Reviews for Lemongrass and Peppermint
celticscorpio chapter 2 . 8/10
I think these are the types of stories that are my favorite, either the same exact story from both perspectives, or even just when they include Draco's perspective periodically. It makes the moments complete.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/28
Butterbeer has NO alcohol!

if granger has told her parents about Draco then she is going to have a lot of explaining to do
applelam145 chapter 2 . 7/24
Loved this
Hellonurse19 chapter 1 . 7/15
I adore this story! I love the telling from both perspectives.
Triniti Shadow chapter 2 . 6/24
Lovely story, we need more of this. Well done with both POV's. I'm married for several years now but I remember well, what it felt like to count the minutes when you could see the other again...sigh. Ty so much for writing this
skyeryder01 chapter 2 . 6/18
Loved this!
I'm A Sucker For Love Stories chapter 2 . 6/15
This is super sweet :)
Immortal Dragon Empress chapter 2 . 4/20
This was a fantastic read! It can usually be very tricky to write the same chain of events from two different perspectives as I think many would find it a bit repetitive but you’ve managed to steer quite clear of that here. I enjoyed reading Hermione’s POV just as much as I did Draco’s. It was so sweet. Thank you for writing this!
Tannyk chapter 2 . 4/13
Amazing. I love your Draco and Hermione. Thank you!
jacster07 chapter 2 . 4/11
Adding dracos view was a great touch! Both sides were great to read.
ILoveHarryPotterForever chapter 2 . 2/26
This is probably the most adorable story I have ever read. Great job!
ScienceMama chapter 2 . 1/27
Love this! I’m SWOONING
Ardentlyadmired chapter 2 . 1/25
I absolutely LOVED seeing this little fic from both their perspectives. Too adorable! Thanks for sharing!
kimbclar chapter 2 . 1/13
Guest chapter 2 . 10/26/2019
This is just so good. I wanted more but at the same i am satisfied with this. Thank you for writing such an amazing story!
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