Reviews for Empty
hellomynameisv chapter 1 . 6/11
*cries in a corner* This was beautiful. My heart!
AsketronNidavellir8 chapter 1 . 6/3
Weep weep cry "Oh, this is so lovely, Lodestar" cry cry cryyy "So happy for Loki" sob weep cry moan "OMG poor kid" boohooohooo "I broke down twice at least, well done" cry weep sob sob "once again you twist my heartstrings easily as a garden hose. Bravo! I totally get the freaky pleasure of torturing your character. I want to make Thanos die in many very nasty ways. Well done, well done!" Cryyyyyy
Pegasusforlife chapter 1 . 12/30/2019
This is a beautiful story! Throughout the story I felt it come alive and feel the emotions of each person you wrote about. You are an amazing writer (I wish I shared your talent to write as you do) please never stop writing!
EiswolfZero chapter 1 . 10/11/2019
I really don't have words to express what this Story did
it's so painful and calm and I'm just so glad they arrived at the end together!
Natalie Rushman chapter 1 . 8/22/2019
Oh wow...What a story! I love the way you jerked it back and forth. One minute I was sure everything would be okay, and the next I was certain I was reading a tragedy. Brunhilde is an amazing character in this. There are so many little moments that were just so good! Loki's first words asking about Thor...Loki apologizing...Thor losing his temper with him...the phone call with Nat X) You did a really wonderful job illustrating how hard this kind of situation has to be - both for the victim and the people who love them. Really nice job.

That last scene was perfect X) I'm so happy for them!
azureLuna11 chapter 1 . 7/26/2019
Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh where the heck do I even start...? I am so so so sorry it took me weeks to finally review ( I've been busy with a lot of family stuff lately *sighs* Anyways back me actually reviewing!
. .SENTENCE 3000 This story is brilliant, astonishing, gut-wrenching, chilling, (I was a little confused at the beginning but as soon as I realized that it was set before the first Avengers I lost it ('and Loki didn't care how many times Ebony Maw insists to him that Thor threw him from the Bifrost and Odin applauded him on' I felt stunned and disgusted when I read that)) and holyyyy crap when Thor hugged Loki...that moment was so raw and beautiful, you could feel their agony :'( ( random but btw I love torturing Loki too xd) loved the little conversation Thor had with Nat (I miss herrrrrrr ugh)
Thank you 3000 for writing down this masterpiece (that probably sounded weird sorry Lol) I think my favorite part was what Loki said at the end, "Growing, it's growing like I am. Like we all are. It's alive". I teared up a little, *kneels gratefully* bless you for giving my poor brothers the happy ending they deserve *thumbs up*
Specks10 chapter 1 . 6/30/2019
You are a wonderful writer! I am not ashamed to admit that this story moved me to tears by the end. Loki's constant and continuous struggle, his longing for food, for good health, for acceptance and worthiness, all felt so real. Loki's pain and Thor's pain! Loki and Thor's love for each other and their loyalty to each other and Asgard... You've captured it all so brilliantly! And the end! Ugh, beautiful!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
Poor Loki! I love the way you write Thor and Loki!
A Wise Owl chapter 1 . 6/22/2019
This is seriously impressive. One shot of almost twenty thousand! I am very fond of the way you write and I must say that for me, this story is quite the perfect balance of explicit but at the same type still relative tame narration and visualisation of Loki's suffering (am I making any sense? :D) So, in a nutshell, for me this is excellent writing, fantastic characterisation (Loki is very strong in this but at the same time, when he snaps and says why he is not eating, it is so desperate and honest, very much true to Loki in the films), and wonderful continuation from Infinity War! Looking forward to your next story :)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/19/2019
I love this! Your stories are always so good, you are a gifted writer! I always look forward to each thing you post, thank you for all the amazing stories!
upwiththebirds33 chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
this is so amazing i don’t know where to start. you write with so much emotion and your descriptions are incredibly well done, i could easily visualize what was going on in each scene. loki is my favorite marvel character and i love all the development you’ve written in this story, and the hopeful tone at the end is such a beautiful conclusion to a marvel-ous (haha) fic. again, amazing job! :)
Death Fury chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
excellent job!
Spideyfangirl123 chapter 1 . 6/20/2019
aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww ! so brotherly! :)
Loki-God-Of-Kittens chapter 1 . 6/19/2019
I absolutely loved it. I have always been a huge fan of Loki Whump and you always amaze me. I have been reading your Loki one shots for a while now and I was wondering if you took requests from readers? I have been looking for a good Loki one shot involving Self Harm. Cutting per say. Im not sure if you write stuff like that but I would love it. If not thats okay. Either way I love this one shot. The way you described eating disorders was spot on. And I liked how he didnt recover right away . There are many Fanfictions where they recover right away and thats just not reality. I love what you did here. Absolutely Amazing.