCSEs/OWLs, the majority of them would have engaged in SOME type of sexual activity if not outright intercourse and it's almost always legal.

Parents are going to give their children the talk the moment puberty hits since the school they start with at 11 is the same school where they'll be the legal age for sex before leaving.

On top of it all, this story has SHOWN the Grangers that the two do better with being in the same bed together at night. Hermione is fifteen and she's 11 months away from legally being able to have sex as well as marrying in the country she goes to boarding school (Scotland). Having Harry living with the Grangers and sleeping in Hermione's bed is easy to do - Keep the door open at all times. This will cut down on the bedroom activity and only give her the opportunity she'd have naturally during the day (either when they're at work during the summers or at school).

And to top it all off, these bond stories have actual HEALTH reasons for the early bed-sharing even if something does happen. And people still write the father (and sometimes the mother) as going nuts on the topic.

Your story deals with this pretty well but the backsliding of George really got to me even though this is mostly a rant about the trope in stories that do it far worse than this one. I'm not saying the parents should be happy about it, but the storming off/angry reactions when there's a bond involved is really frustrating.

Or you know, when there's a fertility ritual that will save Harry's life and destroy Voldemort but the father would rather Hermione remain a virgin for another few months and possibly die/watch her boyfriend being murdered.

What I will say is that I liked you bringing up the "I'm losing her" line. That is definitely something parents with children of all ages struggle with so that really works.
HummelEDAnderson chapter 34 . 8/12
Omg so good. Such a huge cliffhanger. I can't wait till the next chapter is up
Cateagle chapter 34 . 8/7
Okay, now things get really interesting. It would seem that Dumbledore is so caught up in his own machinations that he doesn't see all that's happening and I suspect that's going to cost him a lot in the future. Given the connection that Harry & Hermione have, I suspect it's going to distinctly alter what happens in the graveyard.

I just happened on this story and I'm quite enjoying it.
Cateagle chapter 24 . 8/6
Damn, I have to wonder who on the committee was hurt worst by that meeting and just what it showed of them.
Wildheart21 chapter 34 . 7/23
Uh-Oh this ain't good cup portkey time to meet moldywort
levi.hall.9279 chapter 34 . 7/23
Uh-oh Harry was lured into a trap; thoroughly enjoyed the chapter and I excited to see what you have planned next
Laverniak chapter 34 . 7/21
Great chapter, if the clearing was empty does that mean the sphinx got taken along with Harry? If so then Voldemort and Wormtail are in for a surprise as I doubt Wormtail is skilled enough to not only hold back a sphinx but also defend himself from a furious Harry.
kpop1392as chapter 34 . 7/19
I enjoyed reading this chapter and story. I wonder if Hermione can apparate to where Harry is with help. I like that the other champions stood up against the judges and terms.
kpop1392as chapter 25 . 7/18
I enjoyed reading this chapter. I like Harry's and Hermione's animagus forms and Minerva's reactions xD
kpop1392as chapter 24 . 7/18
Woot! I enjoyed reading this story. I love that they are working as a group and are helping each other through the tasks.
Cheryl chapter 34 . 7/18
Wow! What is Dumbledore up to? How deeply is he involved in all of this? Nice cliffhanger. Can't wait to read what happens next!
kimjo2 chapter 34 . 7/18
Yikes! Great update. Thanks so much
savedprincess85 chapter 34 . 7/18
That was intense! So good!
c.karen09 chapter 34 . 7/18
I like the changes you made, and I'm anxious for the graveyard. Thanks for writing!
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