Reviews for Akame ga Hunt
ChrisMS1 chapter 2 . 8/24
Let me just say this has been one of my favorite fanfictions and authors work to read I've read down a different branch from three years ago and I've come back to read this new adventure pls continue writing if only AGK would of been owned by this individual I would of enjoyed the anime and manga much better but I'll take the fanfiction story.
Zachmark571 chapter 2 . 6/23
Really liking the story so far, and I learned from Act I that I have to keep my mind open and not make hasty assumptions about the direction of the story. There are a few things that worry me though and I hope they are sorted as the story continues:
Why can't Esdeath use time freeze? We saw her use it to immobilize Syura after the fight with Tatsumi which means the cut on her Scar emblem isn't the cause. I hope I'm right at least, since it seemed like she froze time then. (She probably has to kill people to use it, to "fuel her teigu")
I believe majority of the readers would wish to see the main characters showcase their power. Tatsumi getting caught off-guard is fine, but he's supposed to have god-like reaction time and superhuman strength. He's part Tyrant after all. The chenoo should have never been a threat is all I'm saying. Your writing has been top-grade, but the chenoo seemed like nothing but a plot device. It's not bad to paint them as nearly invincible with the 5 billion bounty and all...
Other thing I would like to voice my opinion on is Tatsumi's apparent pacifism.
When he synced with Incursio, it was his resolution to protect people that sealed the deal. I hope the story doesn't make too big of a deal of it. Meaning Tatsumi doesn't just crumble if he kills to protect Esdeath or his teigu side going crazy. The story has already built Tatsumi's character as a battle-hardened warrior of good.
I think Tatsumi should also be a bit more loving, they've been together just the two of them for at least a month now and being under stress is a catalyst for emotional bonding. They must have fornicated like bunnies on the island. No-one goes a month with a person they supposedly love, while also being just the two of them, without making love. He's also 17!

Hope I haven't rambled too much, but your take on AGK is tenfolds better than the anime or manga.
Keep up the amazing content, I have nothing but trust in your skills! Also don't rush it, since one big enough disparity can ruin the flow of the story.
drizma chapter 2 . 6/9
I really like this series, looking forward to more
kat chapter 2 . 5/20
can U please put up the next chapters of (akame ga hunt) I WOULD LIKE TO SEE HOW THEY WOULD GO! PLEASE AND THANK YOU!
Pippynibby chapter 2 . 5/22
Hey! Liking the story so far as well as the fic that preceded this one. Makes up for the poor ass writing the original story had.
SomeRand0m chapter 2 . 5/19
Please update soon. I know you're busy and all, but I really love your stories. I hope that you can release the new chapter soon because of the lockdown. Stay safe.
kaffeenator666 chapter 2 . 3/8
So I have to say, I’m very happy to see this story being continued. I would have been extremely pleasured with simply having a One shot or an epilogue mini series to finish of your (better) version of Akama ga Kill. If I’m honest, I can’t wait to see your updates coming and me reading this whole fanfiction. Also, I will try to give an review to every new chapter. Anyway let’s start:
So its quite interesting to see in what Situation Tatsumi is right now. He got captured, and his relationship with Esdeath seems to be strained or somewhat different then the beginning of this story. A lot could have happened between those two months but we haven’t progressed far enough in the story for me to make any assumptions. Furthermore, the question remains if the whole story is going to be a retailing of what happened, or if it’s just a part of the complete fanfiction. Who knows, at some point Tatsumi might escape his prison and the story may continue from that point on. Also, after the fight between Esdeath, I presumed that Tatsumi wouldn’t have any problems defeating that Body snatcher. I mean yeah I understand that he felt into a trap, but Esdeath does seem to be an incredibly powerful being that could defeat whole armies on her own as well as be fast enough to react extremely fast. I somewhat expected the same from Tatsumi(I might be too inspired by the Manga ending of Alarm ga kill were Esdeath proved herself to be increasingly harder to beat as well as the most valuable asset on the field). So I was somewhat surprised to see Tatsumi being not able to do anything against it, as well as Esdeath being useless, except for doing her Dio move. I may hold them into way too high regard, or simply misjudged their strength, or Tatsumi just believed that Esdeath could handle it if something went wrong and had his guard down. Anyway, Wave seems to be in Herz with a mysterious figure we haven’t met yet and Chelsea seems to have a sister. I completely forgot what happened to her if I’m honest. Well let’s see if she really is and how our two little lovebirds will face through the upcoming chapters. And if we are already on the topic, I love how Tatsumi and Esdeath are bouncing off of each other. Can’t wait to see what cute little moments those two are going to have.
So that’s pretty much it for the first and second chapter, keep up the good work and be blessed by creativity.

nalacristie chapter 2 . 2/10
great story
looking forward to the next chapter
Guest chapter 1 . 1/21
you should make a lemon of tatsumi and esdeath
just to clarify doubts
Guest chapter 2 . 1/6
Amo todas tus historias pero esta historia está entre mis favoritas de todos los tiempos, estaba un poco deprimido cuando vi que ya no la continuabas pero me alegro mucho que hayas vuelto, gracias por tu increíble historia!
Cainabel202 chapter 2 . 12/29/2019
I really, really love that fanifc. It's probably one of the 3 best out there on Akame ga Kill.

I'll be waiting for the next chapter !

Thanks for the good work D
Imperial warlord chapter 2 . 12/9/2019
Awesome chapter.
TheCzechLAMA chapter 2 . 12/8/2019
Update? Surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.
This is my favorite story, a can't wait for another chapter.
AkameGaKillGuy chapter 2 . 12/7/2019
Always good to see a good writer come back and liking the story so far so can't wait for more.
Also noticed some changes to characters like as champa so thats neat and all. Can't wait for the next chapter see you then
Ghost iv chapter 2 . 12/7/2019
so good
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