Reviews for Moment You Loved Her (back)
swathy-moony chapter 1 . 7/23
This was just wowtugged at all my heart strings. You write such powerful and beautiful words. I hope you continue writing in one fashion or another, you are very gifted.
Reira Honjo chapter 1 . 4/8
I sat at work bored as hell but what stopped me from being utterly bored was this story right here. I went through a break up recently and somehow this brought me comfort. "Some things are just worth breaking for" is true, and this story is so beautifully written that I wish there was more.
lady-ymmik chapter 1 . 11/12/2019
I was on the verge of tears through this whole thing. It made my heart feel all the things. Gah. Beautiful.
GemNika chapter 1 . 8/11/2019
Amazing! I love this!
Rosangela Nascimento chapter 1 . 8/3/2019
Linda estória.. Amo KakaSaku chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
omg! I have been wanting to read this forever, but I haven't had time to give it the attention your writing deserves so it kept getting pushed back. So glad a was able to do some beautiful angst today!

I am a sucker for broken, self loathing Kakashi and you delivered!

Thanks for sharing love
Red Reaper88 chapter 1 . 6/23/2019
Love it
Jayuki chapter 1 . 6/18/2019
Beautiful! Heart breaking to read their journey same time makes it even sweeter when they accept and open up to their feelings! Thanks for posting
Hannah chapter 1 . 6/14/2019
I am in a w e! This is so gorgeous! I love reading from Kakashi’s point of view a LOT. He has such a certain way of thinking and it’s written so well! (Even I didn’t suspect Sakura loved him until he found out himself lol!) the last sentences of this fic hits so hard. The analogy for her healing and the visual of him being there for her was so clear and beautiful; I couldn’t have read a better wording. This is one of my new favorites! 3
sayurinomoe chapter 1 . 6/13/2019
Absolutely, amazingly stunning.

It caught me from the first paragraph and held me on my tiptoes 'till the end.
I rarely read angst from you, and it's a gigantic shame since you're so incredibly good with it.

Your story has a very feather-like feeling. It's very introspective and calm. It goes slowly and smoothly until it explodes when Sakura tries to kiss him the first time. It takes you by hand and shows you all the sides of their budding relationship.

It's incredible.

Kakashi freaking out is so IC. I totally see something like this happening, and it'd been immensely sweet and tender.

Really Rama, I don't know what to say. It was so beautifully written and rhythmed there's nothing else e left to say.

It's perfect.

Thanks for sharing this jem with us!

- もえ
MorgannaLeFae chapter 1 . 6/12/2019
Welcome to the highly specific "Kakashi rescues Sakura from the bar and maybe from herself and maybe he does it hoping that in saving her he can save himself" fic writer club. And thank you because I love every single iteration of this dynamic AND THEN YOU WENT AND DID IT SO GOOD!

ALSO! That Sakura did it for Kakashi, trying to keep him from any more harm, because at the heart of them they are so, so painfully similar. I WAS NOT EXPECTING THAT! I SHOUTED! OUT LOUD! BECAUSE OUCH!

I'm just a lot of exclamation points and feelings at this point, really.


happy everyday life chapter 1 . 6/12/2019
This story was amazing!

Taking care of Sakura being a drug was very spot on! It reminded me of an acquaintance who told me the only reason he's living is to take care of his pet dog. Kakashi basically doesn't have any more pillars to stand on, other than "Sakura needs him".

And just when I thought that the whole burden of "taking care" was weighed on Kakashi, I was surprised that it was the other way around!

Their love, codependency, and responsibility is so heavy, stuck together. But I think it is very fitting to them.

Naruto is in Suna? Hope he never comes back.
EmpressNariko chapter 1 . 6/12/2019
Oh wow! That was incredible! The amount of emotion, and vivid imagery you've created is so amazing! The whole story pulled at my heart strings, and I just wanted to cheer for them at the end! So beautiful! I just loved it!
Dobbyhasnomastr chapter 1 . 6/12/2019
Aww I really enjoyed this fic! I love this pairing so much.
Adrift an Open Sky chapter 1 . 6/12/2019
This The concept in itself, the way you describe their movements with such detail, the raw emotions, the honest tumbling of said emotions, the severity and the consequence of the build-up and path taken by these emotions...just wow. That line Sakura said, of her loving him enough to kill so that he wouldn't have to face killing a teammate again...I got chills. The kind that are icy but strangely warm at the same time.
This was beautiful!
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